Comhairliche tech air fhaighinn ciontach de mhurt dàrna ìre airson marbhadh Bob Lee, stèidheadair CashApp

Comhairliche tech air fhaighinn ciontach de mhurt dàrna ìre airson marbhadh Bob Lee, stèidheadair CashApp

Comhairliche teignigeach fo chasaid ann an sàthadh Money ann an 2023 App stèidheadair Bob Lee air fhaighinn ciontach de mhurt dàrna ìre na bhàs.

Bha an co-dhùnadh aona-ghuthach agus thàinig e sìos Dimàirt, ochd latha às deidh don diùraidh tòiseachadh a’ beachdachadh.

Thòisich a’ chùis-lagha airson Nima Momeni air 14 Dàmhair ann an San Franciscocòrr is bliadhna às deidh a’ mhuirt a chuir clisgeadh air a’ choimhearsnachd teignigeach aig an robh buill a’ caoidh name an neach-tionnsgain ghairm iad carthannach agus caoimhneil.

Air 4 Giblean, 2023, Lee, 43, chaidh a lorg gu h-iongantach air sràid fhàsach ann am meadhan baile San Francisco aig 2:30m, a’ dòrtadh fala agus ag iarraidh cuideachadh. Chaochail e an dèidh sin ann an ospadal.

Tha 26 bliadhna de bheatha aig Momeni. Bha e air tagradh neo-chiontach anns a’ chùis cho follaiseach is gun deach Neach-lagha Sgìre San Francisco, Brooke Jenkins, a-steach don t-seòmar-cùirte airson pàirt de na h-argamaidean dùnaidh a thòisich an t-seachdain sa chaidh.

Bha luchd-casaid San Francisco ag argamaid gun do dhealbhaich Momeni an ionnsaigh agus gun do shàth e Lee trì tursan às deidh dha cluinntinn gun do chuir caraid neach-reic dhrogaichean Lee ceangal ri piuthar òg Momeni le GHB agus drogaichean eile agus gun tug e ionnsaigh feise oirre.

Tha Nima Momeni, an duine a tha fo chasaid gun do shàth e Bob Lee, stèidheadair Cash App, sa chùirt aig èisteachd ann an 2023

Tha Nima Momeni, an duine a tha fo chasaid gun do shàth e Bob Lee, stèidheadair Money App, sa chùirt aig èisteachd ann an 2023 (air-loidhne_tha)

“Chuir aon neach fios gu 911 a’ tagradh airson cuideachadh, ag ràdh gun do shàth cuideigin mi, ”thuirt Dane Reinstedt, neach-lagha sgìreil, ag ràdh nach do chuir an neach eile fios chun na poileis a-riamh no gun do dh’ innis e do dhuine sam bith dè thachair an oidhche sin gus a ’chùis-lagha.

Ach tha luchd-lagha dìon Momeni ag ràdh gu robh Lee air lùbadh dhrogaichean ioma-latha de chocaine agus ketamine a thug air aimhreit agus fòirneartach, agus gun tug e ionnsaigh air an neach fo chasaid le sgian.

Thuirt iad gun tàinig air Momeni na sgilean ealain armachd Krav Maga aige a chleachdadh anns na h-uairean tràtha sa mhadainn air 4 Giblean, 2023, às deidh dha “droch fealla-dhà” a dhèanamh a chuir dragh air Lee – agus nach do thuig e gun do shàth e e.

Anns a ’chiad aithrisean poblach aige mu na tachartasan a lean gu bàs Lee, thug Momeni fianais na dhìon fhèin air a’ mhìos a chaidh, ag innse don chùirt gun robh e air magadh air Lee gur dòcha gum biodh e airson an oidhche mu dheireadh aige a chuir seachad ann an San Francisco leis a theaghlach seach a bhith a’ feuchainn ri lorg. membership stiall.

Thuirt Momeni gun tug Lee a-mach sgian agus gun tug e ionnsaigh air, a’ toirt air e fhèin a dhìon. Thuirt e gun do choisich Lee air falbh às deidh sin, gun chomharran sam bith gun deach a ghoirteachadh. Thuirt Momeni gun do ghairm e neach-lagha nuair a fhuair e a-mach mu bhàs Lee an ath latha.

“’S e duine mòr ainmeil a th’ ann,” thuirt e air an stand. “Is e dìreach joe cuibheasach a th’ annam, in-imriche. ”

Chaidh Bob Lee, a stèidhich an Cash App, a shàthadh gu bàs ann an San Francisco air 4 Giblean, 2023

Chaidh Bob Lee, a stèidhich an Money App, a shàthadh gu bàs ann an San Francisco air 4 Giblean, 2023 (Twitter / Bob Lee)

Thòisich an luchd-casaid an argamaid dùnaidh aca le gairm 911 anns an cluinnte Lee ag iarraidh cuideachadh a-rithist.

Chrath seann bhean Lee, Krista Lee, an nighean aice, Scout, nuair a bha an nighean 16-bliadhna a’ caoineadh air gualainn a màthar. Dh’fhàg iad an seòmar. Tha dithis chloinne aig na Leòdhas.

Rinn Reinstedt magadh air dìon Momeni agus e a’ coiseachd air luchd-diùraidh tro sheachdainean de dh’ fhianais.

