Bha aon às gach sianar a chaidh an cur an grèim mu aimhreitean Southport nan clann, a rèir dàta

Bha aon às gach sianar a chaidh an cur an grèim mu aimhreitean Southport nan clann, a rèir dàta

Chaidh còrr air 1,200 a chur an grèim co-cheangailte ri aimhreitean Southport, a rèir iarrtasan saorsa fiosrachaidh.

#Bha #aon #às #gach #sianar #chaidh #cur #grèim #aimhreitean #Southport #nan #clann #rèir #dàta

The Commonplace

#Bha #aon #às #gach #sianar #chaidh #cur #grèim #aimhreitean #Southport #nan #clann #rèir #dàta

Will Grimond , 2024-12-20 12:57:00

Tha amharas aig Southport a’ diùltadh bruidhinn agus e a’ dol às àicheadh ​​gun do shàth e triùir nigheanan gu bàs | RA | Naidheachdan

Tha amharas aig Southport a’ diùltadh bruidhinn agus e a’ dol às àicheadh ​​gun do shàth e triùir nigheanan gu bàs | RA | Naidheachdan

Rinn britheamh tagradh “neo-chiontach” airson deugaire a tha fo chasaid gun do mhuirt e triùir chloinne òga aig clas dannsa Taylor Swift ann an Southport – às deidh dha diùltadh freagairt sa chùirt.

Nochd Axel Rudakubana, 18, à Banks, Lancashire, tro cheangal bhidio bhon phrìosan far a bheil e air a chumail air ais ach a dh’ aindeoin luchd-obrach a’ phrìosain air dearbhadh gun cluinneadh iad, dhiùlt e freagairt a thoirt don bhritheamh Mgr Justice Goose.

Mar sin aig an èisteachd aige, ro-dheuchainn aig Cùirt a’ Chrùin ann an Liverpool feasgar Diciadain, dh’ iarr am britheamh gu foirmeil air a’ chlàrc aige gearanan ‘neo-chiontach’ a chuir a-steach leis gun deach gach aon de na 16 casaidean a leughadh a-mach.

Às deidh a’ chiad chasaid, murt Elsie Dot Stancombe, thuirt Mgr Justice Goose: “Tha mi riaraichte gun cluinn e agus gu bheil e a’ diùltadh bruidhinn.

Bha Rudakubana, le geansaidh glas le cùis-phrìosain, a’ priobadh agus a’ rocadh na chathair fhad ‘s a bha e ag èisteachd ri gach cunntadh air a’ chasaid.

Bha timcheall air 15 ball den teaghlach a bha a’ fulang, a’ toirt a-steach pàrantan an neach-fulang brònach Alice da Silva Aguiar, naoi, anns a’ ghailearaidh phoblach airson an èisteachd.

Tha e fo chasaid gun do mhuirt e triùir òganach – Alice; Bebe King, aois sia, agus Elsie Dot Stancombe, seachd – aig The Hart House ann am baile tràghad Merseyside ann an Southport goirid ro mheadhan-latha air 29 Iuchar am-bliadhna.

Tha e cuideachd fo chasaid gun do dh’fheuch e ri ochdnar chloinne eile a mhurt, nach gabh ainmeachadh airson adhbharan laghail, an tidsear Leanne Lucas agus am fear-gnìomhachais John Hayes.

Mu dheireadh tha Rudakubana cuideachd an aghaidh trì casaidean eile – sealbh air sgian air latha na h-ionnsaigh; cinneasachadh toxin bith-eòlasach, ricin, air no ro 29 Iuchar agus seilbh fiosrachaidh a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith feumail do neach a tha a’ dèanamh no ag ullachadh airson gnìomh ceannairc a dhèanamh.

Tha an eucoir ceannairc co-cheangailte ri faidhle PDF leis an tiotal Sgrùdaidhean Armailteach Anns an Jihad Towards The Tyrants, Leabhar-làimhe Trèanaidh Al Qaeda, a thathas ag ràdh a bha aige eadar 29 Lùnastal, 2021 agus 30 Iuchar 2024.

