Bha a bhith ag èisteachd ri podcast AI ‘Spotify Wrapped’ mar a bhith aig an tiodhlacadh agam fhìn

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Massive Tech, tha The Impartial air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd a bhruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Impartial. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

So ciod a fhuair thu Spotify air a phasgadh am-bliadhna … agus an e sin a bha thu ag iarraidh?

Ma tha thu am measg an 650 millean neach no mar sin a bhios ag ithe ceòl, podcastan, leabhraichean claistinn agus susbaint didseatach eile tron seirbheis sruthadh mòr-chòrdte – agus chan urrainn dhut a bhith a’ faireachdainn nas miosa na tha mi a ’dèanamh mu ghrunn de na faclan sin – tha an cruinneachadh deireadh-bliadhna gu math pearsanta den dàta a thug sinn uile dha na meadhanan Suaineach behemoth na shlighe cianail agus tàmailteach.

Duilich, Elf of the Shelf – web optimization aon traidisean Nollaig ùr air a bheil mi air bòrd. Dhòmhsa, chan eil Nollaig gus an deach innse dhomh gun do dh’èist mi ri 4,156 òran am-bliadhna, agus cha robh gin dhiubh le Taylor Swifta tha, a-rithist, na planaid neach-ealain as sruthadh.

Tha na thòisich ann an 2016 mar fhoillseachadh sìmplidh de na slighean as mòr-chòrdte aig luchd-cleachdaidh Spotify air fàs nas motha (gu cinnteach), nas fheàrr (is dòcha) agus beagan fo bhlàth (gu cinnteach). Ach cò nach eil aig an àm web optimization dhen bhliadhna?

A bharrachd air na còig òrain as fheàrr a th’ agad, tha bhidio “foillseachaidh mòr” ann a-nis airson briogadh troimhe agus sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air. Neach-ealain as motha a dh’ èist! An latha èisteachd as motha agad! Dìreach dè cho fada ‘s a chuir thu seachad ag èisteachd ri aon chlàr Pet Store Boys! (1,688 mionaidean, a tha a’ faireachdainn mar ullachadh airson eadar-theachd.)

Thathas ag innse dhut am-bliadhna dè am baile anns a bheil do bhlas ciùil “ceangailte”, rud a tha na chall. Ach an àite a bhith air do ghlacadh leis an nàire gu bheil na cleachdaidhean èisteachd agad a’ co-thaobhadh nas fhaisge air cleachdaidhean muinntir Grimsby, tha dòigh-obrach air a stiùireadh le AI ann gus a phògadh nas fheàrr.

Airson a’ chiad uair, thig dump mòr dàta Nollaige Spotify le a podcast sònraichte còig mionaidean air a dhèanamh gu tur bho inntleachd fuadain. Tha e coltach ri bhith ag èisteachd ris a’ chlàr-chlàir agad fhèin – agus gu litireil chuir e stad orm air mo shlighean.

Anns an dà-làimhe web optimization, bidh “luchd-aoigheachd” AI a’ beachdachadh air do dheagh roghainn ciùil agus a’ faighinn blasad mar nach eil thu ann. Tha an iPod a’ coinneachadh ri IRobotic.

Tha e a’ tòiseachadh le toileachas gu leòr. Ann an Californian gun oidhirp, tha dà ghuth gnèitheach adhartach agus dìreach beagan eas-chruthach – aon fhireannach, aon bhoireannach – ag innse dhut cho iongantach sa tha na cleachdaidhean èisteachd agad. Mar, gu litireil, an rud as fheàrr: “Is e turas a th’ ann dha-rìribh a ’coimhead air ais air a’ bhliadhna as fheàrr agad ann an ceòl…”

An uairsin – agus web optimization far a bheil e a’ fàs neònach – thòisich iad air na prìomh stats agad a thoirt beò: “Thoir earbsa dhomh, tha clàr-fuaim na bliadhna-sa rudeigin sònraichte. Agus air ais sa Mhàrt, bha rud agad nach urrainnear a mhìneachadh ach mar an ìre jazz Harlem Renaissance agad…”

Aig amannan, thathar ga dhèanamh ann am Beurla a tha gu math tàmailteach: “B’ e an Giblean an seusan synthesizer synthesizer ealain pop agad…”; “Tha sin gad chuir anns an 0.1 sa cheud as àirde den luchd-èisteachd aca – fìor neach-leantainn, tha thu cha mhòr mar phàirt den chòmhlan aig an ìre web optimization…”

Ach tha a’ bhuaidh coltach ri rud sam bith a dh’ fhiosraich mi a-riamh. Tha e coltach ri bhith ag èisteachd ri toirt air falbh nuair a bhios caraidean a’ bruidhinn mu do dheidhinn, ma tha thu nad charaidean le Gen Z coasters an iar. Feumaidh gur e web optimization cò ris a tha e coltach a bhith a’ cluinntinn rudan snog gan ràdh aig an tiodhlacadh agad.

Is e an rud a bha gu sònraichte fuarachadh cho litireil, so-chreidsinneach agus tarraingeach a dh’ fhaodadh guthan a bhith san inneal – agus cho luath sa chaidh mo dhì-armachadh leotha: “Tha faireachdainn agam gu bheil thu a’ cur luach air ceòl a bheir ort smaoineachadh…” Tha! Tha mi! Tha i cho eòlach orm, am worry web optimization.

Chaidh mo mholadh airson mo bhlas ann an jazz clasaigeach (“Tha thu a’ dol gu domhainn a-steach do chuid de Charles Mingus – tha thu gu cinnteach na eòlaiche air na sàr-mhathan ”). Eu-coltach ri daoine ann am fìor bheatha, cha robh iad a ‘gabhail dragh mu mo dhìlseachd do na Pet Store Boys; gu dearbh, chaidh a chomharrachadh – “Tha thu anns an 0.01 sa cheud as àirde den luchd-èisteachd!”). Lorg iad eadhon rudan snog ri ràdh mun ghaol a tha coltach rium air a’ chlàr sgoinneil aig Cliff Richard ann an 1987, An-còmhnaidh air a ghealltainn. “Is dòcha gu robh cianalas a’ gairm, ”thuirt aoigh AI, gu smaoineachail.

