Bidh an dannsair proifeasanta agus am britheamh Strictly Du Beke a’ cluich còmhla ri còmhlan beò agus companaidh dhannsairean ann an ionadan air feadh na dùthcha eadar Màrt agus Samhain agus bidh Lauren Oakley còmhla ris.
Ràinig Oakley cuairt dheireannach Strictly le rionnag JLS JB Gill am-bliadhna agus thig e còmhla ris airson sreath de thaisbeanaidhean as t-earrach.
Anton Du Beke air chuairt còmhla ri Lauren Oakley ann an 2025
Thuirt Du Beke: “Tha mi air leth toilichte gu bheil Lauren Oakley còmhla rium an ath-bhliadhna airson taisbeanaidhean an earraich mar mo phrìomh bhoireannach.
“Tha i na sàr-rionnag agus mar sin eadhon mura h-eil thu airson a thighinn gam fhaicinn, thig ga faicinn.
“Tha i iongantach! Tàlantach, eireachdail, iongantach, tha Lauren na rudan sin uile. ”
Thuirt Oakley gum biodh e na “fìor chothrom” a bhith còmhla ri Du Beke air chuairt leis gu bheil i na “neach-leantainn mòr” de cheòl-ciùil, ag ràdh: “Tha sinn a’ coimhead air adhart ri bhith gad fhaicinn an ath-bhliadhna.
Cluichidh a’ chàraid àireamhan bho cheòl-ciùil a’ toirt a-steach Moulin Rouge, Something Goes, Refrain Line agus My Truthful Woman.
Na 10 sreathan Tbh Breatannach as fheàrr
Mar a chì thu turas ciùil Anton Du Beke
Tòisichidh an turas ann an Dunstable ann an Siorrachd Bedford air 2 Màrt 2025 le taisbeanaidhean air feadh na RA.
Faodaidh luchd-leantainn dannsa ann an Glaschu, Manchester, Lunnainn, Caerdydd agus barrachd bhailtean-mòra na taisbeanaidhean a mhealtainn.
Faodar tiogaidean a ghlèidheadh air-loidhne aig
Leughadh air a mholadh:
Bidh an seinneadair Lance Ellington air an taisbeanadh cuideachd agus tha an dealbhadair-dannsa Invoice Deamer a’ cuideachadh le bhith a’ cruthachadh an taisbeanaidh.
Thuirt Du Beke: “Tha mi cuideachd air leth toilichte gu bheil Invoice Deamer, a choisinn duais Olivier, gam chuideachadh gus an taisbeanadh a chuir ri chèile.
“A bharrachd air a bhith na rionnag theatar ciùil e fhèin tha an dannsa aige gun samhail. Tha mi glè thoilichte a bhith air bòrd.”
From reproductive rights to local weather change to Huge Tech, The Unbiased is on the bottom when the story is creating. Whether or not it is investigating the financials of Elon Musk’s pro-Trump PAC or producing our newest documentary, ‘The A Phrase’, which shines a light-weight on the American girls combating for reproductive rights, we all know how vital it’s to parse out the info from the messaging.
At such a vital second in US historical past, we’d like reporters on the bottom. Your donation permits us to maintain sending journalists to talk to either side of the story.
The Unbiased is trusted by Individuals throughout the complete political spectrum. And in contrast to many different high quality information shops, we select to not lock Individuals out of our reporting and evaluation with paywalls. We imagine high quality journalism ought to be accessible to everybody, paid for by those that can afford it.
Your assist makes all of the distinction.
Natasha Jonas and Lauren Value will contest a world welterweight unification struggle on Worldwide Ladies’s Day in London subsequent 12 months.
The all-British bout will headline an all-women’s world championship boxing occasion happening on the Royal Albert Corridor on Friday March 7.
Subsequent 12 months’s unification conflict took form on Saturday night time in Liverpool, the place Value defended her WBA title with a third-round stoppage of Colombian Bexcy Mateus and Jonas added the WBC title to her IBF belt by beating Ivana Habazin.
Talking about subsequent 12 months’s contest, Liverpudlian Jonas stated: “It’s an honour to be headlining this unbelievable all-women’s occasion at such an iconic venue. It reveals how far girls’s boxing has come.
“All through my profession, I’ve damaged down limitations and achieved what folks stated I couldn’t, and there may be nonetheless much more to come back.
“Lauren Value has loads of hype round her however I imagine this struggle goes to be a step too far for her. I’ve been in huge fights, I’ve fought world champions and Olympic medallists, however she’s by no means confronted anybody like me as a professional.”
