Cogadh Ucràin-Ruis as ùire: Feachdan Putin a’ glacadh baile Donetsk mar ochdnar air an leòn ann an ionnsaigh drone

Cogadh Ucràin-Ruis as ùire: Feachdan Putin a’ glacadh baile Donetsk mar ochdnar air an leòn ann an ionnsaigh drone

Tha Zelensky ag ràdh gum faodadh an Ugràin crìoch a chuir air fearann ​​​​airson ùine mar mhalairt air ballrachd NATO

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Massive Tech, tha The Impartial air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd a bhruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Impartial. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

Tha feachdan Putin air baile Kostiantynopolske a ghlacadh ann an sgìre Donetsk air taobh an ear na h-Ugràin, dìreach sia mìle bho bhaile-mòr Kurakhove, a tha iad air stoirm agus a tha a’ bagairt a chuairteachadh.

An Ruis cuideachd chuir 113 drones thar oidhche air bhog a-steach don Úcráin, a’ leòn ochdnar dìreach uairean às deidh co-dhiù aon neach a mharbhadh ann am prìomh bhaile Kyiv ann an ionnsaigh urchraichean.

A rèir Feachd Adhair na h-Ucrain, chaidh 57 drones a losgadh sìos rè na h-ionnsaighean fhad ‘s a chaidh 56 drones eile a“ chall ”, is dòcha gun deach an cur gu dealanach.

Air Dihaoine, bhuail urchraichean Kyiv timcheall air 7m àm ionadail, fhad ‘s a chaidh togalach àrd a mhilleadh gu dona. Chaidh Eaglais an Naoimh Nicholas sa phrìomh bhaile a mhilleadh cuideachd.

Aig an aon àm, ceann-suidhe na Ruis Vladimir Putin air a ràdh gum bu chòir dha a bhith air ionnsaigh a thoirt air an Úcráin na bu thràithe oir chleachd e co-labhairt naidheachd deireadh-bliadhna gus dùblachadh a cho-dhùnadh an cogadh a thòiseachadh.

A dh’ aindeoin a’ chìs a thug a chogadh air ionmhas na Ruis agus air beatha a fir òga, thuirt Putin gu bheil a bhith a’ cur saighdearan a-steach don Úcráin ann an 2022 air cumhachd armachd is eaconamach na dùthcha aige a bhrosnachadh.

Bidh dithis neach-naidheachd AP san Úcráin agus san Ear Mheadhanach a’ briseadh sìos na cogaidhean a chòmhdaich iad ann an 2024

Airson an t-saoghail, bha 2024 air a chuairteachadh le – agus ann an cuid de dhòighean air a mhìneachadh le – còmhstri air dà thaobh.

Na ripples às deidh na bliadhna roimhe Hamas ionnsaighean a-steach Iosrael clì Gàsa crith-thalmhainn agus na deichean mhìltean marbh, agus tha còmhstri faisg air làimh eadar Israel agus Hezbollah a’ cluich a-mach air feadh cruth-tìre Lebanon mar a thig a’ bhliadhna gu crìch.

Mòr-thìr air falbh, an Ruis-Ugrain cogadh, a thòisich le ionnsaigh na Ruis tràth ann an 2022, a ’dol air adhart agus a’ fàs, a ’tagradh barrachd leòintich mar a thèid e air adhart.

Leugh an artaigil slàn an website positioning:

Holly Evans22 Dùbhlachd, 2024 07:00

Bidh Moscow a’ cur 113 drones a-steach don Úcráin

Chuir Moscow 113 drones a-steach don Úcráin thar oidhche gu Disathairne, thuirt oifigearan Ucràin. A rèir Feachd Adhair na h-Ucrain, chaidh 57 drones a losgadh sìos rè na h-ionnsaighean.

Chaidh 56 drones eile a “chall,” is dòcha gun deach an cur gu dealanach.

Thuirt riaghladair sgìre Kharkiv san Úcráin, Oleh Syniehubov, gun deach ochdnar a leòn oidhche Haoine ann an ionnsaighean drone air prìomh-bhaile na sgìre, ris an canar cuideachd Kharkiv.

Ann am baile-mòr Zaporizhzhia, chaidh ceathrar a leòn nuair a chaidh togalach còmhnaidh naoi-sgeulachd a mhilleadh le bhith a’ tuiteam sprùilleach drone oidhche Haoine, thuirt an Gov roinneil Ivan Fedorov.

Stuti Mishra22 Dùbhlachd, 2024 06:00

Tha coltas gu bheil an aon bhlàr Ceann-suidhe Zelensky deiseil airson buannachadh

Chan eil cho fada air ais, bha adhbhar air choireigin aig Vladimir Putin, ath-choinneachadh Iòsaph Stalin, a bhith riaraichte. Fìor, a chuid “obair armachd sònraichte” mì-chliùiteach san Úcráin air fàiligeadh gu h-iongantach anns a’ chiad amas ainmichte aige an dùthaich a thoirt a-steach don Ruis Mhòr, strì an aghaidh a’ tuiteam a rèir coltais ann an làithean, le Volodymyr Zelensky air falbh gu fògradh.

Ach, tha ro-innleachd “meat-grinder” an Kremlin air a bhith soirbheachail ann a bhith a’ gabhail thairis timcheall air trian de na bha air fhàgail de Sgìre Ucràineach às deidh ionnsaigh 2014. Bha saighdearan Ruiseanach a’ tighinn air adhart, ged a bha sin aig astar eigheachail agus an cosgais drabasta ann am beatha dhaoine.

Bha na h-ionnsaighean air sìobhaltaich, dachaighean agus bun-structar lùtha a’ cuideachadh le bhith a’ càineadh agus a’ cuir às do na h-Ucràinich, cho gaisgeil ‘s a bha iad. Chaidh mu 40,000 saighdear ùr a ghealltainn le Corea a-Tuath – Sgiobaidhean elite Kim Jong Un, a rèir aithisgean. Bha Mgr Kim agus càirdean eile na Ruis anns an Ear Mheadhanach a’ cuideachadh le bhith a’ cur an aghaidh smachd-bhannan; agus bha na h-Ioranaich agus na Sirianaich (agus, gu ìre nas lugha, na Houthis, Hezbollah agus Hamas) a’ roinn clàr-gnothaich na Ruis.