Cha b’ urrainn don tech a theanga fhaighinn timcheall Bàs agus cruth-atharrachadhaon de na h-obraichean Richard Strauss a rinn mi a-rithist am-bliadhna (àireamh a sia air an liosta as motha a tha mi ag èisteachd). Ach dh’ fhàs e na b’ fheàrr leis an ainm neach-piàna Innis Tìle Lochlannach Ólafssonaig a bheil coileanadh de Concerto Piano Schumann aig an Proms b’ e cuirm na bliadhna a bh’ agam – agus gu cinnteach na bu sgileile na rinn Amol Rajan air oidhche Luain Dùbhlan an Oilthighe.

Dh’ fhàg a’ chriomag claisneachd còig mionaidean mi beagan faighinn seachad air agus gun fheum, mar Emma Thompson san t-sealladh sin ann an Gràdh, Gu fìrinneach agus i a’ sgaoileadh CD Joni Mitchell. Mas urrainn dha AI sin a dhèanamh do chuideigin, tha eagal orm smaoineachadh dè eile as urrainn dha.

Mar a bhuaileas an siùcar Spotify air a phasgadh a’ seargadh, tha mi a’ cur ìmpidh air gach aon agaibh èisteachd ri ur cuid fhèin Podcast AI fillte Spotify (lorgaidh tu e fon tab Wrapped san app). Dìreach na dèan sin nuair a tha thu air do sgìos bho phàrtaidhean na Nollaige no ma tha cuideam ort mu thiodhlacan Nollaige – oir is dòcha gun toireadh e deòir sona a-steach còmhla ri dragh èiginneach mu dheidhinn cuin a tha AI gu bhith gar marbhadh uile.

#Bha #bhith #èisteachd #podcast #Spotify #Wrapped #mar #bhith #aig #tiodhlacadh #agam #fhìn

The Impartial

#Bha #bhith #èisteachd #podcast #Spotify #Wrapped #mar #bhith #aig #tiodhlacadh #agam #fhìn

Paul Clements , 2024-12-05 13:25:00


Spotify Wrapped 2024: How you can discover out your greatest music tendencies of the 12 months

Your assist helps us to inform the story

From reproductive rights to local weather change to Huge Tech, The Unbiased is on the bottom when the story is creating. Whether or not it is investigating the financials of Elon Musk’s pro-Trump PAC or producing our newest documentary, ‘The A Phrase’, which shines a light-weight on the American ladies combating for reproductive rights, we all know how essential it’s to parse out the details from the messaging.

At such a essential second in US historical past, we want reporters on the bottom. Your donation permits us to maintain sending journalists to talk to either side of the story.

The Unbiased is trusted by People throughout your complete political spectrum. And in contrast to many different high quality information shops, we select to not lock People out of our reporting and evaluation with paywalls. We consider high quality journalism needs to be out there to everybody, paid for by those that can afford it.

Your assist makes all of the distinction.

It’s already that point of 12 months for Spotify to launch its particular “Wrapped” function, which offers customers with personalised analytics of their music listening habits from the previous 12 months.

Spotify has issued a assertion telling customers to ensure their app is up to date to make sure they’re getting the total Wrapped expertise.

The music streaming service first launched Spotify Wrapped in 2016. The statistics present music followers with their high listened-to artists, albums, songs, podcasts and extra to share with their pals.

And it’s lastly out with customers in a position to entry their 12 months in overview from in the present day.

How you can entry your personalised Spotify wrapped

For these excited by taking part within the viral hype, you should be a Spotify subscriber. The function will seemingly pop up mechanically once you open the app. Nevertheless, if it doesn’t, you’ll be able to go to Spotify’s web site or try the “dwelling” part of the app and Spotify Wrapped needs to be there.

There has beforehand been some confusion about whether or not music listened to past October is included in Wrapped’s information. In October 2023, Spotify confirmed on X that music listened to past 31 October does certainly rely.

A look at some of the designs for this year’s Spotify Wrapped, the music streamer’s annual statistical round-up
A take a look at a few of the designs for this 12 months’s Spotify Wrapped, the music streamer’s annual statistical round-up (Spotify)

Final 12 months’s high 5 listened-to tracks globally had been Miley Cyrus’s “Flowers”, SZA’s “Kill Invoice”, Harry Kinds’s “As It Was”, Jung Kook’s “Seven (feat Latto) (Specific ver)” and Peso Pluma and Eslabon Armado’s “Ella Baila Sola”.

Taylor Swift overtook Unhealthy Bunny’s as this 12 months’s high listened-to artist with greater than 26.1 billion international streams. The reggaeton celebrity got here in second, adopted by The Weeknd, Drake and Peso Pluma.

Unhealthy Bunny’s Un Verano Sin Ti album, nevertheless, took the highest spot because the most-listened-to album of 2023, whereas Swift’s Midnights got here in second.

As for podcasts, Joe Rogan’s The Joe Rogan Expertise was the worldwide favorite, and YouTuber Alex Cooper’s Name Her Daddy podcast landed as quantity two.

#Spotify #Wrapped #discover #greatest #music #tendencies #12 months

The Unbiased

#Spotify #Wrapped #discover #greatest #music #tendencies #12 months

Inga Parkel , 2024-12-05 03:45:00


Spotify customers left utilizing one phrase to explain Wrapped 2024

Your help helps us to inform the story

From reproductive rights to local weather change to Massive Tech, The Impartial is on the bottom when the story is growing. Whether or not it is investigating the financials of Elon Musk’s pro-Trump PAC or producing our newest documentary, ‘The A Phrase’, which shines a light-weight on the American ladies preventing for reproductive rights, we all know how essential it’s to parse out the details from the messaging.

At such a vital second in US historical past, we want reporters on the bottom. Your donation permits us to maintain sending journalists to talk to each side of the story.

The Impartial is trusted by Individuals throughout all the political spectrum. And in contrast to many different high quality information shops, we select to not lock Individuals out of our reporting and evaluation with paywalls. We consider high quality journalism ought to be accessible to everybody, paid for by those that can afford it.

Your help makes all of the distinction.

It’s the day music followers have all been ready for, however many customers have been left dissatisfied at 2024’s Spotify Wrapped.

The function permits subscribers to see a personalised roundup of their listening habits by means of vibrant visuals and enjoyable details about their music tastes. It additionally named the artists who racked up the largest numbers for the 12 months.

Unsurprisingly, Taylor Swift claimed the title of each World and UK high artist for the second 12 months operating, reaching greater than 26.6 billion streams because of the discharge of her Grammy-nominated album, The Tortured Poets Division. Sabrina Carpenter additionally ranked extremely together with her album, Brief ‘n’ Candy.