Thuirt e gu robh Momeni feargach le Lee airson a bhith a’ toirt a-steach Khazar Momeni, leis an robh e na charaidean, do neach-reic dhrogaichean a thug GHB dhi, ris an canar droga èigneachaidh cinn-latha, beagan uairean a thìde mus deach a shàthadh. Tha iad ag ràdh gun do chuir Momeni gràin air Lee na bu thràithe air an fheasgar mu na thachair dha phiuthar aig àros an neach-reic dhrogaichean agus chuir iad teachdaireachdan teacsa ag ràdh gu robh an dithis fhireannach nan èaladh agus nan creachadairean feise.

An uairsin, choinnich Momeni ri Lee aig rental a pheathar, thug i sgian càraidh bhon chidsin aice, dhràibh e Lee gu àite dìomhair ri taobh Drochaid a’ Bhàigh agus shàth e trì tursan e, thuirt Reinstedt.

“Is e an dìon sin de phiuthar bheag an neach fo chasaid a dh’ adhbhraich search engine optimisation gu lèir, ”thuirt Reinstedt.

Bidh Tim Oliver Lee, clì, bràthair stèidheadair Cash App Bob Lee, Krista Lee, deas, iar-bhean Lee, agus ball teaghlaich eile a ’coiseachd a-mach às a’ chùirt air 2 Dùbhlachd às deidh dùnadh tòcail

Bidh Tim Oliver Lee, clì, bràthair stèidheadair Money App Bob Lee, Krista Lee, deas, iar-bhean Lee, agus ball teaghlaich eile a ’coiseachd a-mach às a’ chùirt air 2 Dùbhlachd às deidh dùnadh tòcail (AP)

Tha bhidio sgrùdaidh a’ sealltainn an dithis fhireannach a’ fàgail rental spaideil Khazar Momeni timcheall air 2 sa mhadainn agus a’ faighinn a-steach do BMW aig Momeni. Bidh faireachas eile an uairsin gan sealltainn a’ faighinn a-mach às a’ chàr ann am pàirt iomallach den bhaile ri taobh Drochaid a’ Bhàigh.

Dhearbh Momeni gun do stad e an càr aige às deidh dha a dhol thairis air toll a thug air Lee an lionn a bha aige a dhòrtadh. Thuirt Momeni gur ann an uairsin a chuir e às don fhealla-dhà a ’moladh gum bu chòir dha Lee an oidhche mu dheireadh aige a chaitheamh a’ tadhal air a ’bhaile còmhla ri a theaghlach an àite a bhith a’ feuchainn ri cluba stiall a lorg gus am pàrtaidh a chumail a ’dol.

Sin nuair a tharraing Lee sgian gu h-obann a-mach às a phòcaid seacaid, thuirt Momeni. Thuirt e gun do choisich Lee air falbh às deidh sin, gun chomharran sam bith gun deach a ghoirteachadh.

“Bha an t-eagal orm airson mo bheatha,” thuirt Momeni mar theisteanas air a’ mhìos a chaidh, a bha uaireannan a’ crith agus a’ connspaid.

Thuirt Reinstedt nach robh sgeulachd Momeni a’ dèanamh ciall sam bith air sgàth nàdar sìtheil Lee. Thuirt e nach do chuir Momeni fios air na poileis a-riamh gus aithris a thoirt air ionnsaigh casaid Lee no eadhon às deidh dha faighinn a-mach gun robh Lee air bàsachadh le lotan air an t-sràid far am faca e mu dheireadh e.

Thuirt an neach-casaid gu robh na lotan puncture glan, soilleir agus domhainn, agus nach robh iad mar thoradh air strì fèin-dhìon sam bith, thuirt e. Bhuineadh cha mhòr a h-uile gin den DNA – 99 sa cheud – a chaidh a lorg air làmh na sgian le Momeni, thuirt an neach-casaid.

Bidh Mahnaz Tayarani, màthair Nima Momeni, a ’coiseachd a-mach às an t-seòmar-cùirte aig a’ chùis-lagha aige air 2 Dùbhlachd

Bidh Mahnaz Tayarani, màthair Nima Momeni, a ’coiseachd a-mach às an t-seòmar-cùirte aig a’ chùis-lagha aige air 2 Dùbhlachd (AP)

Tha bhidio den dithis fhireannach ri taobh na drochaid grànda, ach thuirt Reinstedt gu robh e a’ sealltainn gu soilleir figear Momeni a ’sgamadh a-rithist aig Lee. Cha robh sgian sam bith ann an làimh Lee, thuirt e.

Sheall Reinstedt cuideachd bhidio de Momeni agus Lee a ’fàgail an rental, seacaid Lee a’ crathadh gus sealltainn nach robh sgian falaichte na bhroinn.

Madainn Dimàirt, thuirt neach-lagha an dìon Saam Zangeneh aig dùnadh nach eil luchd-casaid air an fhìrinn gu lèir a thaisbeanadh do luchd-diùraidh, a’ fàgail mion-fhiosrachadh agus nach do rinn iad sgrùdadh air slighean nach cuidicheadh ​​​​an adhbhar.

“Tha cùis an riaghaltais gu lèir an urra ri adhbhar,” thuirt e. “Leis gun adhbhar, gun sgeulachd carson a bhiodh sgian aig mo neach-dèiligidh na phòcaid a’ fàgail àros a pheathar, chan eil an sgeulachd search engine optimisation a’ dèanamh ciall. Chan eil e a’ cur suas.”

Cha do ghabh Zangeneh còmhnaidh air mion-fhiosrachadh mun ionnsaigh, ach an àite sin thug e ionnsaigh air creideas aon de charaidean Lee a thug fianais dha na h-uairean sin mus deach an sàthadh, chuir Momeni gràin air Lee air a’ fòn mu na thachair dha phiuthar fhad ‘s a bha e aig àros an neach-reic dhrogaichean.