Tha coltas gu bheil an aon bhlàr Ceann-suidhe Zelensky deiseil airson buannachadh

Airson na duilgheadasan a rinn an Ruis o chionn ghoirid, tha e a’ sìor fhàs eu-coltach gum bi e comasach don Ugràin feachdan ionnsaigh a phutadh air ais gu suidheachadh na crìche nuair a thòisich an nàimhdeas an-toiseach – ach dh’ fhaodadh e fhathast toirt air Vladimir Putin a-steach gu sìth barganachaidh a dhèanadh cinnteach gum biodh barrachd tèarainteachd ann don Roinn Eòrpa.

Holly Evans22 Dùbhlachd, 2024 05:00

Bidh drones Ucràineach a’ bualadh domhainn taobh a-staigh fearann ​​na Ruis

Thug an Úcráin an cogadh gu cridhe na Ruis madainn Disathairne le ionnsaighean drone a thuirt ùghdarrasan ionadail a rinn milleadh air togalaichean còmhnaidh ann am baile-mòr Kazan ann an sgìre Tatarstan, còrr air 600 mìle (1,000 cilemeatair) bhon loidhne aghaidh.

Thuirt seirbheis naidheachd riaghladair Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, gun tug ochd drones ionnsaigh air a’ bhaile. Bhuail sia togalaichean còmhnaidh, bhuail aon dhiubh goireas gnìomhachais agus chaidh aon eile a losgadh sìos air abhainn, thuirt an aithris.

Tha bhidio a chaidh a phostadh air an t-sianal naidheachdan Telegram ionadail Astra a ’sealltainn drone ag itealaich a-steach do ùrlaran àrda togalach àrd.

Tha na h-ionnsaighean, nach do dh’ aidich an Úcráin a rèir a phoileasaidh tèarainteachd, a’ tighinn às deidh ionnsaigh Ucràineach Dihaoine air baile ann an sgìre chrìochan Kursk san Ruis a’ cleachdadh urchraichean a fhuair na SA a mharbhadh sianar, leanabh nam measg.

Stuti Mishra22 Dùbhlachd, 2024 04:11

Tha Zelensky ag aideachadh nach eil neart armachd aig an Úcráin gus sgìrean caillte fhaighinn air ais bhon Ruis

Ugrain chan eil comas an airm aige na sgìrean air fad anns a bheil iad a ghabhail air ais An Ruis bho 2014, ceann-suidhe Volodymyr Zelensky air aideachadh, agus e a’ cur ìmpidh air an Iar ceumannan nas làidire a ghabhail gus aghaidh a thoirt air Moscow.

“Gu laghail, chan urrainn dhuinn ar sgìrean a leigeil seachad. Tha website positioning air a thoirmeasg leis a’ bhun-reachd, ”thuirt ceann-suidhe na h-Ucrain. “Ach na cleachd sinn faclan cho mòr. Tha an Ruis dha-rìribh a’ cumail smachd air pàirt den fhearann ​​​​againn an-diugh. ”

Leugh an artaigil slàn an website positioning:

Holly Evans22 Dùbhlachd, 2024 03:00

Tha an Riaghaltas a’ càineadh ‘cunnart gangster’ na Ruis an aghaidh luchd-naidheachd an Occasions

Tha an Riaghaltas air “reul-eòlas eu-dòchasach” Moscow a chàineadh às deidh àrd-chaidreachas de Vladimir Putin bagairt air pàipear-naidheachd The Occasions mun chraoladh aige mu mhurt a Ruiseanach coitcheann.

Dmitry Medvedevseann cheann-suidhe na Ruis agus leas-chathraiche na comhairle tèarainteachd an-dràsta, gu robh luchd-naidheachd aig an Occasions nan “targaidean armachd dligheach” agus gum bu chòir dhaibh “a bhith faiceallach” mar “tha dad a’ dol ann an Lunnainn ”.

Thàinig na beachdan aige às deidh deasachadh Occasions anns an tug am pàipear-naidheachd cunntas air murt an Leifteanant Seanalair Igor Kirillov mar “ghnìomh dìon dligheach” leis an Úcráin, a tha air uallach airson a’ mhurt fhaighinn.

Leugh an artaigil slàn an website positioning:

Holly Evans22 Dùbhlachd, 2024 01:00

Tha neach-dùbhlain na Ruis ag ràdh gu robh eagal mu phuinnseanachadh a mhàthar ann am Berlin meallta

Holly Evans21 an Dùbhlachd 2024 23:00

Rabhadh gum faod Corea a Tuath urchraichean ballistic a thoirt gu buil airson an Ruis ‘ann am mìosan’

Thuirt Jonah Leff ri Comhairle Tèarainteachd na DA gun do rinn luchd-rannsachaidh air an talamh sgrùdadh air na tha air fhàgail de cheithir urchraichean à Corea a Tuath a chaidh fhaighinn air ais san Úcráin san Iuchar agus san Lùnastal, a ’toirt a-steach concern air an robh comharran a’ nochdadh gun deach a thoirt a-mach ann an 2024.

“Is e website positioning a’ chiad fhianais phoblach mu urchraichean a chaidh a thoirt a-mach ann an Korea a-Tuath agus an uairsin a chleachdadh san Úcráin taobh a-staigh beagan mhìosan, chan e bliadhnaichean, ”thuirt e.

Leugh an artaigil slàn an website positioning:

Holly Evans21 an Dùbhlachd 2024 22:00

RA ag ainmeachadh maoineachadh ùr airson an Úcráin ann an suidheachadh ‘èiginneach’

Tha an RA air pasgan taic ùr luach £225m a ghealltainn dha Ugrain an dèidh an Rùnaire an Dìon thuirt e gu bheil suidheachadh na dùthcha “deatamach”.

Air turas gu Kiev, Iain Healey Thuirt e gun dèan an RA “ceum suas” air ceannas eadar-nàiseanta air an Úcráin ann an 2025, às deidh a’ Phrìomhaire Sir Keir Starmer ìmpidh air caidreabhaich an taic a chumail.

Tha am pasgan a chaidh ainmeachadh Diardaoin a’ toirt a-steach £ 186 millean airson uidheamachd armachd tron ​​​​Mhaoin Eadar-nàiseanta airson an Úcráin, a’ toirt a-steach £ 92 millean airson cabhlach na h-Ucrain agus £ 68 millean airson uidheamachd dìon adhair.

Leugh an artaigil slàn an website positioning:

Holly Evans21 an Dùbhlachd 2024 21:00

Tha ionnsaigh urchraichean Ucràineach a’ cur dragh air lìonra gasoline na Ruis

Tha ionnsaigh urchraichean na h-Ucrain ann an Kursk air dragh a chuir air lìonraidhean teasachaidh is gasoline, sgrìobh riaghladair na sgìre Alexander Khinshtein air Telegram.