Girls dominated the highest spots general with all 5 of the biggest-streamed albums by ladies, together with Swift’s and Carpenter’s information at primary and three, respectively.

However many have been dissatisfied with their annual wrap-up as they hit out on the streaming platform for eradicating options that have been widespread in earlier years.

Spotify tends to alter the highlights with each Wrapped, introducing listening auras and music areas in earlier years.

This 12 months, it appeared to maintain the abstract easy, choosing numbers on listening habits, and an in depth breakdown of a listener’s musical phases all year long.

Whereas often listeners are handled to their high 50 songs, this 12 months the platform supplied them entry to their high 100 as an alternative.

Swift and Carpenter came out on top
Swift and Carpenter got here out on high (Getty)

“Spotify wrapped flopped this 12 months so unhealthy,” wrote one dissatisfied subscriber. “Like the place are the music cities, the playlists, the highest genres or the listening auras… all that watch for WHAT.”

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Others hit out on the app’s accuracy saying, “#SpotifyWrapped2024 is a flop and inaccurate”.

One X/Twitter consumer stated the abstract “was so disappointing this 12 months, I can’t consider I waited this complete time for virtually NOTHING”, whereas one other referred to as it “underwhelming”.

The expertise will be discovered by heading on to the hyperlink on Spotify’s web site. That hyperlink will then open up the Spotify app, whether it is put in, and have to be used on a cellular. The app have to be up to date with the intention to entry the perform.

#Spotify #customers #left #phrase #describe #Wrapped

The Impartial

#Spotify #customers #left #phrase #describe #Wrapped

Maira Butt , 2024-12-05 03:47:00


Bidh Spotify a’ cur AI ri Wrapped – a’ leigeil leat do podcast fhèin a dhèanamh

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Huge Tech, tha The Impartial air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd a bhruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Impartial. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

Spotify air feartan inntleachd fuadain ùra a chuir ris a’ chruinneachadh bhliadhnail aca Wrapped.

Còmhla ris na h-innealan nas traidiseanta – leithid na h-òrain as fheàrr agad fhaicinn, na gnèithean as fheàrr leat, agus mar a tha iad sin air atharrachadh tron ​​​​bhliadhna – tha Spotify cuideachd air innleachdan ùra AI a chuir ris.

Tha sin a’ toirt a-steach “podcast AI” pearsanta a bhios a’ cleachdadh teicneòlas Google gus còmhradh meallta a chruthachadh mun èisteachd agad tron ​​bhliadhna.

Bruidhnidh an dà aoigh fèin-ghluasadach den podcast mu èisteachd dhaoine. Tha e air a stiùireadh le Google’s NotebookLM, a tha comasach air tòrr dàta a ghabhail, a rèiteachadh troimhe agus a thionndadh gu bhith na podcast fìor-fhuaim.

Tha sin na shuidhe ri taobh innealan Spotify AI eile leithid AI DJ. Chaidh an inneal sin a chuir air bhog an-uiridh, ach tha e a’ toirt a-steach ùrachaidhean sònraichte Wrapped, a’ toirt a-steach comas cluinntinn mu ghluasadan na bliadhna agad fhad ‘s a bhios tu ag èisteachd ri ceòl, a bharrachd air an eòlas agad leis an DJ tron ​​​​bhliadhna cuideachd.

Bidh Wrapped cuideachd ag amalachadh leis an fheart AI Playlist a th’ aig Spotify, gus an urrainn do luchd-cleachdaidh podcasts a ghineadh leis an dàta fillte aca.

#Bidh #Spotify #cur #Wrapped #leigeil #leat #podcast #fhèin #dhèanamh

The Impartial

#Bidh #Spotify #cur #Wrapped #leigeil #leat #podcast #fhèin #dhèanamh

Andrew Griffin , 2024-12-04 12:40:00


Spotify Wrapped 2024: Ladies dominate prime songs and albums

Your assist helps us to inform the story

From reproductive rights to local weather change to Large Tech, The Unbiased is on the bottom when the story is creating. Whether or not it is investigating the financials of Elon Musk’s pro-Trump PAC or producing our newest documentary, ‘The A Phrase’, which shines a lightweight on the American girls preventing for reproductive rights, we all know how essential it’s to parse out the details from the messaging.

At such a crucial second in US historical past, we want reporters on the bottom. Your donation permits us to maintain sending journalists to talk to either side of the story.

The Unbiased is trusted by Individuals throughout all the political spectrum. And in contrast to many different high quality information shops, we select to not lock Individuals out of our reporting and evaluation with paywalls. We consider high quality journalism must be out there to everybody, paid for by those that can afford it.

Your assist makes all of the distinction.

Ladies dominated the yr in music, Spotify has confirmed, because it unveils the most-streamed artists, songs and albums of the previous 12 months.

Because the streaming platform launched its annual Wrapped occasion, through which subscribers can see a personalised roundup of their listening habits, it additionally named the artists who racked up the largest numbers.

Unsurprisingly, Taylor Swift claimed the title of each International and UK prime artist for the second yr operating, attaining greater than 26.6 billion streams because of the discharge of her Grammy-nominated album, The Tortured Poets Division.

Launched in April, the US pop star’s record-breaking eleventh studio album featured a number of completely different editions, together with an “anthology” of 31 tracks, most of which have surpassed 100 million streams every.

Swift has additionally made headlines all through 2024 along with her Eras tour, a career-spanning collection of exhibits that has seen her carry out to tens of millions of followers all over the world.

In the meantime Sabrina Carpenter, who launched her breakthrough sixth album Brief ‘n Candy this yr, topped the worldwide songs chart along with her catchy single “Espresso”.

Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish and Sabrina Carpenter were among the most-streamed artists of the year

Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish and Sabrina Carpenter have been among the many most-streamed artists of the yr (AP/Getty/iStock)

All 5 of the biggest-streamed albums have been by girls, together with Swift’s and Carpenter’s data at primary and three, respectively. Billie Eilish’s third album Hit Me Arduous and Smooth was the second largest album of the yr on Spotify, with Colombian singer Karol G’s Mañana Será Bonito fourth and Ariana Grande’s Everlasting Sunshine fifth.

Within the UK, too, Swift was the most-streamed artist of the yr. Canadian hip-hop star Drake simply nabbed the quantity two spot regardless of his controversial authorized motion in opposition to Spotify and Common Music Group, through which he accuses UMG of campaigning to artificially inflate streams of his rival Kendrick Lamar’s diss monitor “Not Like Us”. UMG has branded the allegations “offensive and unfaithful”.