Rinn e ath-chluich cuideachd air bhidio faire a ’sealltainn gu robh Lee air a bhith feargach aig aon àm, agus nach e an“ teadaidh ”sìtheil a thuirt teaghlach is caraidean a bh’ ann. Thuirt e gu robh Lee an sàs ann an ioma-latha deoch làidir, cocaine agus ketamine agus gun robh aithisgean toxicology a’ lughdachadh na bha san t-siostam aige.

Lìbhrig neach-lagha dìon Saam Zangeneh, deas, argamaidean dùnaidh aig cùis-lagha murt an neach-dèiligidh aige, Nima Momeni, air 3 Dùbhlachd, 2024, ann an San Francisco

Lìbhrig neach-lagha dìon Saam Zangeneh, deas, argamaidean dùnaidh aig cùis-lagha murt an neach-dèiligidh aige, Nima Momeni, air 3 Dùbhlachd, 2024, ann an San Francisco (AP)

Bha Zangeneh a’ ceasnachadh carson nach deach an t-seann sgian càraidh “beat-up” a chaidh a chleachdadh san t-sgoltadh a thoirt a-steach mar fhianais gus am faiceadh luchd-diùraidh e gu mionaideach. Mhol e gur dòcha gun tug Lee an sgian leis gus barrachd cocaine a shnìomh, no gur dòcha gur ann à cidsin cuideigin eile a thàinig e gu tur.

Thuirt e gu robh Lee agus Momeni càirdeil agus air cùmhnantan math nuair a dh’ fhàg iad rental a pheathar, agus gu robh Momeni troimh-chèile leis an neach-reic dhrogaichean, agus chan ann le Lee.

Tha a’ chùis-lagha air a bhith na chìs tòcail dha buill teaghlaich an dithis fhireannach. Shuidh Mahnaz Tayarani, màthair an neach fo chasaid, air aon taobh den t-seòmar-cùirte fhad ‘s a bha athair Lee, bràthair agus iar-bhean nan suidhe air an taobh eile.

Chuir bàs Lee iongnadh air a’ choimhearsnachd teignigeach fhad ‘s a bha co-oifigearan agus innleadairean a’ sgrìobhadh ùmhlachd do fhialaidheachd agus dealas an neach-tionnsgain carismatach. Bha Lee na phrìomh oifigear toraidh air àrd-ùrlar cryptocurrency MobileCoin nuair a bhàsaich e. Bha e na athair do dhithis chloinne.

#Comhairliche #tech #air #fhaighinn #ciontach #mhurt #dàrna #ìre #airson #marbhadh #Bob #Lee #stèidheadair #CashApp

The Unbiased

#Comhairliche #tech #air #fhaighinn #ciontach #mhurt #dàrna #ìre #airson #marbhadh #Bob #Lee #stèidheadair #CashApp

Andrea Cavallier , 2024-12-17 18:16:00

Comhairliche tech air fhaighinn ciontach de mhurt dàrna ìre ann a bhith a’ sàthadh bàs neach-stèidhidh Money App Bob Lee

Comhairliche tech air fhaighinn ciontach de mhurt dàrna ìre ann a bhith a’ sàthadh bàs neach-stèidhidh Money App Bob Lee

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Massive Tech, tha The Unbiased air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd a bhruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Unbiased. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

A San Francisco Lorg diùraidh Dimàirt comhairliche teignigeach ciontach de mhurt dàrna ìre ann am bàs sàthaichte neach-stèidhidh Money App Bob Lee.

Thug luchd-diùraidh seachd latha gus am breithneachadh a lìbhrigeadh an-aghaidh Nima Momeni air 4 Giblean, 2023, bàs Lee, mogul tech gràdhach a chaidh a lorg gun stad air sràid meadhan a’ bhaile, a ’dòrtadh fuil agus ag iarraidh cuideachadh. Bhàsaich Lee, 43, ann an ospadal às deidh sin.

Thuirt an luchd-casaid gun do dhealbhaich Momeni an ionnsaigh air Lee, ga dhràibheadh ​​​​gu àite iomallach fo Dhrochaid a’ Bhàigh agus ga shàthadh trì tursan le sgian a thug e bho chidsin a pheathar. Tha iad ag ràdh gu robh Momeni feargach le Lee airson a phiuthar as òige a thoirt a-steach do neach-reic dhrogaichean a tha i ag ràdh a thug dhi GHB agus drogaichean eile agus an uairsin thug iad ionnsaigh feise oirre.

Ach dhearbh Momeni air an stand gur e Lee am worry a thug ionnsaigh air le sgian, feargach às deidh don chomhairliche teignigeach a bhith a’ càineadh mu bhith a’ caitheamh barrachd ùine còmhla ri theaghlach an àite a bhith a’ coimhead airson cluba stiall an oidhche sin. Thuirt Momeni, a bhios a’ sgrùdadh ealain armachd, gun robh e fèin-dhìon agus thuirt e nach do thuig e gu robh e air Lee a leòn gu marbhtach no gun robh Lee eadhon air a ghoirteachadh.

Fhuair luchd-diùraidh a’ chùis, a thòisich air 14 Dàmhair, air 4 Dùbhlachd.

Chaidh Momeni a chur fo chasaid murt sa chiad ìre, ach dh’ fhaodadh luchd-diùraidh a bhith air fhaighinn ciontach de mhurt san dàrna ìre no murt.

Tha dìteadh muirt san dàrna ìre a’ giùlan binn 16 bliadhna de bheatha anns a’ chùis website positioning.

