Xpeng G6: Ceann-latha fuasglaidh, prìs agus a h-uile càil a dh’ fheumas tu a bhith agad mun 2025 EV

Xpeng G6: Ceann-latha fuasglaidh, prìs agus a h-uile càil a dh’ fheumas tu a bhith agad mun 2025 EV

Is dòcha nach cuala tu mu Xpeng, ach ann an 2025 tha dùil gun atharraich sin, leis gu bheil an neach-dèanaidh chàraichean Sìneach deich bliadhna a dh’aois an dùil còig modalan de chàr dealain a thoirt don RA.

Ri fhaighinn mu thràth ann an Astràilia, Hong Kong agus Singapore – a bharrachd air dùthchannan Eòrpach, a ’toirt a-steach Nirribhidh agus an Òlaind – tha Xpeng na chompanaidh deich bliadhna a dh’ aois stèidhichte ann an Guangzhou, Sìona. Tha e an-dràsta a’ toirt a-mach seachd carbadan eadar-dhealaichte agus tha iad an dùil an G6 a thoirt don RA sa Mhàrt, agus is dòcha ceithir modalan eile às deidh sin thairis air na trì bliadhna a tha romhainn.

Co-fharpaiseach don fheadhainn air a bheil fèill mhòr Modail Tesla Ytha an Xpeng G6 na crossover dealain meadhanach mòr làn de theicneòlas. Leugh air adhart gus ionnsachadh a h-uile dad a tha fios againn gu ruige search engine optimization mun Xpeng G6; thèid an artaigil search engine optimization ùrachadh mar a thig barrachd fiosrachaidh mu leudachadh na companaidh Sìneach san RA am follais.

Ceann-latha fuasglaidh Xpeng G6 UK

Tha càraichean Xpeng mu thràth gan reic ann an grunn dhùthchannan Eòrpach, nam measg an Danmhairg, an t-Suain, a’ Bheilg, a ’Ghearmailt, an Fhraing, an Spàinn agus Innis Tìle, am measg feadhainn eile. Dhaingnich a’ chompanaidh san Dùbhlachd 2024 gu bheil Xpeng an dùil a dhol a-steach do mhargaidh na RA tràth ann an 2025, agus gun ruig càraichean ann an àm airson an truinnsear clàraidh ùr 25 sa Mhàrt.

Tha Xpeng (a tha air fhuaimneachadh ex-peng) ag ràdh gu bheil e Tesla roghainn eile a thoirt a-steach le Worldwide Motors (IM Group), a tha cuideachd a’ reic chàraichean le Subaru, Isuzu agus GWM (Nice Wall Motors), companaidh chàraichean Sìneach eile. Stiùiriche-stiùiridh Buidheann IM Uilleam Brown air a mhìneachadh gu An Neo-eisimeileach san Dùbhlachd mar “Is e am plana gun cuir sinn air bhog a’ chiad mhodail sa Mhàrt an ath-bhliadhna, is e sin an G6. ”

Aig deireadh na Dùbhlachd, tha làrach-lìn RA aig Xpeng ag obair, le ìomhaighean de chàraichean air an làimh dheis, ach gun iomradh air ceann-latha fuasglaidh sònraichte airson na RA.

Prìs Xpeng G6

Cuideachd a dhìth bho làrach-lìn Xpeng UK tha prìs airson an G6. Bidh prìsean ag atharrachadh beagan thairis air margaidhean Eòrpach, ach mar eisimpleir tha an G6 a’ cosg € 43,000 san Òlaind, a tha timcheall air £ 35,700 aig àm sgrìobhaidh. Gu deatamach, tha sin ga fhàgail € 2,990 (£ 2,500) nas saoire na an Tesla Mannequin Y. Bidh ùidh againn faicinn a bheil an Xpeng G6 cuideachd a’ toirt a-steach an Tesla as fheàrr a reic san RA cuideachd.