Chuir an ionnsaigh a mharbh sianar, leanabh nam measg, dragh cuideachd air an obair a bha a’ dol air adhart gus photo voltaic a thoirt air ais gu còrr air 80 taigh-còmhnaidh.

Chuir Mgr Khinshtein às leth Kyiv gun robh e a’ beachdachadh air a bhith ag amas air sìobhaltaich san stailc.

Holly Evans21 an Dùbhlachd 2024 20:00

#Cogadh #UcràinRuis #ùire #Feachdan #Putin #glacadh #baile #Donetsk #mar #ochdnar #air #leòn #ann #ionnsaigh #drone

The Impartial

#Cogadh #UcràinRuis #ùire #Feachdan #Putin #glacadh #baile #Donetsk #mar #ochdnar #air #leòn #ann #ionnsaigh #drone

Tom Watling and Stuti Mishra , 2024-12-22 07:29:00

Bidh an Úcráin a’ bualadh ann an cridhe na Ruis le ionnsaigh drone 1,000km seachad air an loidhne aghaidh

Bidh an Úcráin a’ bualadh ann an cridhe na Ruis le ionnsaigh drone 1,000km seachad air an loidhne aghaidh

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Massive Tech, tha The Unbiased air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd gus bruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Unbiased. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachdan càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às an aithris is mion-sgrùdadh againn le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

Thug an Úcráin an cogadh gu cridhe na Ruis madainn Disathairne le ionnsaighean drone a thuirt ùghdarrasan ionadail a rinn milleadh air togalaichean còmhnaidh ann am baile-mòr Kazan ann an sgìre Tatarstan, còrr air 600 mìle (1,000 cilemeatair) bhon loidhne aghaidh.

Thuirt seirbheis naidheachd riaghladair Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, gun tug ochd drones ionnsaigh air a’ bhaile. Bhuail sia togalaichean còmhnaidh, bhuail aon dhiubh goireas gnìomhachais agus chaidh aon eile a losgadh sìos air abhainn, thuirt an aithris.

Bhidio air a phostadh air ionadail Teileagram sianal naidheachdan Astra, air a dhearbhadh leis The Related Press, a’ sealltainn drone ag itealaich a-steach do ùrlaran àrda togalach àrd.

Thuirt ùghdarrasan ionadail nach robh leòintich ann. Chaidh stad a chuir air tursan-adhair aig port-adhair Kazan agus chaidh a h-uile cruinneachadh mòr a chuir dheth Disathairne agus Didòmhnaich.

Tha na h-ionnsaighean, nach do dh’ aithnich an Úcráin a rèir a phoileasaidh tèarainteachd, a’ tighinn às deidh ionnsaigh Ucràineach air baile-mòr san Ruis Dihaoine. Kursk mharbh sgìre na crìche a’ cleachdadh urchraichean a fhuair na SA sianar, leanabh nam measg.

Chuir Moscow 113 drones a-steach don Úcráin thar oidhche gu Disathairne, thuirt oifigearan Ucràin. A rèir an Úcráin Feachd an AdhairChaidh 57 drones a losgadh sìos rè na h-ionnsaighean. Chaidh 56 drones eile a “chall,” is dòcha gun deach an cur gu dealanach.

Riaghladair na h-Ucrain Kharkiv sgìre, Oleh Syniehubov, gun deach ochdnar a leòn oidhche Haoine ann an ionnsaighean drone air a’ phrìomh-bhaile roinneil, ris an canar cuideachd Kharkiv.

#Bidh #Úcráin #bualadh #ann #cridhe #Ruis #ionnsaigh #drone #1000km #seachad #air #loidhne #aghaidh

The Unbiased

#Bidh #Úcráin #bualadh #ann #cridhe #Ruis #ionnsaigh #drone #1000km #seachad #air #loidhne #aghaidh

By way of AP information wire , 2024-12-21 12:32:00

Bidh an Úcráin a’ bualadh ann an cridhe na Ruis le ionnsaigh drone 1,000km seachad air an loidhne aghaidh

Ukraine strikes in coronary heart of Russia with drone assault 1,000km past frontline

Your assist helps us to inform the story

From reproductive rights to local weather change to Huge Tech, The Impartial is on the bottom when the story is creating. Whether or not it is investigating the financials of Elon Musk’s pro-Trump PAC or producing our newest documentary, ‘The A Phrase’, which shines a lightweight on the American ladies preventing for reproductive rights, we all know how vital it’s to parse out the info from the messaging.

At such a important second in US historical past, we want reporters on the bottom. Your donation permits us to maintain sending journalists to talk to either side of the story.

The Impartial is trusted by Individuals throughout the whole political spectrum. And in contrast to many different high quality information shops, we select to not lock Individuals out of our reporting and evaluation with paywalls. We imagine high quality journalism ought to be accessible to everybody, paid for by those that can afford it.

Your assist makes all of the distinction.

Ukraine introduced the struggle into the guts of Russia Saturday morning with drone assaults that native authorities mentioned broken residential buildings within the metropolis of Kazan within the Tatarstan area, over 600 miles (1,000 kilometers) from the entrance line.

The press service of Tatarstan’s governor, Rustam Minnikhanov, mentioned that eight drones attacked town. Six hit residential buildings, one hit an industrial facility and one was shot down over a river, the assertion mentioned.

A video posted on native Telegram information channel Astra, verified by The Related Press, reveals a drone flying into the higher flooring of a high-rise constructing.

Native authorities mentioned there have been no casualties. Flights had been halted at Kazan’s airport and all mass gatherings canceled on Saturday and Sunday.

The assaults, which Ukraine didn’t acknowledge in step with its safety coverage, comes after a Ukrainian assault Friday on a city in Russia’s Kursk border area utilizing U.S.-supplied missiles killed six folks, together with a toddler.

Moscow despatched 113 drones into Ukraine in a single day into Saturday, Ukrainian officers mentioned. In line with Ukraine’s Air Power, 57 drones had been shot down in the course of the assaults. An extra 56 drones had been “misplaced,” doubtless having been electronically jammed.

The governor of Ukraine’s Kharkiv area, Oleh Syniehubov, mentioned eight folks had been wounded Friday evening in drone assaults on the regional capital, additionally referred to as Kharkiv.

#Ukraine #strikes #coronary heart #Russia #drone #assault #1000km #frontline

The Impartial

#Ukraine #strikes #coronary heart #Russia #drone #assault #1000km #frontline

By way of AP information wire , 2024-12-21 12:17:00

Thriller Drone Sightings Result in FAA Ban Regardless of No Detected Threats

Thriller Drone Sightings Result in FAA Ban Regardless of No Detected Threats

It’s been a busy yr in cybersecurity, but it surely’s not over but. This week, we revealed how hackers found out the way to “jailbreak” digital license plates—that are legally issued in at the least a few states and are legitimate throughout the US—permitting them to alter the license plate quantity to mainly something. Meaning somebody with this functionality can keep away from tolls and tickets, and even change their plate to be the identical as their enemy.