Tha Momeni, 40, air a bhith ann an grèim bho chaidh a chur an grèim sa Ghiblean 2023.

Ann am fios naidheachd ann an 2023 ag ainmeachadh casaid muirt an-aghaidh Momeni, thuirt oifis an Neach-lagha Sgìreil Brooke Jenkins gum biodh e an aghaidh 26 bliadhna de bheatha sa phrìosan ma thèid a dhìteadh.

Bha Lee air seirbheis pàighidh gluasadach Money App a chruthachadh agus bha e na phrìomh oifigear toraidh aig an cryptocurrency MobileCoin nuair a bhàsaich e. Bha e air gluasad gu Miami bhon Sgìre Bàgh San Franciscofar a bheil an t-seann bhean aige Krista Lee a’ fuireach còmhla ris an dithis chloinne aca.

#Comhairliche #tech #air #fhaighinn #ciontach #mhurt #dàrna #ìre #ann #bhith #sàthadh #bàs #neachstèidhidh #Money #App #Bob #Lee

The Unbiased

#Comhairliche #tech #air #fhaighinn #ciontach #mhurt #dàrna #ìre #ann #bhith #sàthadh #bàs #neachstèidhidh #Money #App #Bob #Lee

Janie Har , 2024-12-17 18:05:00

Rock pioneer Brenda Lee shines in new documentary. ‘I simply wished to sing’

Rock pioneer Brenda Lee shines in new documentary. ‘I simply wished to sing’

Your assist helps us to inform the story

From reproductive rights to local weather change to Huge Tech, The Impartial is on the bottom when the story is growing. Whether or not it is investigating the financials of Elon Musk’s pro-Trump PAC or producing our newest documentary, ‘The A Phrase’, which shines a lightweight on the American ladies preventing for reproductive rights, we all know how necessary it’s to parse out the details from the messaging.

At such a crucial second in US historical past, we’d like reporters on the bottom. Your donation permits us to maintain sending journalists to talk to each side of the story.

The Impartial is trusted by People throughout your complete political spectrum. And in contrast to many different high quality information shops, we select to not lock People out of our reporting and evaluation with paywalls. We consider high quality journalism needs to be accessible to everybody, paid for by those that can afford it.

Your assist makes all of the distinction.

Come and make a journey to the giddy start of rock ‘n’ roll by the eyes of one in every of its pioneers — Brenda Lee.

The “I am Sorry” and “Rockin’ Across the Christmas Tree” hitmaker who shared phases with each Elvis Presley and the Beatles is a information to these heady years in “American Masters — Brenda Lee: Rockin’ Round,” which premieres Monday on PBS.

“That period can by no means be repeated once more,” she tells The Related Press on the eve of the printed. “That was an period when the cash wasn’t considered, the celebrity wasn’t considered. I do know that sounds loopy, however it’s true. The artists of that point had been there to do their factor, they usually cherished it, whether or not they acquired paid or not.”

Lee, 80, had her first hit report in 1960 at age 15 and went on to promote greater than 100 million albums. Within the ’60s, she earned extra Scorching 100 singles in the US — 46 — than any recording artist in addition to the Beatles, Presley or Ray Charles. She received a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award in 2009.

She is the uncommon artist inducted into each the Nation Music Corridor of Fame and the Rock & Roll Corridor of Fame, transferring effortlessly in her profession between nation, pop, rock and rockabilly sounds.

“I by no means categorised myself as a ballad singer, as a rock singer, as a rustic singer or something. I simply wished to sing,” she says within the interview. “Some artists can sing all of it. Not me. I’ve to like what I’m singing or it’s not plausible.”

The documentary attracts on the commentary of musicologists and such stars as Keith City, Tanya Tucker, Trisha Yearwood, Jackie DeShannon, Pat Benatar and Neil Giraldo.

“I had no bother getting individuals to speak about Brenda and why she issues and why we must always look to her,” says director Barbara Corridor. “That is what’s doable once you simply get your head down and keep targeted and do what you’re good at and don’t surrender.”

Lee was the daughter of a carpenter in Atlanta who died in a development accident when she was simply 8. Her mom quickly was pressured to work within the cotton mill. When she was 10, nation music singer Crimson Foley put her on his nationwide TV program “Ozark Jubilee.” By age 12, she had appeared on numerous community TV selection exhibits.

The portrait that emerges is a uncommon one for the music business, the story of a younger lady who’s protected and nurtured. Lee credit producer Owen Bradley; her supervisor, Dub Allbritten; and the musicians she labored with for searching for her, treating her like a little bit sister.

“I hear horror tales about youngsters in present enterprise, however I definitely didn’t have that have, and I’m grateful for that,” says Lee. “It was like I used to be one of many group, and that was so necessary to me.”

The vacations are when Lee shines most, together with her hit “Rockin’ Across the Christmas Tree” in excessive rotation. In 2023, it topped the Billboard Scorching 100 chart for the primary time ever, 65 years after the tune’s debut.

“She is in your own home each Christmas,” says Corridor. “She is part of one thing that so many People rejoice. So, I’m hoping that folks will embrace her story and her music as soon as they get reintroduced to it.”

She recorded it at age 13 in July 1958, not precisely a snowy time within the South. The air conditioner was cranked up within the recording studio and there was a Christmas tree set as much as get everybody within the temper. It initially was an even bigger hit overseas and later acquired a lift within the 1990 movie “Residence Alone.”