A’ bruidhinn ri An Neo-eisimeileach san Dùbhlachd, dh’aithnich am Brùnach am prìomh eadar-dhealachadh prìse search engine optimization. “Anns an Roinn Eòrpa [Xpeng has] aig prìs eadar còig is ochd sa cheud nas ìsle na an Tesla Mannequin Y. Thuirt Brown cuideachd mar a bhiodh Xpeng a’ tabhann an dà chuid dreachan àbhaisteach agus fad-raon den G6. Thèid na càraichean sin a reic tro 20 àite ann an lìonra luchd-reic Bhreatainn aig IM Group.

Tha an taobh a-staigh Xpeng G6 air a dheagh dhèanamh agus tha sgàileanan taisbeanaidh 15-òirleach agus 10-òirlich ann

Tha an taobh a-staigh Xpeng G6 air a dheagh dhèanamh agus tha sgàileanan taisbeanaidh 15-òirleach agus 10-òirlich ann (Steve Fowler)

Sònrachadh Xpeng G6

Tha làrach-lìn Xpeng san RA ag innse mar a thèid trì dreachan den G6 a reic an search engine optimization. Canar iad sin Raon Coitcheann RWD, Raon Fada RWD agus Coileanadh AWD.

Coltach ri mòran chàraichean dealain eile, tha search engine optimization a’ ciallachadh gum bi loidhne-loidhne G6 a’ toirt a-steach càr aon-motair, cuibhle cùil le bataraidh àbhaisteach, an uairsin an aon chàr ach le bataraidh nas motha, agus draibhear dà-motair, uile-cuibhle. càr le barrachd cumhachd agus am bataraidh nas motha.

Tha toraidhean cumhachd aig na trì modailean de 258, 286 agus 476 PS, agus ùine 0-62 msu de 6.6 diogan, 6.2 diogan agus 4.1 diogan, fa leth. Tha astar as àirde aca uile de 124 msu. Is e an raon airson na trì modalan 270 mìle airson a’ chàr àbhaisteach, 354 mìle airson an caochladh fad-raon, agus 341 mìle airson a’ mhodail AWD Efficiency nas cumhachdaiche.

Bidh a h-uile modal de G6 a’ cleachdadh siostam dealain 800-bholta (an àite na 400-volts a bhios Tesla agus a’ mhòr-chuid de EVan eile a’ cleachdadh aig an raon prìsean search engine optimization). Bidh search engine optimization gu tric a’ fosgladh a’ chomas airson astaran cosgais ultra-luath, ach tha an ìre inntrigidh G6 cuingealaichte ri 215 kW, agus tha an dà mhodail eile a’ tabhann ìre cosgais as àirde de 280 kW nas drùidhtiche.

Tha an Xpeng G6 a’ tomhas 4,753 x 1,920 x 1,650 mm agus tha bonn a’ chuibhle 2,890 mm. Tha cuideam 2,025 kg ann (no 2,210 kg airson Coileanadh AWD) agus tha còig seataichean ann.

Taobh a-staigh, tha taisbeanadh touchscreen meadhanach 15-òirleach aig an G6 airson an t-siostam infotainment, a bharrachd air draibhear draibhear 10.2-òirleach agus paidhir de chargairean fòn gun uèir 50-watt air consol an ionaid. Bidh na taisbeanaidhean didseatach a’ ruith siostam-obrachaidh Xmart fhèin aig Xpeng agus teicneòlas taic draibhearan XPILOT.

Bidh a h-uile modal de Xpeng G6 a ’tighinn le cuibhlichean 20-òirleach, mullach glainne farsaing, suidheachain teasachaidh (agus tha an fheadhainn aghaidh cuideachd air am fionnarachadh), a bharrachd air siostam fuaim 960-watt le luchd-labhairt 18.

Thathas an dùil gun gearraich an Xpeng G6 an Tesla Model Y timcheall air £2,500

Thathas an dùil gun gearraich an Xpeng G6 an Tesla Mannequin Y timcheall air £2,500 (Xpeng)

Xpeng G6 na fathannan as ùire

Leis a’ chàr mu thràth ga reic ann an diofar dhùthchannan, agus ri thighinn air tìr san RA anns na mìosan a tha romhainn, chan eil fathannan ùra ri aithris.