Following Swift and Drake within the prime 5 have been Kanye West, Billie Eilish and The Weeknd. Nevertheless, when it got here to the most well-liked songs within the UK, music followers evidently had a style for male singer-songwriters: folks artist Noah Kahan triumphed at primary along with his breakthrough single “Stick Season”, joined by Benson Boon’s “Lovely Issues at quantity three, Hozier’s “Too Candy” at quantity 4 and Teddy Swims’ “Lose Management”, with Carpenter as the one girl within the prime 5 because of “Espresso”.

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Sabrina Carpenter released her sixth album earlier this year

Sabrina Carpenter launched her sixth album earlier this yr (Island)

When it got here to podcasts, the controversial Joe Rogan Expertise – which in 2022 prompted Neil Younger to stop the streaming service as he accused Rogan of spreading disinformation concerning the Covid vaccine – took the primary spot on the worldwide chart for the fifth consecutive yr. Rogan’s podcast was adopted by Name Her Daddy at quantity two, Huberman Lab at quantity three, This Previous Weekend w/ Theo Von at quantity 4, and The Diary of a CEO with Steven Bartlett at quantity 5.

Spotify has additionally begun collating information for the largest authors and audiobooks on the platform, together with its most-streamed podcasts. This yr, A Courtroom of Thorns and Roses fantasy creator Sara J Maas topped the listing, adopted by Lord of the Rings creator JRR Tolkien and horror grasp Stephen King.

UK Most-Streamed Artists

1. Taylor Swift

2. Drake

3. Kanye West

4. Billie Eilish

5. The Weeknd

6. Eminem

7. Sabrina Carpenter

8. Rihanna

9. Travis Scott

10. Noah Kahan

US Most-Streamed Artists

1. Taylor Swift

2. Drake

3. Zach Bryan

4. Morgan Wallen

5. Kanye West

6. Future

7. Kendrick Lamar

8. Travis Scott

9. The Weeknd

10. Metro Boomin’

Most-Streamed Artists Globally

1. Taylor Swift

2. The Weeknd

3. Unhealthy Bunny

4. Drake

5. Billie Eilish

6. Travis Scott

7. Peso Pluma

8. Kanye West

9. Ariana Grande

10. Feid

Taylor Swift was the biggest artist on Spotify for the second year running

Taylor Swift was the largest artist on Spotify for the second yr operating (AP)

UK Most-Streamed Songs

1. “Stick Season” by Noah Kahan

2. “Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter

3. “Lovely Issues” by Benson Boone

4. “Too Candy” by Hozier

5. “Lose Management” by Teddy Swims

6. “BIRDS OF A FEATHER” by Billie Eilish

7. “Good Luck, Babe!” by Chappell Roan

8. “A Bar Tune (Tipsy)” by Shaboozey

9. “Please Please Please” by Sabrina Carpenter

10. “Austin (Boots Cease Workin’)” by Dasha

Hozier had one of the biggest songs of the year with his single ‘Too Sweet’

Hozier had one of many largest songs of the yr along with his single ‘Too Candy’ (Getty Photographs for The Recording A)

US Most-Streamed Songs

1. “Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter

2. “Not Like Us” by Kendrick Lamar

3. “A Bar Tune (Tipsy)” by Shaboozey

4. “I Had Some Assist (feat Morgan Wallen)” by Put up Malone

5. “MILLION DOLLAR BABY” by Tommy Richman

6. “Good Luck, Babe” by Chappell Roan

7. “Lovely Issues” by Benson Boone

8. “BIRDS OF A FEATHER” by Billie Eilish

9. “I Keep in mind Every little thing (feat Kacey Musgraves)” by Zach Bryan

10. “Stick Season” by Noah Kahan

Most-Streamed Songs Globally

1. “Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter

2. “Lovely Issues” by Benson Boone

3. “BIRDS OF A FEATHER” by Billie Eilish

4. “Gata Solely” by FloyyMenor, Cris Mj

5. “Lose Management” by Teddy Swims

6. “Finish of Starting” by Djo

7. “Too Candy” by Hozier

8. “One Of The Ladies with JENNIE, Lily Rose Depp)” by The Weeknd

9. “Merciless Summer time” by Taylor Swift

10. “Die With A Smile” by Bruno Mars, Girl Gaga

UK Most-Streamed Albums


2. Brief n’ Candy by Sabrina Carpenter

3. Stick Season by Noah Kahan

4. HIT ME HARD AND SOFT by Billie Eilish

5. 1989 (Taylor’s Model) by Taylor Swift

6. Fireworks & Rollerblades by Benson Boone

7. The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess by Chappell Roan

8. GUTS by Olivia Rodrigo

9. Lover by Taylor Swift

10. everlasting sunshine by Ariana Grande

Taylor Swift’s ‘The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology’ was the biggest album of the year

Taylor Swift’s ‘The Tortured Poets Division: The Anthology’ was the largest album of the yr (Republic)

US Most-Streamed Albums


2. One Factor At A Time by Morgan Wallen

3. Brief n’ Candy by Sabrina Carpenter

4. Stick Season by Noah Kahan

5. The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess by Chappell Roan

6. Hit Me Arduous and Smooth by Billie Eilish

7. SOS by SZA

8. Harmful: The Double Album by Morgan Wallen

9. Zach Bryan by Zach Bryan

10. 1989 (Taylor’s Model) by Taylor Swift

Most-Streamed Albums Globally


2. HIT ME HARD AND SOFT by Billie Eilish

3. Brief n’ Candy by Sabrina Carpenter


5. everlasting sunshine by Ariana Grande

6. 1989 (Taylor’s Model) by Taylor Swift

7. SOS by SZA

8. Lover by Taylor Swift

9. Fireworks & Rollerblades by Benson Boone

10. Starboy by The Weeknd

Billie Eilish had the second-biggest album of the year

Billie Eilish had the second-biggest album of the yr (Getty Photographs for ABA)

UK Prime Podcasts

1. The Joe Rogan Expertise

2. The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

3. The Relaxation Is Soccer

4. The Relaxation Is Politics

5. The Relaxation Is Historical past

6. The Louis Theroux Podcast

7. Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster

8. The Relaxation Is Leisure

9. Parenting Hell with Rob Beckett and Josh Widdicombe

10. Name Her Daddy

Joe Rogan’s controversial podcast was the most-streamed on Spotify for the fifth year running

Joe Rogan’s controversial podcast was the most-streamed on Spotify for the fifth yr operating (Getty Photographs)