“You get a beautiful tune and it could lay round for a couple of years like ‘Rockin’’ did, but when it’s as fantastic as ’Rockin″ was, it’ll present its head eventually, and that’s what occurred,” Lee says.

Corridor, who labored on a 2017 “American Masters” documentary on Patsy Cline, says she tried to seek out any filth on Lee and easily could not. Even when Lee broke her leg throughout the shoot and needed to be hospitalized, she was gracious and sort.

“If my leg was damaged in 10 locations and I needed to be in a rehab facility, I’d most likely be in a nasty temper the entire time,” she says. “She was cracking jokes and everybody within the room felt like she was their good friend.”

#Rock #pioneer #Brenda #Lee #shines #documentary #wished #sing

The Impartial

#Rock #pioneer #Brenda #Lee #shines #documentary #wished #sing

Mark Kennedy , 2024-12-16 16:48:00

Mike Lee says FBI watchdog report reveals Jan 6 conspiracy theories ‘weren’t so loopy’

Mike Lee says FBI watchdog report reveals Jan 6 conspiracy theories ‘weren’t so loopy’

Your assist helps us to inform the story

From reproductive rights to local weather change to Massive Tech, The Impartial is on the bottom when the story is growing. Whether or not it is investigating the financials of Elon Musk’s pro-Trump PAC or producing our newest documentary, ‘The A Phrase’, which shines a light-weight on the American girls preventing for reproductive rights, we all know how vital it’s to parse out the details from the messaging.

At such a important second in US historical past, we’d like reporters on the bottom. Your donation permits us to maintain sending journalists to talk to either side of the story.

The Impartial is trusted by Individuals throughout the whole political spectrum. And in contrast to many different high quality information shops, we select to not lock Individuals out of our reporting and evaluation with paywalls. We imagine high quality journalism needs to be out there to everybody, paid for by those that can afford it.

Your assist makes all of the distinction.

A Division of Justice watchdog report on the FBI’s operations in the course of the January 6 assault on the U.S. Capitol vindicates Donald Trump’s allies continued suggestion the company had a hand within the chaos, in response to Senator Mike Lee — regardless that the report discovered “no proof” undercover brokers had been there.

“Now it seems we weren’t so loopy in any case,” the Republican senator advised Fox Information on Sunday. “We had completely authentic causes to requested the questions.”

Lee went on to baselessly recommend that Democrats could also be hiding additional details about the character of January 6.

“What I do know is that after the Democrats misplaced the bulk [in the House of Representatives], when the brand new majority got here in they usually began in search of paperwork, there was  a bunch of stuff lacking,” he mentioned. “So far as who might have destroyed what, I don’t know.”

Within the months after the 2020 election, Lee encourage the Trump staff to rent attorneys and “set them free” difficult the election outcomes and urged state legislators to nominate illegitimate pro-Trump “various electors,” in response to textual content messages obtained by CNN.

“Properly, you recognize, had I recognized that my texts could be leaked to the general public selectively, maybe I might’ve mentioned much less in textual content messages,” Lee later mentioned in protection.

Trump allies have long suggested federal agents were in crowd at January 6 insurrection, a claim a recent inspector general report largely disproves

Trump allies have lengthy advised federal brokers had been in crowd at January 6 rebellion, a declare a current inspector basic report largely disproves (REUTERS)

Almost 4 years later, the January 6 rebellion stays a political stay wire.

Greater than 1,500 individuals have been charged for his or her involvement in January 6, the biggest federal prosecution in U.S. historical past.

Trump himself has been charged with conspiracy and obstruction for his try to overturn the 2020 election outcomes, although particular counsel Jack Smith has moved to dismiss the case since Trump’s election, citing Justice Division pointers in opposition to prosecuting a sitting president.

Trump has mentioned he’ll grant pardons to giant numbers of January 6 defendants, whom he has known as “patriots” and “hostages.”

Trump nominated Kash Patel to lead the FBI, whose director Christopher Wray — whom Trump initially appointed during his first administration — is stepping down before Trump takes office

Trump nominated Kash Patel to guide the FBI, whose director Christopher Wray — whom Trump initially appointed throughout his first administration — is stepping down earlier than Trump takes workplace (REUTERS)

Critics of the incoming administration fear that FBI nominee Kash Patel will use the company to go after figures who scrutinized Trump on January 6 and different points.

Patel, who has pushed a wide range of conspiracy theories, has beforehand printed an enemies record of figures, lots of them Democrats, he says deserve prosecution. Patel has additionally mentioned he desires to show the FBI headquarters right into a museum of the “deep state,” a shadowy cabal many on the appropriate imagine is operating nationwide affairs.

“Sure, we’re going to come back after the individuals within the media who lied about Americans, who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections — we’re going to come back after you,” he mentioned on an episode of Struggle Room final 12 months. “Whether or not it’s criminally or civilly, we’ll determine that out.”

Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar warned on CBS Face the Nation on Sunday that Patel is “on a revenge mission after we needs to be on a nationwide safety security mission.”

“This isn’t the route we have to go,” she mentioned.

Others like Republican Senator Eric Schmitt argue the FBI is in want of change after years of controversy.

“That company is in determined want of reform,” he advised ABC’s This Week. “Kash Patel may be very certified and I believe he’s going to get the assist within the Senate.”