Whereas the corporate that makes the plates, Reviver, makes clear that doing this could be each unlawful and a terms-of-service violation, we’re guessing that the individuals who need to disguise their automobile’s credentials to allow them to velocity throughout city aren’t too involved about that.

Employees on the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Safety Company are making ready for an unsure future. A number of CISA workers informed WIRED that they’re afraid the incoming Trump administration will scrap key packages that they are saying are conserving Individuals secure from cyberattacks and different threats—or that the company itself might be dismantled.

In recent times, monetary scams that contain bilking individuals out of their cryptocurrency holdings have come to be identified by an attention grabbing, catch-all title: “pig butchering.” However it’s time for a rebrand, in accordance with officers at Interpol. The time period, which is a translation from Chinese language and refers back to the gradual technique of fattening up a pig earlier than slaughtering it, was seemingly created by the scammers themselves. As such, its use may additional degrade victims of those scams or disgrace them into not reporting against the law.

Doing crimes in public is, apparently, all the fad. We took a deep dive into the world of drug sellers who’re promoting their items on open internet platforms like Instagram, X, and Snapchat. The observe isn’t new, however authorities in Europe say it’s rising extra in style.

And that’s not all. Every week, we spherical up the safety and privateness information we didn’t cowl in depth ourselves. Click on the headlines to learn the total tales. And keep secure on the market.

The US Federal Aviation Administration mentioned on Thursday that it was quickly banning drone flights over dozens of essential infrastructure and utility websites in New Jersey and New York “on the request of federal safety companions.” The restrictions are set to final 30 days. The announcement comes as panic over reported mysterious drone sightings within the two states has surged in current weeks. The FAA mentioned in a joint assertion with the US Division of Homeland Safety, Division of Protection, and FBI on Wednesday that the US authorities has not discovered proof of malicious or unexplained plane.

“Having intently examined the technical knowledge and suggestions from involved residents, we assess that the sightings up to now embrace a mixture of lawful business drones, hobbyist drones, and regulation enforcement drones, in addition to manned fixed-wing plane, helicopters, and stars mistakenly reported as drones,” the businesses wrote. “We’ve not recognized something anomalous and don’t assess the exercise up to now to current a nationwide safety or public security threat over the civilian airspace in New Jersey or different states within the northeast.”

#Thriller #Drone #Sightings #Lead #FAA #Ban #Detected #Threats


#Thriller #Drone #Sightings #Lead #FAA #Ban #Detected #Threats

Matt Burgess, Lily Hay Newman, Andrew Couts , 2024-12-21 11:30:00

Ukraine-Russia conflict newest: Putin’s forces launch lethal Kyiv ballistic missile and drone assault

Ukraine-Russia conflict newest: Putin’s forces launch lethal Kyiv ballistic missile and drone assault

Zelensky says Ukraine may quickly cede territory in alternate for Nato membership

Your help helps us to inform the story

From reproductive rights to local weather change to Large Tech, The Unbiased is on the bottom when the story is creating. Whether or not it is investigating the financials of Elon Musk’s pro-Trump PAC or producing our newest documentary, ‘The A Phrase’, which shines a lightweight on the American girls combating for reproductive rights, we all know how essential it’s to parse out the info from the messaging.

At such a vital second in US historical past, we want reporters on the bottom. Your donation permits us to maintain sending journalists to talk to either side of the story.

The Unbiased is trusted by Individuals throughout the complete political spectrum. And in contrast to many different high quality information retailers, we select to not lock Individuals out of our reporting and evaluation with paywalls. We imagine high quality journalism needs to be obtainable to everybody, paid for by those that can afford it.

Your help makes all of the distinction.

Russia has launched dozens of missiles and drones in opposition to Ukraine as at the very least one individual was killed within the capital of Kyiv within the assault.

Ukraine’s air drive stated Russia had fired 60 drones on Thursday evening, although 20 had been downed effectively earlier than they reached their goal, and 5 ballistic missiles at cities and cities throughout the nation.

No less than one individual was killed after missiles hit Kyiv at round 7am native time this morning, whereas a high-rise constructing was badly broken. The capital’s St Nicholas Church was additionally broken.

5 individuals had been additionally injured in a separate Russian missile strike that broken a two-storey residence in Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky’s hometown, Kryvyi Rih.

In the meantime, Russian president Vladimir Putin has stated he ought to have invaded Ukraine earlier as he used an end-of-year press convention to double down on his resolution to begin the conflict.

Regardless of the toll his conflict has taken on Russia’s funds and the lives of its younger males, Putin claimed that sending troops into Ukraine in 2022 has boosted his nation’s army and financial energy.

Drone assaults harm residential buildings 600 miles from frontline

Ukraine has introduced the conflict into the center of Russia with drone assaults that broken residential buildings within the metropolis of Kazan within the Tatarstan area, greater than 600 miles from the entrance line.

The press service of Tatarstan’s governor, Rustam Minnikhanov, stated that eight drones attacked the town.

Six hit residential buildings, one hit an industrial facility and one was shot down over a river, the assertion stated.

Local officials look at a damage site at the residential complex in Kazan, Russia, following Ukrainian drone attacks
Native officers take a look at a harm website on the residential advanced in Kazan, Russia, following Ukrainian drone assaults (Official Telegram channel of the Kazan Metropolis Corridor)

A video posted on native Telegram information channel Astra, verified by The Related Press, exhibits a drone flying into the higher flooring of a high-rise constructing.

Native authorities stated there have been no casualties. Flights had been halted at Kazan’s airport and all mass gatherings cancelled on Saturday and Sunday.

The assaults, which Ukraine didn’t acknowledge in step with its safety coverage, comes after a Ukrainian assault on Friday on a city in Russia’s Kursk border area utilizing US-supplied missiles killed six individuals, together with a toddler.

Holly Evans21 December 2024 10:23

Putin praises Boris Johnson’s hair as he peddles baseless Ukraine military principle

Putin praises Boris Johnson’s hair as he peddles baseless Ukraine military principle

Vladimir Putin praised Boris Johnson’s hair as he referred to a quote there isn’t any on-line document of the previous prime minister ever having stated. Throughout a four-hour phone-in on Thursday (19 December), the Russian president stated: “Prime minister Johnson with the good hair… He stated they should struggle till the final Ukrainian, that’s what they’re doing now. They’re operating out of Ukrainians who wish to struggle, I don’t suppose there are any left.” Mr Putin appeared to reference a Kremlin-peddled principle that Mr Johnson hindered peace talks between Kyiv and Moscow, one thing the previous PM denied, telling The Occasions it was “whole nonsense and Russian propaganda.”