Welsh fighter Value added: “I’m excited to headline such an enormous event. I’ve loads of respect for Natasha Jonas and what she has achieved within the sport, however she has the belts that I would like.
“Once I turned skilled after changing into Olympic champion, I wished to create greatness. This struggle, a giant all-British unification conflict, Wales versus England with 5 world titles on the road, will assist cement my legacy and present that I’m primary within the division.
“I imagine I’m too younger, too fast and too good for Natasha Jonas and I can be bringing the belts again house to Wales with me.”
Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse
Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Massive Tech, tha The Unbiased air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.
Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd gus bruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.
Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Unbiased. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.
Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.
Thug Lauren Bell ceithir wick mar Sasainn sabaid air ais air an dàrna latha den gheama deuchainn aon-uair aca na aghaidh Afraga a-Deas agus leudaich iad an stiùir gu 145 ruith.
A dh’ aindeoin an tòiseachadh làidir aca, nuair a thuit am batan ann an seisean an fheasgair chaidh na Proteas a chuir às a dhreuchd airson 281 mar fhreagairt air latha fosglaidh an luchd-tadhail 395 airson naoi a chaidh ainmeachadh.
Chuir an Caiptean Laura Wolvaardt air chois com-pàirteachas 92-ruith le Annerie Dercksen, a’ fàgail 65 mus deach a cur a-mach le Sophie Ecclestone.
Bha Sune Luus agus Marizanne Kapp nan dithis a bha duilich a bhriseadh oir ann an seisean feasgair a bha làmh an uachdair chuir a’ chàraid 99 ris, ach lorg am fear-tòiseachaidh Ryana NicDhòmhnaill-Homosexual an adhartas gus a’ chiad sgalp aice a dhèanamh le bhith a’ bòbhladh Kapp.
Cha b’ fhada gus an do bhuail an seamer a-rithist às deidh dàil dealanach gus Nadine de Klerk a chuir às a dhreuchd agus chuir Bell stad air crìonadh Afraga a-Deas le trì wickets sgiobalta, a’ toirt a-steach dhà ann an dà bhall.
Bha na h-aoighean ag agairt wicket luachmhor le bhith a’ cur às do cheann-cinnidh Didòmhnaich Maia Bouchier airson tunnag, ach Tammy Beaumont agus sgiobair Ridire Fraoich stiùir e Sasainn gu 31 airson worry aig deireadh a’ chluiche.
Lorg Bell an toiseach tòiseachaidh foirfe dha Sasainn san dàrna cuairt den latha nuair a chuir Anneke Bosch am ball air cùl Amy Jones.
Bha Wolvaardt os cionn freagairt Afraga a-Deas le coileanadh batting euslainteach gus an leth-linn aice a thogail ann an 99 bàlaichean agus bha a com-pàirteachas le Dercksen a’ toirt toradh gus an do bhuail Sasainn a-rithist air stròc lòn.
Chaidh lìbhrigeadh nas giorra Lauren Filer gu Dercksen a shlaodadh suas chun t-sliasaid agus chuir Knight am ball suas san adhar airson Ecclestone gus deagh ghlacadh aon-làimhe a ghlacadh.
Ghabh Ecclestone a’ chiad wicket aice le bhith a’ cur às do Wolvaardt lbw airson 65, ach bha Sasainn air am fàgail air an sàrachadh leis a’ chom-pàirteachas ceathramh wicket de Luus agus Kapp, a shocraich a-steach don innings aca tron t-seisean feasgair gus 87 a chuir air ro tì.
Às deidh a ‘bhriseadh thog Kapp a 50 agus chaidh Luus a leantainn goirid.
Thug MacDhòmhnaill-Homosexual Sasainn air ais dhan gheama, a’ tagradh airson a’ chiad wicket de gheama deuchainn aice le bhith a’ reubadh a-mach stump Kapp agus – às deidh briseadh goirid ann an cluich air sgàth dealanach – cha b’ fhada gus an robh an dàrna worry aice airson a’ bhata ùr De Klerk a chuir às. a Jones.
Chrìochnaich Filer innings stòlda bho Luus mu dheireadh nuair a chaidh am batter air dheireadh gu Jones gus tuiteam airson 56 far 148 lìbhrigeadh agus b’ i Chloe Tryon an ath fhear a chaidh às deidh dha lìbhrigeadh Bell a bhualadh gu Beaumont aig meadhan na h-obrach.