#Mike #Lee #FBI #watchdog #report #reveals #Jan #conspiracy #theories #werent #loopy

The Impartial

#Mike #Lee #FBI #watchdog #report #reveals #Jan #conspiracy #theories #werent #loopy

Josh Marcus , 2024-12-15 19:32:00

Hoda Kotb cries as Jamie Lee Curtis reads her word about Right now present departure

Your help helps us to inform the story

From reproductive rights to local weather change to Huge Tech, The Impartial is on the bottom when the story is creating. Whether or not it is investigating the financials of Elon Musk’s pro-Trump PAC or producing our newest documentary, ‘The A Phrase’, which shines a lightweight on the American ladies preventing for reproductive rights, we all know how vital it’s to parse out the details from the messaging.

At such a vital second in US historical past, we want reporters on the bottom. Your donation permits us to maintain sending journalists to talk to either side of the story.

The Impartial is trusted by Individuals throughout your complete political spectrum. And in contrast to many different high quality information retailers, we select to not lock Individuals out of our reporting and evaluation with paywalls. We consider high quality journalism ought to be obtainable to everybody, paid for by those that can afford it.

Your help makes all of the distinction.

Jamie Lee Curtis gave a correct send-off for Hoda Kotb throughout an look on the Right now present.

Whereas visiting the NBC studio on Thursday (December 12), the Oscar-winning actor revealed that she wrote and mailed a letter to Kotb again in September when she introduced her departure from the community’s flagship morning present. The host admitted she had by no means obtained the letter, however as a substitute held it up and requested Curtis to learn it aloud.

“Are you able to learn it as a result of I’m not going to learn it,” Kotb stated, as she began to get emotional.

“It says, ‘Hoda, the lengthy and winding street. The place you go, my hand in yours. Bravo,’” Curtis stated, noting: “It was once you had introduced that you just have been leaving.”

When the interview started, the All the pieces All over the place All at As soon as actor instantly acknowledged that Kotb’s final day on Right now was drawing nearer. “Right here’s how we’re going to start: Say it ain’t so, Hoda,” Curtis stated. “I can’t take care of it. I simply can’t take care of it. I simply can’t consider that is the final time I’m going to be right here with you.”

Kotb will continue to host ‘Today’ through January 1, 2025
Kotb will proceed to host ‘Right now’ by way of January 1, 2025 (NBC)

The Halloween actor even defined her deliberate choice to put on a purple jacket due to what the colour symbolized. “Purple is a wound, so I’ve a wound at the moment with you,” she informed Kotb.

Curtis continued to gush over the 60-year-old information anchor and the way a lot she was going to overlook her. “You might be an absolute treasure, and we’re all going to overlook you right here,” she stated. “I can’t think about this place with out you.”

Kotb reciprocated the reward, particularly noting how a lot help Curtis has given to the ladies who work on the morning present program. “By the best way, thanks for cheering on all the ladies, myself included, and Pamela and Margo and all people,” the host informed Curtis.

On September 26, the celebrated broadcast journalist introduced she was departing the Right now present. Kotb joined NBC in 1998 as a correspondent for Dateline. In 2007, she grew to become co-host of the fourth hour of Right now, which is now often known as Right now with Hoda and Jenna. Kotb and Savannah Guthrie have co-anchored Right now since 2018, marking the present’s first all-female anchor group.

“I spotted that it was time for me to show the web page at 60 and to attempt one thing new,” she stated on the air. “I remembered standing outdoors taking a look at these stunning bunch of individuals with these attractive indicators, and I assumed, ‘That is what the highest of the wave appears like for me.’ And I assumed it might probably’t get higher, and I made a decision that that is the proper time for me to form of transfer on.”

On the time, she defined that a part of her choice was so she would be capable of spend time together with her two kids: daughters Haley, seven, and Hope, 5. “Clearly, I had my kiddos late in life and I used to be considering that they deserve an even bigger piece of my time pie that I’ve,” she stated. “I really feel like we solely have a finite period of time.”

Kotb added: “And so, with all that being stated, that is the toughest factor on the earth.”

She’s going to proceed internet hosting the Right now present alongside Guthrie by way of January 1, 2025. In November, it was introduced that Craig Melville will take over Kotb’s duties beginning on January 13. Melvin grew to become a information anchor for Right now in 2018 and co-host of Third Hour of Right now the next yr.

#Hoda #Kotb #cries #Jamie #Lee #Curtis #reads #word #Right now #present #departure

The Impartial

#Hoda #Kotb #cries #Jamie #Lee #Curtis #reads #word #Right now #present #departure

Brittany Miller , 2024-12-12 17:31:00

Ang Lee gus Duais Coileanaidh Fad-beatha DGA fhaighinn

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Massive Tech, tha The Unbiased air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd a bhruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Unbiased. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

An Lìan neach-dèanamh fhilmichean protean de “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” agus “Brokeback Mountain,” gheibh iad an Stiùirichean Guild of America‘s duais coileanaidh beatha.

Dh’ainmich an comann Dimàirt gum faigh Lee, 70, an duais aig 77mh Duaisean DGA air 8 Gearran. Tha an DGA, a tha a’ beachdachadh air an duais mar an urram as àirde, air a thoirt do 36 filmeadairean thairis air an eachdraidh 88-bliadhna aige. B’ e an stiùiriche mu dheireadh a fhuair e Spike Lee ann an 2022.

“Tha Ang Lee dha-rìribh na phrìomh neach-dèanamh fhilmichean,” thuirt Lesli Linka Glatter, ceann-suidhe DGA, ann an aithris. “Airson còrr air 30 bliadhna, tha e air buidheann obrach fiùghantach a stiùireadh a tha gu dàna a’ gearradh thairis air gnèithean – bho dhràma ùine gu comadaidh, dànachd gu taobh an iar, superhero gu ealain armachd – an-còmhnaidh a’ gabhail ri dùbhlain ùra gun eagal, gun a bhith ag ath-aithris e fhèin, agus gu cunbhalach a’ coileanadh cinematic. sàr-mhathais.”