Holly Evans21 December 2024 10:00

Russian troops seize village in Donetsk

Russian troops have captured the village of Kostiantynopolske within the Donetsk area of japanese Ukraine, the defence ministry stated on Saturday.

The reviews haven’t been independently verified.

Holly Evans21 December 2024 09:32

US condemns ‘unacceptable’ Russian missile assault on Kyiv

The US State Division on Friday condemned a Russian missile assault on Kyiv earlier within the day that killed a civilian and broken a constructing internet hosting a number of diplomatic missions.

“Any assault in opposition to diplomats or diplomatic amenities anyplace is unacceptable,” division spokesman Matthew Miller stated in a put up on X.

Athena Stavrou21 December 2024 09:04

Six killed in Ukrainian missile assault on Russia’s Kursk area, appearing governor says

Six individuals, together with one little one, had been killed on Friday in a Ukrainian missile assault in town of Rylsk in Russia’s Kursk area, the appearing governor, Alexander Khinshtein, stated.

Ten wounded individuals, together with a 13-year-old, had been taken to hospital with minor accidents, Khinshtein wrote on Telegram.

“What occurred right this moment is a big tragedy for all of us,” he stated. “We grieve along with the households of the victims. Nobody will likely be left with out help.”

These accountable would obtain “well-deserved retribution”, he stated.

Ukrainian authorities haven’t commented on the incident.

Athena Stavrou21 December 2024 08:31

Two Russian airports quickly halt operations

Two Russian airports have quickly halted operations following a Ukrainian drone assault, Russia’s aviation watchdog stated.

Kazan airport has quickly halted flight arrivals and departures, Russia’s aviation watchdog Rosaviatsia stated by way of the Telegram messaging app on Saturday, following a Ukrainian drone assault on the town.

Russian state information businesses reported the drone assault on a residential advanced in Kazan, a metropolis some 500 miles east of Moscow. The TASS company stated eight drone strikes had been recorded together with six on residential constructions.

There have been no casualties reported, businesses stated, citing native authorities.

The Baza Telegram channel, which is near Russia’s safety providers, revealed unverified video footage exhibiting an aerial object crashing right into a high-rise constructing, producing a big fireball.

Rosaviatsia stated it was additionally introducing non permanent restrictions on the airport in Izhevsk, a smaller metropolis northeast of Kazan.

Athena Stavrou21 December 2024 08:03

Ukrainian missile assault disrupts gasoline community in Russia

Ukraine’s missile assault in Kursk has disrupted heating and gasoline networks, area’s governor Alexander Khinshtein wrote on Telegram.

The assault that killed six individuals, together with a toddler, additionally disrupted the work beneath strategy to restore provides to greater than 80 residences.

Mr Khinshtein accused Kyiv of deliberating concentrating on civilians within the strike.

Stuti Mishra21 December 2024 07:30

Russia and Ukraine alternate missile assaults, officers say, killing at the very least 1 individual in Kyiv

Tom Watling21 December 2024 07:00

Russia vows ‘fast’ retribution after Ukraine assault

Russia’s everlasting consultant to the United Nations, Vasily Nebenzya, stated Moscow could be fast to reply to the Ukrainian assault that killed six, together with a toddler.

“As you possibly can effectively perceive, our response to this focused crime in opposition to peaceable Russian residents won’t be lengthy in coming,” he informed the UN safety session.

Stuti Mishra21 December 2024 06:30

What’s going to it value to defend Britain from a rising Russian risk?

Tom Watling21 December 2024 06:00

#UkraineRussia #conflict #newest #Putins #forces #launch #lethal #Kyiv #ballistic #missile #drone #assault

The Unbiased

#UkraineRussia #conflict #newest #Putins #forces #launch #lethal #Kyiv #ballistic #missile #drone #assault

Tom Watling and Stuti Mishra , 2024-12-21 08:41:00

Ukraine conflict: Russia launches lethal missile and drone assault on Kyiv throughout rush hour

Ukraine conflict: Russia launches lethal missile and drone assault on Kyiv throughout rush hour

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A Russian missile assault in opposition to the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv throughout rush hour has killed at the least one particular person and injured at the least a dozen extra – in addition to damaging six embassies.

The assault knocked out heating to 630 residential buildings, 16 medical amenities, and 30 colleges and nurseries, the town administration mentioned, and falling missile particles precipitated harm and sparked fires in three districts.

Ukraine‘s international ministry mentioned that the embassies of Albania, Argentina, Palestine, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Portugal, housed in the identical constructing, had been additionally broken on account of the strike. There have been no casualties amongst diplomatic workers, it mentioned.

“That is one other barbaric assault by Russia on civilian targets that reveals no willingness for peace,” the European Union’s international coverage chief Kaja Kallas mentioned on X.

A number of the stained glass home windows of St Nicholas Roman Catholic Church had been additionally blown out. Ukraine’s cultural minister Mykola Tochytskyi described the church as “a monument of nationwide significance”.

Ukraine’s air pressure mentioned it had shot down 5 Iskander-M/KN-23 ballistic missiles used to assault the capital. They added that Russia had fired 40 drones at targets throughout Ukraine in a single day, with a further 20 downed earlier than they reached their targets.

Within the southeastern Ukrainian metropolis of Kryvyi Rih, the hometown of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky, a Russian missile additionally struck and badly broken a two-storey residence, injuring 5 folks, together with two pulled alive from below the rubble, officers mentioned.

Kyiv mayor Vitali Klitschko mentioned one particular person had been killed within the assault on the capital. The Kyiv metropolis administration mentioned 12 folks had been injured, together with 5 who had been taken to hospital.

Photographs from Kyiv confirmed the wrecked roof of an workplace block with blown out home windows in central Kyiv and firefighters extinguishing a hearth after a automotive was closely broken on the road beneath.

Russia’s Defence Ministry claimed that it had struck a command centre utilized by Ukraine’s SBU safety service within the assault. Kyiv didn’t counsel that was the case.

The strikes got here as a Russian normal killed in an assassination claimed by the SBU was buried with full army honours on Friday. Lieutenant Basic Igor Kirillov, who was chief of Russia’s Nuclear, Organic and Chemical Safety Troops, was essentially the most senior Russian officer to be killed inside Russia by Ukraine.