US Prime Podcasts

1. The Joe Rogan Expertise

2. Name Her Daddy

3. This Previous Weekend w/Theo Von

4. Crime Junkie

5. The Day by day

6. The Tucker Carlson Present

7. Huberman Lab

8. Armchair Professional with Dax Shepard

9. Smosh Reads Reddit Tales

10. Shawn Ryan Present

Prime Podcasts Globally:

1. The Joe Rogan Expertise

2. Name Her Daddy

3. Huberman Lab

4. This Previous Weekend w/ Theo Von

5. The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

6. Serial Killers

7. Relatos de la Noche

8. Crime Junkie

9. Café Com Deus Pai | Podcast oficial

10. El Podcast de Marian Rojas Estapé

UK Prime Audiobooks

1. The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien

2. Extremely-Processed Folks by Chris van Tulleken

3. Politics On the Edge by Rory Stewart

4. Spare by Prince Harry The Duke of Sussex

5. A Recreation of Thrones (Tune of Ice and Hearth, Guide 1) by George R.R. Martin

6. The Thursday Homicide Membership by Richard Osman

7. Unruly by David Mitchell

8. And Away… by Bob Mortimer

9. Learn how to Kill Your Household by Bella Mackie

10. The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien

US Prime Audiobooks

1. A Courtroom of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

2. I’m Glad My Mother Died by Jennette McCurdy

3. A Courtroom of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

4. It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover

5. The 48 Legal guidelines of Energy by Robert Greene

6. The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R. R. Tolkien

7. A Courtroom of Wings and Wreck by Sarah J. Maas

8. Icebreaker: A Novel by Hannah Grace

9. Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

10. Humorous Story by Emily Henry

Spotify customers can now entry their personalised 2024 Wrapped Expertise through the Spotify cellular app (iOS and Android), offered it has been up to date to the newest model. New options embrace the “Longest Listening Streak”, the place followers can see the artist they loved for the longest interval, in addition to studying in the event that they landed within the coveted “one per cent” of an artist or band’s prime listeners.

#Spotify #Wrapped #Ladies #dominate #prime #songs #albums

The Unbiased

#Spotify #Wrapped #Ladies #dominate #prime #songs #albums

Roisin O’Connor , 2024-12-05 03:43:00


Spotify Wrapped 2024: bidh sgioba London Customary a’ dèiligeadh ris a’ bhliadhna aca ann an ceòl

Tha fios againn gu bheil an Nollaig timcheall air an oisean agus gu h-obann, air aon latha air thuaiream san Dùbhlachd, tha a h-uile sgeulachd Instagram a bhriogas sinn troimhe na ionnsaigh air staitistig èisteachd dath soilleir, iongantach mionaideach gach caraid, co-obraiche, neach-eòlais, neach ainmeil no cunntas àirneis dachaigh a tha sinn ( is dòcha) lean. Agus tha an t-àm sin ann Diciadain – tha e gu h-oifigeil Spotify air a phasgadh Latha. Duilich, Apple Ceol Ath-chluich. Dh’ fheuch thu ri do mhionaid a bhith agad le bhith a’ leigeil do stats a-mach latha tràth – ach, gu fìrinneach, cha robh cothrom agad a-riamh.

Tha e coltach nach urrainn dhuinn dìreach rudeigin a mhealtainn gun a bhith a’ faighinn a-mach dè cho dèidheil ‘s a tha sinn air. Cuir a-steach Spotify Air a phasgadh, an stiùireadh pearsanta, farsaing air na dh’ èist sinn ris a’ mhòr-chuid air an àrd-ùrlar bho 1 Faoilleach 2024, gu ceann-latha nach deach fhoillseachadh aithris gur ann san t-Samhain (bidh iad a’ cumail mion-fhiosrachadh mun cheann-latha sònraichte glaiste ann an seilear dìon an àiteigin).

#Spotify #Wrapped #bidh #sgioba #London #Customary #dèiligeadh #ris #bhliadhna #aca #ann #ceòl

The Customary

#Spotify #Wrapped #bidh #sgioba #London #Customary #dèiligeadh #ris #bhliadhna #aca #ann #ceòl

Jordan Web page , 2024-12-04 17:52:00


Tha Spotify Wrapped 2024 a-muigh. Search engine optimization mar a chì thu an liosta-cluiche agad

Cò a tha a ‘ruith an t-saoghail? Nigheanan!

Agus tha e coltach gu bheil sin fìor airson gnìomhachas a’ chiùil airson na 12 mìosan a dh’ fhalbh leis gun do chuir Spotify luchd-cleachdaidh a-mach às an truaighe agus chuir iad am feart Wrapped air bhog airson 2024.

Tha an àm sin den bhliadhna gu h-oifigeil an website positioning – nuair a dh’fheumas tu co-dhùnadh am bu chòir dhut nochdadh an ceòl air an robh thu ag èisteachd airson na 12 mìosan a dh’ fhalbh, no ma bu chòir do thlachd ciontach a bhith dìomhair.

#Tha #Spotify #Wrapped #amuigh #Search engine optimization #mar #chì #thu #liostacluiche #agad

The Commonplace

#Tha #Spotify #Wrapped #amuigh #Search engine optimization #mar #chì #thu #liostacluiche #agad

Sian Baldwin , 2024-12-04 17:21:00


Spotify Wrapped 2024: Prime artist record revealed as Taylor Swift takes primary spot

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Girls dominated the 12 months in music, Spotify has confirmed, because it unveils the most-streamed artists, songs and albums of the previous 12 months.

Because the streaming platform launched its annual Wrapped occasion, through which subscribers can see a personalised roundup of their listening habits, it additionally named the artists who racked up the most important numbers.

Unsurprisingly, Taylor Swift claimed the title of each International and UK high artist for the second 12 months operating, attaining greater than 26.6 billion streams due to the discharge of her Grammy-nominated album, The Tortured Poets Division.

Launched in April, the US pop star’s record-breaking eleventh studio album featured a number of completely different editions, together with an “anthology” of 31 tracks, most of which have surpassed 100 million streams every.

Swift has additionally made headlines all through 2024 along with her Eras tour, a career-spanning sequence of exhibits that has seen her carry out to thousands and thousands of followers around the globe.

In the meantime Sabrina Carpenter, who launched her breakthrough sixth album Quick ‘n Candy this 12 months, topped the worldwide songs chart along with her catchy single “Espresso”.

Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish and Sabrina Carpenter were among the most-streamed artists of the year

Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish and Sabrina Carpenter have been among the many most-streamed artists of the 12 months (AP/Getty/iStock)

All 5 of the biggest-streamed albums have been by girls, together with Swift’s and Carpenter’s data at primary and three, respectively. Billie Eilish’s third album Hit Me Arduous and Tender was the second largest album of the 12 months on Spotify, with Colombian singer Karol G’s Mañana Será Bonito fourth and Ariana Grande’s Everlasting Sunshine fifth.

Within the UK, too, Swift was the most-streamed artist of the 12 months. Canadian hip-hop star Drake simply nabbed the quantity two spot regardless of his controversial authorized motion towards Spotify and Common Music Group, through which he accuses UMG of campaigning to artificially inflate streams of his rival Kendrick Lamar’s diss observe “Not Like Us”. UMG has branded the allegations “offensive and unfaithful”.

Following Swift and Drake within the high 5 have been Kanye West, Billie Eilish and The Weeknd. Nonetheless, when it got here to the preferred songs within the UK, music followers evidently had a style for male singer-songwriters: folks artist Noah Kahan triumphed at primary together with his breakthrough single “Stick Season”, joined by Benson Boon’s “Lovely Issues at quantity three, Hozier’s “Too Candy” at quantity 4 and Teddy Swims’ “Lose Management”, with Carpenter as the one girl within the high 5 due to “Espresso”.

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Amazon Music logo

Take pleasure in limitless entry to 100 million ad-free songs and podcasts with Amazon Music

Join now for a 4 month free trial (3 months for non-Prime members)


Sabrina Carpenter released her sixth album earlier this year

Sabrina Carpenter launched her sixth album earlier this 12 months (Island)

When it got here to podcasts, the controversial Joe Rogan Expertise – which in 2022 prompted Neil Younger to stop the streaming service as he accused Rogan of spreading disinformation in regards to the Covid vaccine – took the primary spot on the worldwide chart for the fifth consecutive 12 months. Rogan’s podcast was adopted by Name Her Daddy at quantity two, Huberman Lab at quantity three, This Previous Weekend w/ Theo Von at quantity 4, and The Diary of a CEO with Steven Bartlett at quantity 5.

Spotify has additionally begun collating information for the most important authors and audiobooks on the platform, together with its most-streamed podcasts. This 12 months, A Courtroom of Thorns and Roses fantasy creator Sara J Maas topped the record, adopted by Lord of the Rings creator JRR Tolkien and horror grasp Stephen King.

UK Most-Streamed Artists

1. Taylor Swift

2. Drake

3. Kanye West

4. Billie Eilish

5. The Weeknd

6. Eminem

7. Sabrina Carpenter

8. Rihanna

9. Travis Scott

10. Noah Kahan

US Most-Streamed Artists

1. Taylor Swift

2. Drake

3. Zach Bryan

4. Morgan Wallen

5. Kanye West

6. Future

7. Kendrick Lamar

8. Travis Scott

9. The Weeknd

10. Metro Boomin’

Most-Streamed Artists Globally

1. Taylor Swift

2. The Weeknd

3. Dangerous Bunny

4. Drake

5. Billie Eilish

6. Travis Scott

7. Peso Pluma

8. Kanye West

9. Ariana Grande

10. Feid

Taylor Swift was the biggest artist on Spotify for the second year running

Taylor Swift was the most important artist on Spotify for the second 12 months operating (AP)

UK Most-Streamed Songs

1. “Stick Season” by Noah Kahan

2. “Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter

3. “Lovely Issues” by Benson Boone

4. “Too Candy” by Hozier

5. “Lose Management” by Teddy Swims

6. “BIRDS OF A FEATHER” by Billie Eilish

7. “Good Luck, Babe!” by Chappell Roan

8. “A Bar Tune (Tipsy)” by Shaboozey

9. “Please Please Please” by Sabrina Carpenter

10. “Austin (Boots Cease Workin’)” by Dasha

Hozier had one of the biggest songs of the year with his single ‘Too Sweet’

Hozier had one of many largest songs of the 12 months together with his single ‘Too Candy’ (Getty Photos for The Recording A)

US Most-Streamed Songs

1. “Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter

2. “Not Like Us” by Kendrick Lamar

3. “A Bar Tune (Tipsy)” by Shaboozey

4. “I Had Some Assist (feat Morgan Wallen)” by Put up Malone

5. “MILLION DOLLAR BABY” by Tommy Richman

6. “Good Luck, Babe” by Chappell Roan

7. “Lovely Issues” by Benson Boone

8. “BIRDS OF A FEATHER” by Billie Eilish

9. “I Bear in mind The whole lot (feat Kacey Musgraves)” by Zach Bryan

10. “Stick Season” by Noah Kahan

Most-Streamed Songs Globally

1. “Espresso” by Sabrina Carpenter

2. “Lovely Issues” by Benson Boone

3. “BIRDS OF A FEATHER” by Billie Eilish

4. “Gata Solely” by FloyyMenor, Cris Mj

5. “Lose Management” by Teddy Swims

6. “Finish of Starting” by Djo

7. “Too Candy” by Hozier

8. “One Of The Ladies with JENNIE, Lily Rose Depp)” by The Weeknd

9. “Merciless Summer time” by Taylor Swift

10. “Die With A Smile” by Bruno Mars, Woman Gaga

UK Most-Streamed Albums


2. Quick n’ Candy by Sabrina Carpenter

3. Stick Season by Noah Kahan

4. HIT ME HARD AND SOFT by Billie Eilish

5. 1989 (Taylor’s Model) by Taylor Swift

6. Fireworks & Rollerblades by Benson Boone

7. The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess by Chappell Roan

8. GUTS by Olivia Rodrigo

9. Lover by Taylor Swift

10. everlasting sunshine by Ariana Grande

Taylor Swift’s ‘The Tortured Poets Department: The Anthology’ was the biggest album of the year

Taylor Swift’s ‘The Tortured Poets Division: The Anthology’ was the most important album of the 12 months (Republic)