Ach, bidh ùidh againn faicinn a bheil sònrachadh G6 na RA eadar-dhealaichte idir bho mhargaidhean eile, agus gu dearbh tha sinn airson a’ phrìs ionnsachadh. Dìreach dè an ìre a bhios Xpeng a’ coimhead ri bhith a’ gearradh sìos air an Tesla Mannequin Y, a tha an-dràsta aig £ 46,990? Bu chòir dhuinn faighinn a-mach ron Mhàrt.

#Xpeng #Ceannlatha #fuasglaidh #prìs #agus #huile #càil #fheumas #bhith #agad #mun

The Impartial

#Xpeng #Ceannlatha #fuasglaidh #prìs #agus #huile #càil #fheumas #bhith #agad #mun

Alistair Charlton , 2024-12-24 16:00:00

China’s Xpeng G6 Tesla Mannequin Y rival set to reach within the UK for March 25-plate

Chinese language automobile maker Xpeng has confirmed its entry into the UK market. Xpeng’s first automobiles will go on sale in time for the brand new 25 registration plate in March subsequent 12 months.

Based in 2014, Xpeng is led by the charismatic CEO He Xiaopeng. The model is being imported by Worldwide Motors (IM Group), which additionally sells Subaru, Isuzu and fellow Chinese language model GWM (Nice Wall Motors) by its UK vendor community.

Talking completely to The Unbiased, IM Group managing director William Brown stated “the plan is that we’ll launch the primary mannequin in March subsequent 12 months, which is the G6.”

The Xpeng G7 features a practical 571 litre boot

The Xpeng G7 includes a sensible 571 litre boot (Steve Fowler)

The G6, a crossover rival to the Tesla Mannequin Y, is already on sale in Europe and options a sophisticated 800V platform for quick charging, 66kWh or 87.5kWh batteries for a most vary of 354 miles, a 15-inch infotainment and 10-inch driver show, Xpeng’s superior driver help techniques and a excessive stage of normal package.

We drove the Xpeng G6 as a part of the judging course of for German Automobile of the 12 months again in June 2023, coming away impressed by the thoughtfulness and high quality of the inside, the easy-to-drive nature of the electrical powertrain, the consolation of the journey high quality and the area on provide – particularly the large 571 litre boot. We described it as ‘like a Tesla Mannequin Y with the advantage of hindsight’.

We drove the Xpeng G6 and described it as ‘like a Tesla Model Y with the benefit of hindsight’

We drove the Xpeng G6 and described it as ‘like a Tesla Mannequin Y with the advantage of hindsight’ (Steve Fowler)

“The G6 would be the first mannequin we launch after which we’re working with them to probably launch the X9, which is their flagship MPV,” stated Brown. “It’s at present solely on sale in China in the intervening time, however they’re doing a right-hand drive model. It’s early days, however we want to convey that to market if doable, so that can doubtless be the top of subsequent 12 months.”

That may solely be the beginning, Brown revealed. “In complete we may have 5 fashions throughout the subsequent three years. So the subsequent one on the desk after the X9 might be the G9. The G9 is already on sale in Europe as left hand drive. It’s an enormous saloon.

“[Xpeng] is planning a reasonably main replace to that automobile, and at the moment they’ll make it right into a proper hand drive by-product. In order that needs to be out there sooner or later in 2026. Transferring ahead from there, there’s probably discuss of one other mannequin in 2026, which I haven’t acquired the small print of but, then an additional mannequin in 2027. I feel they’ll be SUVs or crossovers.”

The Xpeng G9 is described as “the starship of tomorrow”

The Xpeng G9 is described as “the starship of tomorrow” (Xpeng)

Xpeng describes the X9 as “the starship of tomorrow” and Brown desires to recategorise it as one thing aside from an MPV. “The X9 is extra of a cross between an MPV and an SUV,” he says. “It’s a seven seater, but it surely’s acquired a extremely ingenious seat system within the again. It’s both a four-seater or a seven-seater and it’s acquired these very luxurious seats; two seats within the again with a therapeutic massage characteristic and the whole lot.”