He was killed outdoors his Moscow condo constructing on Tuesday alongside along with his assistant when a bomb hooked up to an electrical scooter went off in an assault for which Ukraine’s SBU took accountability.

State information company RIA mentioned Kirillov was buried in a ceremony outdoors Moscow attended by Defence Minister Andrei Belousov and Sergei Shoigu, the secretary of Russia’s Safety Council.

It mentioned the ceremony had taken place at a Defence Ministry memorial complicated known as the Pantheon of the Defenders of the Fatherland.

People leave the site of a Russian missile strike in central Kyiv

Individuals go away the positioning of a Russian missile strike in central Kyiv (REUTERS)

Video footage of the funeral confirmed an honour guard carrying a coffin draped within the nationwide flag and Kirillov’s cap on high of it as solemn music performed. The honour guard then fired pictures into the air in a snow-covered cemetery because the nationwide anthem performed and mourners appeared on. Amongst big wreaths had been two despatched by President Vladimir Putin and former President Dmitry Medvedev, who’s now deputy chairman of Russia’s Safety Council and has known as for the masterminds of the killing in Urkaine to be destroyed.

Russia has been finishing up airstrikes on Kyiv and different targets, significantly vitality infrastructure, as its forces advance within the industrial areas of jap Ukraine earlier than anticipated peace efforts subsequent 12 months.

It comes because the Ukrainian army introduced it had withdrawn forces from areas within the jap Donetsk area to keep away from being encircled by advancing Russian troops. Ukraine’s Khortytsia group of forces mentioned on Telegram they had been pulling troops from the world across the villages of Uspenivka and Trudove.

With the conflict now in its thirty third month, Ukrainian forces are engaged in intense defensive battles within the jap area and are stretched skinny because the Russians press ahead alongside the entrance line.

“The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has determined to withdraw the models of the Ukrainian Protection Forces from the world in query to keep away from encirclement,” Ukraine’s Khortytsia group mentioned.

Army models had averted being surrounded and would proceed operations within the Kurakhove-Konstantinopolske space, a press release mentioned, a couple of miles additional again from the frontline.

Ukraine’s Basic Employees reported 18 battles on the Kurakhove entrance prior to now day with Russian forces making an attempt to advance to the north of the city.

The Russian Defence Ministry mentioned on Friday its forces had taken management of two extra settlements in Donetsk area, Uspenivka and Novopustynka. It claimed management of Trudove on Wednesday.

#Ukraine #conflict #Russia #launches #lethal #missile #drone #assault #Kyiv #rush #hour

The Unbiased

#Ukraine #conflict #Russia #launches #lethal #missile #drone #assault #Kyiv #rush #hour

Tom Watling , 2024-12-20 15:56:00

‘Is e bullshit a th’ ann: tha modaireatair drone subreddit a ’leigeil dheth a dhreuchd ann an fearg an dèidh do theòiridhean co-fheall a bhith a’ faicinn New Jersey

‘Is e bullshit a th’ ann: tha modaireatair drone subreddit a ’leigeil dheth a dhreuchd ann an fearg an dèidh do theòiridhean co-fheall a bhith a’ faicinn New Jersey

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Large Tech, tha The Unbiased air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd gus bruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Unbiased. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachdan càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às an aithris is mion-sgrùdadh againn le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

Modaireatair fòram Reddit coisrigte dha drones air a dhreuchd a leigeil dheth ann an fearg às deidh grunn phuist bho theòirichean co-fheall mu dheidhinn Thathas ag ràdh gun deach drone mòr fhaicinn ann an New Jersey.

Ann an nota sèididh ag ainmeachadh gun do dh’ fhalbh iad bhon subreddit, thuirt am modaireatair gu robh na seallaidhean “a h-uile dad bullshit” agus thuirt e: “Chan urrainn dhomh stad a chuir air an làn de dhùmhlachd.”

“Gus dèiligeadh ris na tha follaiseach: Tha, chan eil an còmhradh gnàthach mu dheidhinn nach eil ann [sic] chuir sgaothan de ‘drones’ air taobh an ear na Stàitean Aonaichte ris an roghainn search engine marketing. Gu fìrinneach, nam biodh tu a’ faicinn a h-uile put up a tha mi air a bhith a’ toirt air falbh o chionn beagan sheachdainean, bhiodh tu tinn às an àite search engine marketing cuideachd,” sgrìobh iad ann am put up soraidh.

Tha an dreuchd aca a’ tighinn às a dhèidh luchd-còmhnaidh air feadh na dùthcha thòisich iad ag aithris drones neo-mhìnichte anns na speuran thairis air a’ mhìos a chaidh. Tha cuid de luchd-lagh air a dhol a-steach don fhòirneart gus freagairtean iarraidh bhon riaghaltas feadarail.

Thuirt am modaireatair, a tha a’ dol leis an ainm sgrion Nanosauromo agus nach b’ urrainnear a ruighinn airson beachdan, gu robh a bhith a ’coimhead thairis air an subreddit air fàs do-ruigsinneach air sgàth ceudan de dhaoine a’ postadh bhideothan de phlèanaichean àbhaisteach luchd-siubhail no drones an nàbaidh le tagraidhean gur e UFOn no sgrùdadh riaghaltais a bh ’annta.

Dh’ ainmich am modaireatair an co-dhùnadh aca an subreddit de mu 230,000 ball fhàgail Diciadain.

Dh’ ainmich am modaireatair an co-dhùnadh aca an subreddit de mu 230,000 ball fhàgail Diciadain. (Glacadh-sgrìn / Reddit)

mòran teòiridhean air a dhol air adhart leis a’ phoball gus na seallaidhean a mhìneachadh: tha cuid den bheachd gur ann le nàmhaid cèin a tha na drones, cuid a tha fo amharas gu bheil riaghaltas nan Stàitean Aonaichte a’ cumail sùil orra, cuid eile den bheachd gur dòcha gur e coigrich a tha cunntachail, agus tha aon neach-còmhdhail air a dhol cho fada ri bhith ag agairt gu bheil màthair-mara à Ioran far an oirthir de na Stàitean Aonaichte a’ cur drones air bhog.

Rùnaire Tèarainteachd Dùthcha Alejandro Mayorkas dh’innis CNN an t-seachdain sa chaidh gun robh mòran de na seallaidhean “na chùis dearbh-aithne ceàrr” agus gu bheil Tèarainteachd Dùthcha ann an conaltradh cunbhalach le oifigearan New Jersey agus gu bheil iad air eòlaichean agus uidheamachd sgrùdaidh a chuir chun stàite. “Chan fhaca sinn gnìomhachd neo-àbhaisteach sam bith. Chan eil fios againn air bagairt sam bith. Chan eil fios againn air gnìomhachd borb, ”thuirt e.