“Tha e na urram dhomh a bhith air aithneachadh ann an dòigh cho iongantach le guild mo ghràidh,” thuirt Lee. “Tha a bhith a’ faighinn Duais Coileanaidh Fad Beatha DGA na fhìor euchd dhòmhsa gu pearsanta, agus na chothrom meòrachadh air na tha an obair agam air a bhith a’ ciallachadh don choimhearsnachd iongantach web optimization de mo cho-luchd-dèanamh fhilmichean.”

Tha filmichean Lee cuideachd a’ toirt a-steach “Sense and Sensibility” bho 1995, “The Ice Storm” bho 1997, “Hulk” ann an 2003 agus Lifetime of Pi 2012. Tha an neach-dèanamh fhilmichean a rugadh ann an Taiwan air an Oscar a chosnadh dà uair airson an stiùiriche as fheàrr, airson “Brokeback Mountain” agus airson “Lifetime of Pi”. B ’e am movie mu dheireadh aige“ Gemini Man ”aig 2019, movie gnìomh le rionnag Will Smith air a losgadh aig 120 frèamaichean san diog.

Aig cuirm ann an Tokyo o chionn ghoirid far an d’ fhuair Lee Duais Praemium Imperiale, bha e a’ caoidh nach do rinn e movie o chionn ghoirid.

“Chan eil mi air movie a dhèanamh airson sia bliadhna, agus chan eil fhios agam càite an tòisich mi a-rithist,” thuirt Lee, a rèir Neach-aithris Hollywood. “Tha feum aig taigh-dhealbh air atharrachadh mòr. Ma chumas sinn sìos an aon shlighe, bidh e na chrìoch marbh. Feumaidh sinn rudeigin a bheir air luchd-èisteachd iongnadh a-rithist.”

#Ang #Lee #gus #Duais #Coileanaidh #Fadbeatha #DGA #fhaighinn

The Unbiased

#Ang #Lee #gus #Duais #Coileanaidh #Fadbeatha #DGA #fhaighinn

Jake Coyle , 2024-12-10 17:00:00

Lee Anderson Roasted On-line Over Battle Of The Somme Publish

Lee Anderson has been roasted on-line after he was triggered by a tweet about intervals and the menopause.

The Reform UK MP harked again to World Conflict One as he insisted that males have suffered as a lot as girls.

X consumer Jessica posted: “Girls cope with intervals, being pregnant, and menopause. What do males need to cope with?”

Anderson, a former Tory deputy chairman who defected to Reform UK final yr, replied: “Attempt the Battle of the Somme.”

The 57-year-old Anderson was not even born till half a century after the battle came about.

Different customers of the social media platform have been predictably brutal of their response to the Ashfield MP’s weird reply.

#Lee #Anderson #Roasted #On-line #Battle #Somme #Publish

HuffPost UK – Athena2 – All Entries (Public)

#Lee #Anderson #Roasted #On-line #Battle #Somme #Publish

Kevin Schofield , 2024-12-10 09:37:00


Lindsay Lohan on reuniting with Jamie Lee Curtis on Freakier Friday set: 'We felt like youngsters'

The American actress is returning to her function as Anna, whereas Curtis is reprising her half as her mom Tess within the upcoming sequel.

#Lindsay #Lohan #reuniting #Jamie #Lee #Curtis #Freakier #Friday #set #039We #felt #teenagers039

The Normal

#Lindsay #Lohan #reuniting #Jamie #Lee #Curtis #Freakier #Friday #set #039We #felt #teenagers039

Naomi Clarke , 2024-12-05 16:46:00


Tha Lee Carsley a’ cur ìmpidh air Sasainn U-21 cluich le ‘creideamh is misneachd’ aig Euros

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Large Tech, tha The Unbiased air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd a bhruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Unbiased. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

Ceannard tilleadh Lee Carsley ag iarraidh Sasainn fo aois 21 cluich le creideamh agus misneachd an ath shamhradh agus iad a’ feuchainn ris a’ chrùn aca a chumail ann am Farpais na h-Eòrpa ann an Slobhagia.

Chaidh na Leòmhainn Òga a chrùnadh mar churaidhean Eòrpach airson a’ chiad uair ann an 39 bliadhna às deidh dhaibh crìoch a chuir air farpais dhrùidhteach le bhith a’ dèanamh a’ chùis air an Spàinn 1-0 gus deasachadh 2023 ann an Georgia a bhuannachadh.

Bha Carsley os cionn a’ bhuaidh sin agus bheir e stiùir Sasainn gu cuairtean deireannach an ath shamhraidh an dèidh tilleadh dhan dreuchd Fo-21 an dèidh dhaibh a bhith os cionn na sgioba as sine san eadar-ama as t-Fhoghar.

Thug an duine 50-bliadhna seachad don cheannard ùr Tòmas Tuchel air cùl àrdachadh gu àrd-ìre Lìog nan Dùthchannan agus bha e ann an Slobhagia Dimàirt nuair a dh’ ionnsaich an fheadhainn fo-21 an tarraing Euros aca.

Tha Sasainn air an tarraing ann am Buidheann B agus fosgailte an-aghaidh an Poblachd nan Seic air 12 Ògmhios ann an Dunajska Streda, mus deach e gu Nitra airson geamannan an aghaidh Sloibhinia air 15 Ògmhios agus a’ Ghearmailt air 18 Ògmhios.