US Most-Streamed Albums


2. One Factor At A Time by Morgan Wallen

3. Quick n’ Candy by Sabrina Carpenter

4. Stick Season by Noah Kahan

5. The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess by Chappell Roan

6. Hit Me Arduous and Tender by Billie Eilish

7. SOS by SZA

8. Harmful: The Double Album by Morgan Wallen

9. Zach Bryan by Zach Bryan

10. 1989 (Taylor’s Model) by Taylor Swift

Most-Streamed Albums Globally


2. HIT ME HARD AND SOFT by Billie Eilish

3. Quick n’ Candy by Sabrina Carpenter


5. everlasting sunshine by Ariana Grande

6. 1989 (Taylor’s Model) by Taylor Swift

7. SOS by SZA

8. Lover by Taylor Swift

9. Fireworks & Rollerblades by Benson Boone

10. Starboy by The Weeknd

Billie Eilish had the second-biggest album of the year

Billie Eilish had the second-biggest album of the 12 months (Getty Photos for ABA)

UK Prime Podcasts

1. The Joe Rogan Expertise

2. The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

3. The Relaxation Is Soccer

4. The Relaxation Is Politics

5. The Relaxation Is Historical past

6. The Louis Theroux Podcast

7. Off Menu with Ed Gamble and James Acaster

8. The Relaxation Is Leisure

9. Parenting Hell with Rob Beckett and Josh Widdicombe

10. Name Her Daddy

Joe Rogan’s controversial podcast was the most-streamed on Spotify for the fifth year running

Joe Rogan’s controversial podcast was the most-streamed on Spotify for the fifth 12 months operating (Getty Photos)

US Prime Podcasts

1. The Joe Rogan Expertise

2. Name Her Daddy

3. This Previous Weekend w/Theo Von

4. Crime Junkie

5. The Day by day

6. The Tucker Carlson Present

7. Huberman Lab

8. Armchair Skilled with Dax Shepard

9. Smosh Reads Reddit Tales

10. Shawn Ryan Present

Prime Podcasts Globally:

1. The Joe Rogan Expertise

2. Name Her Daddy

3. Huberman Lab

4. This Previous Weekend w/ Theo Von

5. The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett

6. Serial Killers

7. Relatos de la Noche

8. Crime Junkie

9. Café Com Deus Pai | Podcast oficial

10. El Podcast de Marian Rojas Estapé

UK Prime Audiobooks

1. The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien

2. Extremely-Processed Individuals by Chris van Tulleken

3. Politics On the Edge by Rory Stewart

4. Spare by Prince Harry The Duke of Sussex

5. A Sport of Thrones (Tune of Ice and Fireplace, Guide 1) by George R.R. Martin

6. The Thursday Homicide Membership by Richard Osman

7. Unruly by David Mitchell

8. And Away… by Bob Mortimer

9. The way to Kill Your Household by Bella Mackie

10. The Two Towers by J.R.R. Tolkien

US Prime Audiobooks

1. A Courtroom of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

2. I’m Glad My Mother Died by Jennette McCurdy

3. A Courtroom of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas

4. It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover

5. The 48 Legal guidelines of Energy by Robert Greene

6. The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R. R. Tolkien

7. A Courtroom of Wings and Smash by Sarah J. Maas

8. Icebreaker: A Novel by Hannah Grace

9. Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros

10. Humorous Story by Emily Henry

Spotify customers can now entry their personalised 2024 Wrapped Expertise by way of the Spotify cellular app (iOS and Android), supplied it has been up to date to the most recent model. New options embody the “Longest Listening Streak”, the place followers can see the artist they loved for the longest interval, in addition to studying in the event that they landed within the coveted “one per cent” of an artist or band’s high listeners.

#Spotify #Wrapped #Prime #artist #record #revealed #Taylor #Swift #takes #quantity #spot

The Unbiased

#Spotify #Wrapped #Prime #artist #record #revealed #Taylor #Swift #takes #quantity #spot

Roisin O’Connor , 2024-12-04 14:39:00


Dh’ fhalbh luchd-cleachdaidh Spotify a’ cleachdadh aon fhacal airson cunntas a thoirt air Wrapped 2024

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Massive Tech, tha The Unbiased air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd a bhruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Unbiased. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

Is e web optimization an latha a tha luchd-leantainn a’ chiùil air a bhith a’ feitheamh, ach tha mòran de luchd-cleachdaidh air am fàgail diombach aig 2024’s Spotify air a phasgadh.

Leigidh am feart web optimization le luchd-aontachaidh sealladh pearsanta fhaicinn cruinneachadh de na cleachdaidhean èisteachd aca tro dhealbhan dathte agus fìrinnean èibhinn mu na blasan ciùil aca. Tha e cuideachd ainmeachadh an luchd-ealain a chruinnich na h-àireamhan as motha airson na bliadhna.

Gun iongnadh, Taylor Swift choisinn i an tiotal an dà chuid prìomh neach-ealain World agus UK airson an dàrna bliadhna an dèidh a chèile, a’ coileanadh còrr air 26.6 billean sruthan mar thoradh air an clàr aice a chaidh ainmeachadh le Grammy fhoillseachadh, Roinn nam Bàrd air an Cràdh. Sabrina Carpenter àrd-inbhe cuideachd leis a’ chlàr aice, Goirid ‘n’ Candy.

Ghabh boireannaich smachd air na prìomh àiteachan gu h-iomlan leis na còig clàran as motha a chaidh a chraoladh le boireannaich, a’ toirt a-steach clàran Swift agus Carpenter aig àireamh a h-aon agus a trì, fa leth.

Ach bha mòran diombach leis a’ chòmhdach bhliadhnail aca agus iad a’ bualadh a-mach air an àrd-ùrlar sruthadh gus feartan a bha mòr-chòrdte sna bliadhnaichean roimhe sin a thoirt air falbh.

Tha Spotify buailteach na prìomh thachartasan atharrachadh leis a h-uile Wrapped, a’ toirt a-steach auras èisteachd agus àiteachan ciùil sna bliadhnaichean roimhe sin.

Am-bliadhna, bha e coltach gun cumadh e an geàrr-chunntas sìmplidh, a’ roghnachadh àireamhan air cleachdaidhean èisteachd, agus briseadh sìos mionaideach air ìrean ciùil neach-èisteachd tron ​​​​bhliadhna.

Thàinig Swift agus Carpenter am bàrr
Thàinig Swift agus Carpenter am bàrr (Getty)

“Thàinig Spotify paisgte cho dona am-bliadhna,” sgrìobh aon neach-clàraidh briseadh-dùil. “Mar a tha na bailtean-mòra ciùil, na liostaichean-cluiche, na prìomh ghnèithean no na h-auras èisteachd… a h-uile càil a tha a’ feitheamh ri DÈ.