Chaidh an ricin, puinnsean marbhtach, agus an sgrìobhainn a lorg nuair a chaidh an dachaigh a sgrùdadh air Previous College Shut a bha e a’ roinn le a phàrantan, a bha à Ruanda bho thùs. Rugadh Rudakubana ann an Caerdydd.

Chaidh tagraidhean neo-chiontach a chuir a-steach às a leth agus chaidh innse don chùirt gum bi e a-nis mu choinneimh cùis-lagha a mhaireas suas ri ceithir seachdainean a’ tòiseachadh air 20 Faoilleach an ath-bhliadhna.

A’ cur crìoch air an èisteachd ghoirid thuirt am britheamh ris an neach fo chasaid: “Axel Rudakubana, faodaidh tu èisteachd ris na tha mi ag ràdh.

“Chan fheum mi freagairt a thoirt dhut. Bidh a’ chùis-lagha agad a-nis a’ gabhail àite air 20 Faoilleach agus thèid do ghluasad bhon àite far a bheil thu an-dràsta gu àite nas freagarraiche airson a bhith an làthair aig a’ chùirt website positioning.

“Feumaidh tu cumail ann an conaltradh ris an luchd-lagha agad gus an urrainn dhaibh do chuideachadh airson adhbharan na cùise-lagha website positioning. Anns an eadar-ama bidh thu ann an grèim.”

#Tha #amharas #aig #Southport #diùltadh #bruidhinn #agus #dol #às #àicheadh #gun #shàth #triùir #nigheanan #bàs #Naidheachdan

Each day Categorical :: Information Feed

#Tha #amharas #aig #Southport #diùltadh #bruidhinn #agus #dol #às #àicheadh #gun #shàth #triùir #nigheanan #bàs #Naidheachdan

Chris Riches , 2024-12-18 14:36:00

Southport stabbings suspect has not responsible homicide pleas entered after remaining silent

Southport stabbings suspect has not responsible homicide pleas entered after remaining silent

Axel Rudakubana stayed silent as not responsible pleas have been entered for him over the Southport stabbings

#Southport #stabbings #suspect #responsible #homicide #pleas #entered #remaining #silent

The Commonplace

#Southport #stabbings #suspect #responsible #homicide #pleas #entered #remaining #silent

Tristan Kirk , 2024-12-18 14:48:00

Not responsible pleas entered after teen accused of Southport assault doesn’t communicate

Not responsible pleas entered after teen accused of Southport assault doesn’t communicate

Axel Rudakubana did not reply when he was requested to enter pleas to the 16 expenses he faces.

#responsible #pleas #entered #teen #accused #Southport #assault #communicate

The Customary

#responsible #pleas #entered #teen #accused #Southport #assault #communicate

Eleanor Barlow , 2024-12-18 15:29:00

Southport suspect Axel Rudakubana pleads not responsible to murdering women in dance class stabbing

Southport suspect Axel Rudakubana pleads not responsible to murdering women in dance class stabbing

An adolescent has denied murdering three youngsters in a stabbing at a Taylor Swift-themed vacation membership in Southport.

Axel Rudakubana, 18, additionally pleaded not responsible ten counts of tried homicide following the knife assault which sparked widespread riots this summer season.

Showing by way of videolink from HMP Belmarsh at Liverpool Crown Courtroom on Wednesday, he additional denied a terror offence and making the poison ricin.

{The teenager} didn’t communicate when he was arraigned through the pre-trial listening to in entrance of Mr Justice Goose. Pleas of not responsible have been recorded when he didn’t reply. He is because of stand trial within the New Yr.

Six-year-old Bebe King and seven-year-old Elsie Dot Stancombe have been killed within the 29 July assault, whereas nine-year-old Alice da Silva Aguiar died from her accidents in hospital afterwards.