“Is e sgiobaidhean a th’ annta a chluich sinn roimhe, agus mar sin tha mòran fios againn mun deidhinn, “thuirt ceannard fo aois 21 Carsley.

“Sgioba math uile. Tha fios againn cho duilich sa tha e gu bhith agus mar sin is e farpais a th’ ann air a bheil sinn a’ coimhead air adhart gu mòr an-dràsta.”

Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dha mu na bha san amharc an tiotal a chumail, thuirt Carsley ri UEFA: “Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e cudromach gun cluich iad leis an aon mhisneachd agus creideas ’s a chluich iad san fharpais mu dheireadh.

“Feumaidh sinn cuimhneachadh air cho òg sa tha iad, agus mar sin feumaidh sinn dèanamh cinnteach gun toir sinn taic dhaibh agus an cothrom a thoirt dhaibh. Ach bidh iad air bhioran mun fharpais a tha ri thighinn.”

#Tha #Lee #Carsley #cur #ìmpidh #air #Sasainn #U21 #cluich #creideamh #misneachd #aig #Euros

The Unbiased

#Tha #Lee #Carsley #cur #ìmpidh #air #Sasainn #U21 #cluich #creideamh #misneachd #aig #Euros

Simon Peach , 2024-12-04 11:22:00


Protection makes closing argument in homicide trial of Money App founder Bob Lee

Your help helps us to inform the story

From reproductive rights to local weather change to Huge Tech, The Unbiased is on the bottom when the story is growing. Whether or not it is investigating the financials of Elon Musk’s pro-Trump PAC or producing our newest documentary, ‘The A Phrase’, which shines a lightweight on the American ladies combating for reproductive rights, we all know how vital it’s to parse out the details from the messaging.

At such a vital second in US historical past, we’d like reporters on the bottom. Your donation permits us to maintain sending journalists to talk to either side of the story.

The Unbiased is trusted by People throughout the whole political spectrum. And in contrast to many different high quality information shops, we select to not lock People out of our reporting and evaluation with paywalls. We consider high quality journalism must be out there to everybody, paid for by those that can afford it.

Your help makes all of the distinction.

Protection attorneys for a tech marketing consultant charged within the stabbing dying of Money App founder Bob Lee made their ultimate arguments Tuesday earlier than the high-profile homicide case goes to jurors.

Prosecutors, who delivered their closing Monday, say Nima Momeni deliberate the April, 2023, assault after listening to that the tech mogul had launched his youthful sister to a drug supplier who she says gave her GHB and different medication after which sexually assaulted her at his residence.

Momeni lured Lee to an remoted spot by the Bay Bridge, stabbed him 3 times with a knife from his sister’s kitchen set and pealed away in his automotive, they are saying.

However protection lawyer Saam Zangeneh mentioned Tuesday that prosecutors haven’t introduced the entire fact to jurors, omitting particulars and failing to analyze avenues that may not assist their trigger.

“The federal government’s entire case rests on motive,” he mentioned. “As a result of with out motive, with out a story as to why my consumer would have a knife in his pocket leaving his sister’s residence, this story doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t add up.”

Momeni faces 26 years to life in jail if convicted of homicide.

Surveillance video exhibits the 2 males leaving the luxury rental of the defendant’s sister, Khazar Momeni, round 2 a.m. and moving into Momeni’s BMW. Different surveillance footage then exhibits them getting out of the automotive close to the Bay Bridge.

Momeni testified he stopped his automotive after going over a pothole that brought on Lee to spill the beer he was holding. Momeni mentioned he then cracked a joke suggesting Lee ought to spend the final night time of his go to with household as an alternative of looking for a strip membership to maintain the get together going.

That’s when Lee instantly pulled a knife out of his jacket pocket, Momeni mentioned. He mentioned Lee later walked away, displaying no indicators he was injured.

The prosecution on Monday instructed jurors particulars about why Momeni’s story was not backed up by proof. They mentioned Momeni by no means known as police to report Lee’s alleged assault and even after he discovered Lee had died of stab wounds on the road the place he had final seen him.

Zangeneh didn’t dwell on particulars of the assault Tuesday morning.

As an alternative, he attacked the credibility of considered one of Lee’s mates who testified that hours earlier than the stabbing, Momeni grilled Lee over the cellphone about what occurred to his sister whereas on the drug supplier’s residence.

He additionally replayed surveillance video displaying that Lee had been offended at one level, and never the peaceable “teddy bear” household and mates described him to be. He mentioned Lee was on a multiday binge of alcohol, cocaine and ketamine and that toxicology experiences downplayed simply how a lot was in his system.

Zangeneh questioned why the outdated “beat-up” paring knife used within the stabbing was not launched into proof so jurors may see it intimately. He steered Lee could have introduced the knife alongside with the intention to snort extra cocaine, or that it might have come from another person’s kitchen totally.

He mentioned Lee and Momeni have been pleasant and on good phrases once they left his sister’s rental, and that Momeni was upset with the drug supplier, and never with Lee.

Lee was discovered staggering on a abandoned downtown San Francisco road at 2:30 a.m., dripping a path of blood and calling for assist. He later died at a hospital.

The protection continues its closing argument Tuesday. The prosecution could have an opportunity to make rebuttal remarks earlier than the case goes to jurors.

#Protection #closing #argument #homicide #trial #Money #App #founder #Bob #Lee

The Unbiased

#Protection #closing #argument #homicide #trial #Money #App #founder #Bob #Lee

Janie Har , 2024-12-03 21:28:00