Fhuair Bell tuilleadh soirbheachais nuair a gheàrr i mullach an t-seann stump aig Sinalo Jafta agus chuir i stump meadhanach Nonkululeko Mlaba ag itealaich an ath bhall, ach chuir Ayanda Hlubi dìon air a’ bhall hat-trick gu soirbheachail.
Chaidh an tuiteam Proteas a chrìochnachadh le Nat Sciver-Brunta ghabh an uiseag mu dheireadh de Hlubi mar a thuit na h-aoighean gu 281 uile a-mach.
Choisinn Afraga a-Deas sgap luachmhor sia uinneanan anns an dàrna innings aig Sasainn nuair a chaidh Bouchier a chuir às a dhreuchd airson tunnag às deidh dha lìbhrigeadh Hlubi gu Jafta.
Tòisichidh Knight agus Beaumont air an treas latha air 19 agus ochd mu seach.
Nigheanan Gilmore faodaidh luchd-leantainn ionnsachadh mu dheireadh cò às a thàinig uamhas oidhche Kirk.
Dìreach a’ tarraing àsda! Ach bhiodh sinn a’ coimhead sin cuideachd.
Lauren Greumachthuirt E! Naidheachdan ann an artaigil a chaidh fhoillseachadh thairis air an deireadh-sheachdain gu bheil beachd aice airson spinoff airson an t-sreath Ameireaganach aice – ach a tha fhathast air leth mòr-chòrdte – a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith ag obair.
“Dh’ fhaodadh tu an àrd-sgoil Lorelai a dhèanamh, ”thuirt Lauren, a’ moladh prequel stèidhichte air a caractar, Lorelai Gilmore.
“Tha sinn a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn search engine optimization mar gum biodh e coltach ris The Hobbit no rudeigin, nach eil mi cinnteach a tha ann, ”lean Lauren. “Ach tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil an dòigh anns an do dhèilig cruinne-cè eile ris a ’cheist sin dìreach a’ dol air ais no air adhart. ”
Tha cùl-sgeul Lorelai gu cinnteach tarraingeach. Na deugaire ceannairceach agus saor-spioradail, bha pàisde aice aig aois 16 còmhla ri a leannan, Crìsdean agus an àite a bhith a’ gèilleadh do bheatha làn àrd-ìre ann an Hartford, Connecticut, còmhla ri a dithis phàrantan teann – agus a’ faireachdainn gu robh i air èigneachadh Crìsdean a phòsadh – i roghnaich i teicheadh maille r’a leanabh ‘na tosd.
Chrìochnaich i ann am baile beag cuagach Stars Hole, agus fhuair i obair mar searbhanta ann an taigh-òsta ionadail anns an robh i a’ fuireach ann an seada beag air an togalach.
Mun àm a thòisich Gilmore Ladies, bha i na màthair shingilte 32-bliadhna a’ togail an nighean aice, Ruaraidh (air a chluich le Alexis Bledel), a bha 16. B’ i Lorelai, ron àm search engine optimization, manaidsear an taigh-òsta dhan thòisich i ag obair, ach bha dàimh briste aice ris an dithis phàrant agus athair a cuid chloinne.
Ged a tha am beachd air prequel Lorelai inntinneach, dh’ fhaodadh e a bhith na trom-laighe loidsigeach cuideachd.
Chaidh Gilmore Ladies a phasgadh ann an 2007, ach tha fèill mhòr air an taisbeanadh fhathast le taing dha streamers. Ann an 2023, Lorg Netflix gu robh barrachd fèill air Gilmore Ladies na buillean eile air an àrd-ùrlar aige mar Seinfeld agus Stranger Issues, – agus sheall dàta a’ chompanaidh rannsachaidh Nielsen gu robh e am measg nan 10 taisbeanaidhean as motha a chaidh fhaicinn thar nam prìomh àrd-ùrlaran sruthadh ann an 2023.
Mar thoradh air cho mòr-chòrdte ‘s a tha e, tha coltas ann gum biodh dùilean glè àrd aig luchd-leantainn ge bith cò a bhios a’ nochdadh an òigridh – agus gu math luath a ’bruidhinn – Lorelai.
Thuirt Lauren cuideachd ri E! Tha an naidheachd gum faodadh e a bhith duilich a bhith a’ tilgeadh muinntir a’ bhaile annasach Stars Hole cuideachd.
“An uairsin tha an duilgheadas agad gum feum thu Babette òg agus Miss Patty nas òige a thilgeil, agus mar sin chan eil fhios agam,” thuirt i.