“Fillte tha leithid de flop am-bliadhna,” thuirt worry eile ris. “Cha tug iad eadhon liosta-cluiche nan 50 òran as fheàrr den bhliadhna dhuinn…”

Suaicheantas Amazon Music

Faigh tlachd bho ruigsinneachd gun chrìoch air 100 millean òran agus podcast gun shanasan le Amazon Music

Clàraich a-nis airson deuchainn 4 mìosan an-asgaidh (3 mìosan airson buill nach eil nam Prìomh)

Cuir d’ainm ris

Suaicheantas Amazon Music

Faigh tlachd bho ruigsinneachd gun chrìoch air 100 millean òran agus podcast gun shanasan le Amazon Music

Clàraich a-nis airson deuchainn 4 mìosan an-asgaidh (3 mìosan airson buill nach eil nam Prìomh)

Cuir d’ainm ris

Anns na bliadhnaichean roimhe sin tha luchd-èisteachd air am fàgail le liosta de na 50 òran as fheàrr aca airson na bliadhna, a tha coltach gun deach a dhubhadh às ann an 2024 airson cuid de luchd-cleachdaidh.

Bhuail cuid eile a-mach air cruinneas an aplacaid ag ràdh, “#SpotifyWrapped2024 tha e flop agus mearachdach.”

Thuirt aon neach-cleachdaidh X/Twitter gu robh an geàrr-chunntas “cho briseadh-dùil am-bliadhna, chan urrainn dhomh a chreidsinn gun do dh’ fhuirich mi fad na h-ùine web optimization airson cha mhòr CHAN EIL”, agus thuirt neach eile gur e “uamhasach” a bh’ ann.

Faodar an t-eòlas a lorg le ceann dìreach chun cheangal air làrach-lìn Spotify. Fosglaidh an ceangal sin an uairsin an app Spotify, ma tha e air a chuir a-steach, agus feumar a chleachdadh air fòn-làimhe. Feumaidh an aplacaid ùrachadh gus faighinn chun ghnìomh.

#fhalbh #luchdcleachdaidh #Spotify #cleachdadh #aon #fhacal #airson #cunntas #thoirt #air #Wrapped

The Unbiased

#fhalbh #luchdcleachdaidh #Spotify #cleachdadh #aon #fhacal #airson #cunntas #thoirt #air #Wrapped

Maira Butt , 2024-12-04 14:04:00


Spotify Wrapped: An t-òran as sruthadh san RA 2024

An t-seachdan sa chaidh, sgrìobh sinn mu dheidhinn ciamar Is dòcha gun tèid Spotify Wrapped a chuir air bhog an-diugh (4 Dùbhlachd) mar a chanar ris air a’ chiad Diciadain den Dùbhlachd no air an t-Samhain mu dheireadh thairis air na trì bliadhna a dh’ fhalbh.

Bidh fios aig luchd-gràidh a’ chiùil gu bheil an fhàisneachd air a choileanadh (a bheil sin rud beag dràmadach? O uill).

Ach ged is dòcha gu bheil thu a’ coimhead air an dàta agad fhèin feasgar an-diugh, is dòcha gum bi e a’ faighneachd dhut dè na stats a th’ ann airson na dùthcha.

Tha sinn mu thràth air a roinn òran ris nach robh dùil de gach àm Spotify. Mar sin bha sinn den bheachd gun innis sinn dhut am worry a bhuannaich ann an cluasan luchd-èisteachd na RA an 2024 website positioning.

Dèanamaid Spotify Wrapped, fillte

A rèir dàta Spotify, is e an t-òran as motha a chaidh a chraoladh san RA ann an 2024 Noah Kahan’s Stick Season.

Sabrina CarpenterThàinig Espresso san dàrna àite, aig an aon àm, le Stunning Issues le Benson Boone na shuidhe san treas àite agus Hozier’s Too Candy sa cheathramh àite.

A rèir coltais, b’ e an clàr as motha a chaidh a chraoladh san RA am-bliadhna Taylor Swift‘s Roinn nam Bàrd air an Cràdh: An Anthology. Tha Sabrina Carpenter a’ tighinn san dàrna h-àite air stakes a’ chlàr cuideachd, le Brief ‘N’ Candy a’ ruighinn san dàrna àite; Tha clàr Noah Kahan’s Stick Season san treas àite, agus Billie EilishTha ‘S Hit Me Arduous And Mushy a’ tighinn sa cheathramh àite.

Tha Taylor Swift gu dearbh a’ nochdadh dà uair air na clàran clàr san RA, le 1989 (Tionndadh Taylor) mar an còigeamh clàr as sruthach ann an 2024 cuideachd.

Luchd-ealain as motha san RA:

Dè mu dheidhinn an còrr den t-saoghal?

Tha na h-àireamhan sin dìreach airson na RA – is dòcha nach bi e na iongnadh dhut faighinn a-mach gu bheil Espresso Sabrina Carpenter aig àireamh a h-aon air feadh na cruinne am-bliadhna.

Cha do nochd Noah Kahan idir anns na còig òrain as fheàrr air feadh na cruinne, le àiteachan eile a’ dol gu Stunning Issues Benson Boone san dàrna àite agus Birds Of A Feather le Billie Eilish a’ faighinn an treas àite.

A-rithist, tha sinn teagmhach gum bi e na iongnadh dhut faighinn a-mach gur e The Tortured Poets Division: The Anthology an clàr as motha a tha air a chraoladh air feadh an t-saoghail aig Taylor Swift.

Thug Spotify a-steach Prìomh Neach-ealain Cruinneil chun Latha Fillte aca airson a’ chiad uair am-bliadhna – cha deach e gu duine seach a’ Bh-Uas Swift. Tha an t-seirbheis sruthadh cuideachd air feart beothachaidh Easter Egg a chuir ris na h-amannan làn tòimhseachain aice.

Na h-òrain as sruthadh aig Spotify ann an 2024 air feadh na cruinne, tro #SpotifyWrapped:

#1 Espresso
#2 Rudan brèagha
#3 Eòin itean
#4 Gata a-mhàin
#5 Caill smachd
#6 Deireadh an Tòiseachaidh
#7 Ro milis
#8 Aon de na Nigheanan
#9 Samhradh cruaidh
#10 Bàsaich le gàire
#11 Is toil leam an dòigh anns a bheil thu gam phògadh
#12 tha sinn…

– dàta cairt (@chartdata) Dùbhlachd 4, 2024

#Spotify #Wrapped #tòran #sruthadh #san

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#Spotify #Wrapped #tòran #sruthadh #san

Amy Glover , 2024-12-04 13:00:00