An FBI agus Roinn Tèarainteachd Dùthcha (DHS) thuirt ann an aithris: “Chan eil fianais sam bith againn aig an àm search engine marketing gu bheil na seallaidhean drone a chaidh aithris nan cunnart tèarainteachd nàiseanta no sàbhailteachd poblach no gu bheil ceangal cèin aca.”

Cha do chuir sin stad air daoine bho bhith a’ tuiltean an r/drones subreddit le bhideothan de dhaoine a tha fo chasaid.

Ann an teachdaireachd leigeil dheth dreuchd fhada leis an tiotal “Gu fìrinneach, tha fios agad dè, sgrùd e. Tha mi a-muigh”, lean am modaireatair:

“Canaidh mi gu bunaiteach am pìos mu dheireadh agam air an t-suidheachadh an search engine marketing: Is e bullshit a th’ ann. Tha aithris no dhà de chuideigin a’ faicinn drone an nàbaidh a’ faighinn aithris le naidheachdan ionadail dòrainneach, a tha a’ toirt air barrachd dhaoine a bhith a’ coimhead airson “drones”; bidh na daoine sin ag aithris air na cùisean aca fhèin a thaobh a bhith a’ faicinn “drones” a tha dha-rìribh bhideothan de phlèanaichean àbhaisteach, heileacoptairean, no rionnagan no planaidean san adhar (tha mi air gun àireamh de dhealbhan agus bhideothan fhaicinn agus tha, tha search engine marketing a’ toirt cunntas air a h-uile gin dhiubh), a tha a’ stiùireadh gu barrachd craoladh sna meadhanan, a bheir air daoine smaoineachadh gur e “drone” a th’ anns a h-uile dad a chì iad ann an speur na h-oidhche, a’ togail barrachd bhideothan de itealain le sgioba agus cuirp celestial, agus tha an rud gu lèir a’ cumail ball-sneachda gus am bi seann riaghladair Maryland againn. ag agairt gu bheil an reul-bhad Orion a’ spionadh air.”

B’ e Nanosauromo an aon mhodaireatair air an subreddit, aig an robh còrr air 230,000 ball nuair a leig iad dhiubh a dhreuchd. Tha an dreuchd aca a-nis air a lìonadh le sia modaireatairean ùra.

Tha an dealbh seo a thug Brian Glenn seachad a’ sealltainn na tha coltach ri grunn dhrones ag itealaich thairis air Bernardsville, NJ, air Diardaoin, Dùbhlachd 5, 2024

Tha an dealbh search engine marketing a thug Brian Glenn seachad a’ sealltainn na tha coltach ri grunn dhrones ag itealaich thairis air Bernardsville, NJ, air Diardaoin, Dùbhlachd 5, 2024 (AP)

Tha adhbhar an subreddit air ainmeachadh mar: “Còmhradh air drones – Carbadan Adhair gun luchd-obrach agus an itealaich.” Tha a’ mhòr-chuid de na puist mar chòmhraidhean teignigeach mu drones cur-seachad, ìomhaighean agus bhideothan air an togail le drones agus ceistean coitcheann mu dhrones itealaich.

Mar chomharra gu bheil an subreddit buailteach do theòiridhean co-fheall, tha aon de riaghailtean an fhòraim, ris an canar Riaghailt 51, ag ràdh: “Chan eil DJI Phantom a’ toirt ionnsaigh ort. ”

“Is e riaghailt fharsaing a tha search engine marketing airson a bhith a’ còmhdach artaigilean le daoine a tha den bheachd gu bheil cuideigin no riaghaltas a ’brathadh orra no gur e drone a th’ anns a h-uile solas beag anns na speuran. Chan eil sinn ag iarraidh bruidhinn co-fheall neo-mhothachail an search engine marketing,” tha an riaghailt ag ràdh.

“Is dòcha nach eil thu inntinneach gu leòr airson a bhith a’ brathadh. Is dòcha gur e itealan a th’ anns an rud sin san adhar. Agus nam biodh drone neach-cleachdaidh faisg gu leòr airson coimhead san uinneig agad, bhiodh e bodhar,” tha e a’ leantainn.

“Gabh fois, agus thoir leat do cho-fheall neo-shoilleir an àite eile.”

#bullshit #ann #tha #modaireatair #drone #subreddit #leigeil #dheth #dhreuchd #ann #fearg #dèidh #theòiridhean #cofheall #bhith #faicinn #Jersey

The Unbiased

#bullshit #ann #tha #modaireatair #drone #subreddit #leigeil #dheth #dhreuchd #ann #fearg #dèidh #theòiridhean #cofheall #bhith #faicinn #Jersey

Richard Corridor , 2024-12-19 18:22:00

Chaidh fùirneis ola na Ruis an sàs ann an lasraichean às deidh ‘stailc drone Ucràineach’ | Naidheachdan

Chaidh fùirneis ola na Ruis an sàs ann an lasraichean às deidh ‘stailc drone Ucràineach’ | Naidheachdan

Chaidh teine ​​a losgadh aig fùirneis-ola anns an Ruis Rostov sgìre, bhidio air a phostadh air Diardaoin, 19 Dùbhlachd taisbeanaidhean.

Thuirt an riaghladair ionadail Yuri Slyusar gun do chuir siostaman dìon adhair na Ruis air ais ionnsaigh Ucràineach anns an deach 10 urchraichean a losgadh ann an sgìre Rostov.

Sheall dealbhan a chaidh a phostadh air na meadhanan sòisealta gu robh fùirneis ola Novoshakhtinsk an sàs ann an lasraichean.

B’ e web optimization an dàrna turas ann an sia mìosan a chaidh an goireas a bhualadh.

Thuirt Slyusar gun deach sgiobaidhean èiginn a chuir chun teine ​​​​agus gun robhas a’ soilleireachadh mion-fhiosrachadh mu leòintich.