Six-year-old Bebe King, seven-year-old Elsie Dot Stancombe and Alice da Silva Aguiar, nine, died in the attack

Six-year-old Bebe King, seven-year-old Elsie Dot Stancombe and Alice da Silva Aguiar, 9, died within the assault (PA Media)

In October the Crown Prosecution Service introduced they have been bringing two additional prices in opposition to the suspect however confirmed they aren’t treating the stabbing as a terror assault.

He’s accused of manufacturing a organic toxin after officers found a substance which was discovered to be ricin, a poison present in castor beans, in a search of his house.

In addition they found a PDF file titled “Army research within the jihad in opposition to the tyrants: the Al Qaeda coaching handbook” – a doc prone to be helpful to somebody committing or making ready to commit a terrorist assault.

He’s charged with the manufacturing of a organic toxin, opposite to Part One of many Organic Weapons Act 1974, and possessing the handbook below Part 58 of the Terrorism Act.

Police mentioned the assault has not been declared a terrorist incident as a result of no terror motive has been established. No ricin was discovered to have been current on the scene of the stabbing.

“Right now Counter Terrorism Policing has not declared the occasions of 29 July a terrorist incident,” Merseyside Police chief constable Serena Kennedy confirmed when she introduced the recent prices.

“I recognise that these new prices could result in hypothesis. The matter for which Axel Rudakubana has been charged below the Terrorism Act doesn’t require motive to be established.

“For a matter to be declared a terrorist incident, motivation would have to be established.”

Axel Rudakubana at a previous court hearing

Axel Rudakubana at a earlier courtroom listening to (Liverpool Crown Courtroom)

Mr Rudakubana, who was born to Rwandan mother and father in Cardiff earlier than his household moved to Banks, Lancashire, was 17 on the time of the incident.

The recorder of Liverpool Andrew Menary KC overturned reporting restrictions stopping him from being named on account of his age at a listening to at Liverpool Crown Courtroom in August, noting that sustaining reporting restrictions risked misinformation persevering with to be unfold “in a vacuum”.

A provisional trial date has been set for January subsequent yr.

Extra follows on this breaking information story…

#Southport #suspect #Axel #Rudakubana #pleads #responsible #murdering #women #dance #class #stabbing

The Unbiased

#Southport #suspect #Axel #Rudakubana #pleads #responsible #murdering #women #dance #class #stabbing

Amy-Clare Martin , 2024-12-18 14:36:00

Chaidh plàighean neo-chiontach a-steach airson Southport a’ sàrachadh Axel Rudakubana às deidh dha diùltadh bruidhinn | Naidheachdan na RA

Chaidh plàighean neo-chiontach a-steach airson Southport a’ sàrachadh Axel Rudakubana às deidh dha diùltadh bruidhinn | Naidheachdan na RA

Chaidh gearanan neo-chiontach a chuir a-steach às leth Southport a tha fo amharas Axel Rudakubana às deidh dha diùltadh bruidhinn sa chùirt.

Nochd Axel Rudakubana, 18, aig Cùirt a’ Chrùin ann an Liverpool an-diugh le ceangal bhidio fo chasaid mu thrì chunntasan de mhurt, 10 de dh’oidhirp air murt agus sealbh air sgian cidsin mar thoradh air an ionnsaigh air baile Merseyside air 29 Iuchar.

Chaidh Bebe King, sia, Elsie Dot Stancombe, seachd, agus Alice da Silva Aguiar, naoi-bliadhna, a mharbhadh, agus chaidh ochdnar chloinne eile, eadar seachd agus 13, a ghoirteachadh, còmhla ris an neach-teagaisg yoga Leanne Lucas agus am fear-gnìomhachais John Hayes.

Elsie Dot Stancombe, Alice Dasilva Aguiar agus Bebe King.  Dealbh: Poileas Merseyside
Elsie Dot Stancombe, Alice da Silva Aguiar agus Bebe King. Dealbh: Poileas Merseyside

Bha Rudakubana 17 bliadhna a dh’aois aig àm an ionnsaigh aig The Hart House, nach deach ainmeachadh co-cheangailte ri ceannairc, a rèir Poileas Merseyside.