The Xpeng X9 has absolutely autonomous performance in China, which Brown skilled. “I used to be within the X9 final week in China and I didn’t drive it, the automobile drove me. It was unimaginable. I’ve by no means been in a completely autonomous automobile.

“I got here out of the pinnacle workplace and acquired within the automobile, there was a lady subsequent to me and she or he stated we had been going to do a loop again to the workplace. She put the navigation in, the automobile drove itself out onto the street and navigated the visitors all by itself. She didn’t have her toes on the accelerator or the brake. She had her palms flippantly on the steering wheel as required, however the automobile moved itself, indicating when wanted and even safely crossing three lanes of visitors.

“We got here to a decent nook and the automobile slowed down. I requested why the automobile was slowing and was instructed that the X9 was taking a look at different automobiles round it and anticipating that they had been going to tug out, so it slows its velocity down. It was doing the identical with cyclists.”

Xpeng sells the self-driving know-how in its automobiles, as Brown defined. “Xpeng has acquired a extremely clear story. It’s a know-how firm that builds automobiles. It’s not a automobile firm that integrates know-how.

The Xpeng G6 interior is well made and features 15in infotainment and 10in driver display screens

The Xpeng G6 inside is properly made and options 15in infotainment and 10in driver show screens (Steve Fowler)

“The know-how is the factor that they give attention to most and the automobile is constructed across the know-how. In the event you’ve acquired a automobile and also you’ve acquired a battery in an EV, you may have a extremely nice automobile, however except the pc system or the administration system linking the 2 collectively works very well, issues begin to fall down. However as a result of Xpeng is a technology-first firm, it’s one of many few EVs that you just get into and the whole lot works like an EV ought to.

“The vary is just about what it says when it comes to WLTP, it’s sooner to cost, it’s acquired a superb vary. All of the techniques are intuitive. The automobile is on an 800V platform with 280kW quick charging speeds too, so it is going to go from 10 to 80 per cent cost in lower than 20 minutes.”

The Xpeng G6 features fast charging to get from 10 to 80 per cent in under 20 minutes

The Xpeng G6 options quick charging to get from 10 to 80 per cent in beneath 20 minutes (Steve Fowler)

On worth, we’d count on the Xpeng G6 to be within the area of £40,000 to £45,000. “In Europe they’ve priced it at 5 to eight per cent decrease than a Tesla Mannequin Y,” stated Brown, “And we’ll have a normal vary and a long-range mannequin.”

Xpeng automobiles might be on sale by a number of round 20 of IM Group’s established retailer community. “We’ll have a blended strategy,” says Brown. “We’ll have conventional sellers which might be very a lot retail targeted. We’ll even have sellers which might be extra used to promoting by fleets, so leasing greater finish merchandise on a month-to-month cost. We’ll be way more targeted on the web journey.”

Brown is clearly more than happy that IM Group has secured the rights to promoting Xpeng within the UK, which is already gathering fairly a following throughout the remainder of Europe. “We really feel privileged to have the chance to signify Xpeng,” he stated. “Though the entire trade is coping with EVs in the intervening time, promoting them continues to be an enormous problem. I feel Xpeng is trying on the trajectory of the EV market.

“What are the manufacturers you’d wish to have in 2030? Xpeng might be up there on the prime, as a result of it’s the place the know-how’s going. We’re actually excited that come 2030, that is going to be one of many manufacturers that everyone might be speaking about. It’s going to be fairly disruptive.”

#Chinas #Xpeng #Tesla #Mannequin #rival #set #arrive #March #25plate

The Unbiased

#Chinas #Xpeng #Tesla #Mannequin #rival #set #arrive #March #25plate

Steve Fowler , 2024-12-11 10:33:00