#Chaidh #fùirneis #ola #Ruis #sàs #ann #lasraichean #às #deidh #stailc #drone #Ucràineach #Naidheachdan

The Unbiased

#Chaidh #fùirneis #ola #Ruis #sàs #ann #lasraichean #às #deidh #stailc #drone #Ucràineach #Naidheachdan

Holly Patrick , 2024-12-19 09:55:00

Tha bile a’ freagairt air seallaidhean drone air a bhacadh anns an t-Seanadh

Tha bile a’ freagairt air seallaidhean drone air a bhacadh anns an t-Seanadh

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Huge Tech, tha The Impartial air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd a bhruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Impartial. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

Seanadh Ceannard mòr-chuid Chuck Schumer chaidh casg a chuir air Diciadain bho bhith a’ toirt air adhart bile gu sgiobalta a leigeadh le buidhnean èigneachaidh lagha ionadail sùil a chumail air drones bhon adhar, a’ dèanamh cinnteach nach bi a’ Chòmhdhail an sàs am-bliadhna air na seallaidhean dìomhair drone a chuir dragh air luchd-còmhnaidh New Jersey agus air feadh taobh an ear na SA

Bha Schumer, Deamocratach ann an New York, a’ feuchainn ri bile bipartisan a luathachadh tron ​​​​t-Seanadh le bhith a’ sireadh cead aona-ghuthach air an làr, ach dh’ fheuch Sen. Rand Paula Kentucky Poblachdachchuir e an aghaidh a shlighe.

“Tha tòrr cheistean aig na daoine ann an New York agus New Jersey, agus chan eil iad a’ faighinn freagairtean math gu leòr, ”thuirt Schumer. “Tha an troimh-chèile mu na seallaidhean drone sin a’ sealltainn nach urrainn dha na feds freagairt a thoirt dhaibh fhèin. ”

Tha Schumer cuideachd air iarraidh air Roinn Tèarainteachd Dùthcha na SA teicneòlas lorg drone nas fheàrr a chleachdadh gus na drones agus an luchd-obrachaidh aca a chomharrachadh.

Bhiodh bile an t-Seanaidh cuideachd air ùghdarras cuid de bhuidhnean feadarail a neartachadh gus a bhith an sàs ann an drones, a bharrachd air prògram pìleat a thòiseachadh gus leigeil le stàitean agus ùghdarrasan ionadail drone a chuir às, a chuir dheth no a ghlacadh gun chead ro-làimh bhon ghnìomhaiche.

“Dhèanadh am bile search engine marketing cinnteach gu bheil an teicneòlas a dh’ fheumar aig cur an gnìomh lagha gus comharrachadh gu sgiobalta agus gu soilleir dè dìreach na chaidh aithris air drones air feadh na dùthcha, ”thuirt an Seanadair Gary Peters, Deamocratach à Michigan a thug taic don bhile bipartisan.

Tha oifigearan tèarainteachd nàiseanta air a ràdh nach eil coltas gu bheil na drones mar chomharradh air bacadh cèin no bagairt sàbhailteachd poblach. Ach chan urrainn dhaibh a ràdh le cinnt cò as coireach ris na sgaothan obann de dhrones thairis air pàirtean de New Jersey, New York agus pàirtean eile den taobh an ear de na SA

Tha cuid de stiùirichean poilitigeach na SA, Trump nam measg, air gairm airson gnìomh tòrr nas làidire an-aghaidh na drones, a’ toirt a-steach losgadh orra.

Thuirt Pòl, Poblachdach Kentucky a bhios gu tric a’ tagradh airson cumhachdan riaghaltais a chuingealachadh, gu robh e a’ gearan leis nach eil e soilleir gu bheil bagairt ann a dh’ fheumas gnìomh èiginneach.

Thuirt e gun leudaicheadh ​​​​am bile “ùghdarras feadarail gus casg a chuir air conaltradh agus dragh a chuir air gnìomhachd drone – cumhachdan a thogas fìor dhraghan mu dhìomhaireachd Ameireaganaich, saorsa catharra, agus dìonan Ceathramh Atharrachaidh an aghaidh sgrùdadh is glacadh gun adhbhar.”

#Tha #bile #freagairt #air #seallaidhean #drone #air #bhacadh #anns #tSeanadh

The Impartial

#Tha #bile #freagairt #air #seallaidhean #drone #air #bhacadh #anns #tSeanadh

Stephen Groves , 2024-12-18 19:34:00

Trump would have solved drone thriller by now, claims Johnson

Trump would have solved drone thriller by now, claims Johnson

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Speaker of the Home Mike Johnson criticized federal companies for failing to provide you with an intensive reply in regards to the mysterious drones which have popped up across the nation this previous month and claimed if Donald Trump was in workplace he would have already solved it.

Emphasizing issues in regards to the drones probably accumulating intelligence or spying on Individuals, Johnson insinuated on Fox and Buddies on Wednesday that the Biden administration was dismissing issues over the drones.

“Look, I’m the speaker of the Home. I’ve the very same frustrations that you simply do and all of us do. We don’t have the solutions. The administration is just not offering them,” Johnson mentioned.

“Because of this we want Donald J. Trump again within the White Home, to deliver a gradual hand to the wheel and a robust commander-in-chief. He would have already had the solutions he would have already delivered to the American individuals and definitely the members of Congress. So management issues,” he added.

The thriller over the cluster of nightly drones, that first appeared over areas of northern New Jersey in November, has captivated the general public and lawmakers.

Johnson, a staunch Trump ally, said the drone situation would have been answered under Trump
Johnson, a staunch Trump ally, mentioned the drone state of affairs would have been answered below Trump (Copyright 2024 The Related Press. All rights reserved)

Residents in Ohio, Florida, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, California and extra have reported seeing related drones flying above their communities.

Some have theorized that the drones are a type of overseas surveillance, others imagine they may very well be trying to find one thing and a choose group has raised their very own type of conspiracies across the drones.

President Joe Biden and nationwide safety officers have assured those that, whereas they have no idea the drones’ origins, “nothing nefarious” is happening. They’ve dominated out theories that the drones have “a overseas nexus” or are a nationwide safety risk.

“We’re following this intently, however to date no sense of hazard,” Biden informed reporters on Tuesday.

However that has not settled any issues – even amongst lawmakers.

Republican Consultant Carlos Giménez of Florida informed NewsNation on Tuesday he’s most involved that the federal government “hasn’t the faintest thought what’s happening with these drones”.

Giménez mentioned the drones “pose a risk” as a result of they’ll make the most of synthetic intelligence and be operated remotely.

On Sunday, Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota informed CBS that the general public wants “extra transparency” from the federal government over the drones. She urged federal companies to carry briefings with senators on the matter as nicely.

The Home Intelligence Committee held a closed-door briefing on Tuesday, however that too resulted in no new info.

Democratic Consultant Jim Himes of Connecticut informed reporters after the assembly that federal officers repeatedly assured them they’d no purpose to imagine the drones have been breaking any legal guidelines.

#Trump #solved #drone #thriller #claims #Johnson

The Impartial

#Trump #solved #drone #thriller #claims #Johnson

Ariana Baio , 2024-12-18 18:08:00