Chaidh a chur fo chasaid às deidh sin airson a bhith a’ toirt a-mach ricin agus a rèir aithris gu robh leabhar-làimhe trèanaidh al Qaeda aige a chaidh a lorg a rèir coltais ann an rannsachaidhean air an dachaigh aige ann am Banks, Lancashire, anns na làithean às deidh an sàrachadh.

Tha a’ chiad chosgais a bharrachd, fo Achd Armachd Bith-eòlasach 1974, ag ràdh gun tug e a-mach toxin bith-eòlasach, is e sin ricin, air no ro 29 Iuchar.

Tha an dàrna worry, fo Earrann 58 de Achd Ceannairc 2000, a’ cumail a-mach gu robh faidhle PDF aige leis an tiotal “Army Research In The Jihad Towards The Tyrants: The Al-Qaeda Coaching Guide”.

Thathas an dùil gun tèid Rudakubana a chuir gu cùirt san aon chùirt air 20 Faoilleach, agus tha dùil gum mair a’ chùis ceithir seachdainean.

Tha an naidheachd ùr search engine optimization ga ùrachadh agus thèid barrachd fiosrachaidh fhoillseachadh a dh’ aithghearr.

Feuch an ùraich thu an duilleag airson an tionndadh as ùire.

Gheibh thu rabhaidhean naidheachdan as ùire air fòn cliste no clàr tro làrach-lìn an An aplacaid Sky Information. Faodaidh tu cuideachd lean sinn air WhatsApp agus fo-sgrìobh gu ar Sianal YouTube gus cumail suas ris na naidheachdan as ùire.

#Chaidh #plàighean #neochiontach #asteach #airson #Southport #sàrachadh #Axel #Rudakubana #às #deidh #dha #diùltadh #bruidhinn #Naidheachdan

UK Information – The newest headlines from the UK | Sky Information

#Chaidh #plàighean #neochiontach #asteach #airson #Southport #sàrachadh #Axel #Rudakubana #às #deidh #dha #diùltadh #bruidhinn #Naidheachdan

, 2024-12-18 14:30:00

Southport riots evaluate finds police underestimated threat of dysfunction

Southport riots evaluate finds police underestimated threat of dysfunction

A watchdog mentioned a sequence of incidents involving unrest within the yr earlier than the riots confirmed a better threat of future dysfunction than forces believed.

#Southport #riots #evaluate #finds #police #underestimated #threat #dysfunction

The Customary

#Southport #riots #evaluate #finds #police #underestimated #threat #dysfunction

Margaret Davis , 2024-12-18 00:01:00

Southport: Menace of far-right riots underestimated by police regardless of precursor occasions, inspector warns

Southport: Menace of far-right riots underestimated by police regardless of precursor occasions, inspector warns

Police did not see the specter of far-right dysfunction following the Southport stabbing regardless of a collection of “precursor” occasions inflaming tensions, an inspector has warned.

His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary Andy Cooke stated the widespread unrest which erupted within the aftermath of the killing of three schoolgirls was a “get up name” for policing and forces have to be higher ready to sort out additional outbreaks of violence.

Publishing the primary of two experiences on the summer season’s riots, he praised officers’ dedication and bravado which helped to convey an finish to six-days of dysfunction.

A complete of 302 officers had been injured and 54 hospitalised with wounds together with concussion throughout violent clashes in cities and cities throughout the UK following the mass stabbing at a Taylor Swift-themed dance class on 29 July.

Misinformation in regards to the alleged attacker’s id had been broadly shared on social media.

A fast evaluate of the police response by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Hearth & Rescue Companies (HMICFRS) discovered forces had been unprepared for the size of the dysfunction and the choice to implement a nationwide mobilisation plan was made too late.

HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary Andy Cooke said ‘more consideration’ should have been given to a string of precursor events

HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary Andy Cooke stated ‘extra consideration’ ought to have been given to a string of precursor occasions (PA Archive)

There have been issues about some officers being despatched out in common uniform moderately than riot gear.

It additionally discovered there have been gaps in intelligence linked to social media and the darkish net and assessments didn’t predict rising violent dysfunction effectively sufficient.

The chief inspector stated “extra consideration” ought to have been given to a collection of precursor occasions which mirrored an increase in excessive nationalist sentiment, aggravated activism or severe dysfunction.

These embrace a number of protests at accommodations housing asylum seekers in 2023 and violence on Armistice Day in central London, which noticed far-right teams conflict with police after getting down to confront pro-Palestine protesters.

This continued into 2024 with violent clashes with police as soon as once more in central London on St George’s Day in April.

Different flashpoints cited within the run-up to the widespread unrest embrace chaotic scenes in Harehills, West Yorkshire, on 18 July as police tried to quash unrest which noticed vehicles broken and a bus set alight.

On 23 July a serving military officer was stabbed close to a barracks in Gillingham, Kent, prompting on-line comparisons with the homicide of Fusilier Lee Rigby in 2013.

Two days earlier than the Southport stabbing, 100,000 folks attended a rally fronted by right-wing activist Tommy Robinson titled ‘Uniting the Kingdom’.

Protesters clashed with police in central London last Armistice Day

Protesters clashed with police in central London final Armistice Day (PA Wire)

The chief inspector stated: “Extra consideration ought to have been given to the truth that there’s been quite a few precursor incidents and dysfunction primarily based round racial tensions.

“We had been coming in the direction of a weekend. The climate was good. These are additionally at all times two good indicators.”

HMIC Cooke warned it might not be lengthy till the following dysfunction erupts as he made suggestions for police to raised put together, calling for a nationwide co-ordinator to handle nationwide deployments.

“There are much more tensions throughout communities and much more methods of sharing data throughout these communities,” he stated.

“So policing wants to make sure that it’s prepared for no matter that subsequent dysfunction will probably be.”

He additionally hit out at politicians who stoked tensions as misinformation in regards to the incident unfold on social media.

“Each senior individual, whether or not the politician, media, or no matter, has a duty throughout these instances to not inflame the state of affairs however take a accountable strategy,” he stated.

The inspector stated Southport stabbing was a “tragedy past comprehension” and the police response was “instrumental in ending the dysfunction and restoring peace”.

Six-year-old Bebe King, seven-year-old Elsie Dot Stancombe and Alice da Silva Aguiar, nine, died in the Southport attack

Six-year-old Bebe King, seven-year-old Elsie Dot Stancombe and Alice da Silva Aguiar, 9, died within the Southport assault (PA Media)

He added: “The professionalism of these main the response deserves credit score. However the programs and processes they work underneath want to vary.

“With hindsight, the nationwide mobilisation plan ought to have been activated earlier. Intelligence assessments didn’t predict rising violent dysfunction effectively sufficient; it’s essential that forces are capable of higher anticipate these threats to allow them to put together successfully. The police service should improve its plans so it may possibly mobilise assets shortly and effectively.

“Regrettably, this evaluate highlights that the police service hasn’t realized all the teachings from earlier notable incidents of violent dysfunction. Forces have to make, maintain and construct on enhancements.

“In my State of Policing report in 2022, I made clear the necessity for higher nationwide police decision-making and co-operation, particularly when essential collective choices are made.

“We urge forces to behave shortly on our findings and suggestions. There’s each chance that comparable violence and dysfunction may reoccur throughout the UK. The police service must be prepared to reply.”

A second report on the riots will probably be printed by HMRC in April.

#Southport #Menace #farright #riots #underestimated #police #precursor #occasions #inspector #warns

The Unbiased

#Southport #Menace #farright #riots #underestimated #police #precursor #occasions #inspector #warns

Amy-Clare Martin , 2024-12-18 00:03:00

Dh’ ainmich Liverpool am baile as fialaidh san RA às deidh freagairt Southport

Dh’ ainmich Liverpool am baile as fialaidh san RA às deidh freagairt Southport

‘Mar scouser chan eil e na iongnadh dhomh!’ thuirt Ailig McCormick, a chuidich le bhith a’ togail £250,000 airson leabharlann a chaidh a mhilleadh.

#ainmich #Liverpool #baile #fialaidh #san #às #deidh #freagairt #Southport

The Customary

#ainmich #Liverpool #baile #fialaidh #san #às #deidh #freagairt #Southport

Max McLean , 2024-12-17 00:01:00


Meta investigated over Southport riot posts as its oversight board requires public opinions | Science, Local weather & Tech Information

Meta’s choice to not take away three posts regarding the Southport stabbings that sparked UK-wide riots is being investigated by its unbiased oversight board.

Within the hours after three women have been murdered in Southport whereas attending a Taylor Swift-themed dance class, rumours unfold on-line that the assassin was a Muslim asylum seeker who had arrived within the UK by boat.

It later emerged that the suspect within the case, Axel Rudakubana, was born in Cardiff in Wales to a Christian household.

The three posts being investigated referred to migrants as terrorists, contained AI-generated pictures of Muslim males being chased, and shared protest gathering instances.

Police officers clash with protesters during the 'Enough is Enough' protest in Whitehall, London, following the fatal stabbing of three children at a Taylor Swift-themed holiday club on Monday in Southport. Picture date: Wednesday July 31, 2024. PA Photo. See PA story POLICE Southport. Photo credit should read: Jordan Pettitt/PA Wire
Cops conflict with protesters throughout a protest labelled ‘Sufficient is Sufficient’ in Whitehall, London. Pic: PA

The social media large’s Oversight Board is an unbiased physique of specialists who make binding choices on how Instagram and Fb ought to reasonable their content material.

It has now opened an investigation into the choices to maintain these three posts on-line and desires to listen to from the general public.

Another man, John O'Malley was sentenced to 32 months in prison over his role in the riot in Southport.
Rioters set fireplace to property in Southport

The primary put up known as for mosques to be smashed and buildings to be set on fireplace “the place scum live” and referred to “migrants, terrorist”.

It argued that with out the riots, the authorities would not pay attention and put a cease to “all of the scum coming into Britain”.

The second put up confirmed what regarded like an AI-generated picture of a large man carrying a union jack T-shirt who’s chasing a number of Muslim males.

The put up shared a time and place to collect for one of many protests and included the hashtag “EnoughIsEnough”.

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On-line community behind far proper riots

The third put up was one other probably AI-generated picture of 4 Muslim males operating after a crying blonde toddler in a union jack T-shirt.

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One of many males waves a knife whereas, above, a aircraft flies in the direction of Massive Ben.

The picture is accompanied by the caption: “Get up.”

All three posts have been reported to Fb by customers however all three remained on Fb after automated assessments.

Even after customers appealed in opposition to these choices, the content material stayed on the positioning and was by no means reviewed by a human.

As soon as the Oversight Board took on the investigation, Fb deleted the primary put up however the two others remained on-line.

It mentioned when coping with posts round protests, it favours most safety for “voice”, or freedom of speech.

As a part of the investigation, the outcomes of which will probably be revealed in round 90 days, the Oversight Board is asking for feedback from the general public about how social media impacted the riots, and any hyperlinks between on-line hate speech and violence or discrimination.

#Meta #investigated #Southport #riot #posts #oversight #board #calls #public #opinions #Science #Local weather #Tech #Information

Tech Information – Newest Expertise and Gadget Information | Sky Information

#Meta #investigated #Southport #riot #posts #oversight #board #calls #public #opinions #Science #Local weather #Tech #Information

, 2024-12-02 16:52:00