Bhiodh e duilich na caractaran cuimhneachail sin ath-chraoladh gu cinnteach, ach riatanach. Chan eil Gilmore Ladies ann às aonais muinntir a’ bhaile mar Babette (Sally Struthers), Miss Patty (Liz Torres), Kirk (Sean Gunn) no Taylor Doose (Michael Winters). Rinn Scott Patterson (a chluich ùidh gaoil Lorelai, Luke) a’ phuing search engine optimization fhad ‘s a bha e a’ bruidhinn ri E! Naidheachdan còmhla ri Greumach.
“Thug mi search engine optimization suas gu Peter Roth [Warner Bros] aon uair a’ tagradh airson mo spinoff fhìn, agus dh’ innis e dhomh rudeigin a bha làn de ghliocas eachdraidh Tbh, ”mhìnich Patterson.
“Thuirt e, ‘Scott, bhiodh daoine ag ionndrainn na caractaran eile gu mòr, leis gu bheil an taisbeanadh cho làn de charactaran beairteach, iongantach.’”
From reproductive rights to local weather change to Massive Tech, The Unbiased is on the bottom when the story is growing. Whether or not it is investigating the financials of Elon Musk’s pro-Trump PAC or producing our newest documentary, ‘The A Phrase’, which shines a light-weight on the American ladies preventing for reproductive rights, we all know how vital it’s to parse out the info from the messaging.
At such a important second in US historical past, we’d like reporters on the bottom. Your donation permits us to maintain sending journalists to talk to each side of the story.
The Unbiased is trusted by People throughout the complete political spectrum. And in contrast to many different high quality information shops, we select to not lock People out of our reporting and evaluation with paywalls. We consider high quality journalism ought to be obtainable to everybody, paid for by those that can afford it.
Your help makes all of the distinction.
The beginning of Lauren Mayberry as a solo artist ought to be marked by one thing like a wolf cry. And that is precisely what it seems like.
The vocalist and percussionist from the Scottish pop band Chvrches has punctuated her debut album with a playful howl whereas telling off an ex-lover on the music “Crocodile Tears.”
“This second in time is precisely the chapter the place I get to howl like a wolf in a music if I wish to. And I don’t must really feel bizarre about it,” she says.
Mayberry, 37, is having fun with the liberty to create no matter she likes, away from the synth-pop of the band she has been with since her early 20s.
“It’s a mission assertion of all issues that you just like, and also you simply go in and write the music that feels prefer it desires to be written on that day, which was fairly refreshing,” she says.
The 12 tracks of “Vicious Creature,” out Dec. 6 through Island, veer from the espresso home people of “Wherever However Dancing” to the punky “Punch Drunk,” the dance-pop of “Change Shapes” and stuttering glam of “Sorry, And so on.”
If Chvrches — with members Iain Prepare dinner and Martin Doherty — normally works first with melodies and manufacturing earlier than lyrics, Mayberry wished to reverse the method.
“I knew that I wished it to be extra centered on the storytelling,” she says. “It was good to have the ability to go right into a studio with a title thought or with an idea after which work again from that.”
Mayberry cites Sinead O’Connor, Tori Amos, Fiona Apple and Annie Lennox as influences. She credit the yodel inflection in her voice to having listened to a lot Alanis Morissette.
“It was these influences I wished to dig right into a bit extra in my very own materials,” she says. “Once I thought again to what are the important thing influences on me as a author, it isn’t actually plenty of synth-pop stuff. So then it’s fascinating that that’s what I grew to become so related to.”
Mayberry labored on her new album with producers Greg Kurstin, Matthew Korma, Tobias Jesso Jr., Ethan Gruska and Dan McDougall. She began writing in spring 2022 and had studio periods in between touring with Chvrches.
McDougall, who has beforehand labored with Sigrid and Jason Mraz, co-wrote and performed on 4 tracks and says he and Mayberry went into the studio hoping to push the boundaries.
“We didn’t actually have one particular lane in thoughts for the style we had been taking place,” he says. “We had been simply being experimental, and I assume the liberty inside that simply introduced us one thing a bit totally different.”
One observe — “Sunday Greatest” — was partly impressed by “As soon as In a Lifetime” by Speaking Heads and by her mom’s sickness. “Preserve considering at some point perhaps I’ll discover the wonder in goodbye,” she sings. The title comes from funeral garments.
“I believed I used to be lastly writing a hopeful, cheerful, uplifting music, after which I used to be like, ‘Nicely, nonetheless about dying, isn’t it?’” Mayberry says, laughing. “Possibly it is a Scottish factor. I don’t know. We’re only a bit morose.”
On the album, Mayberry explores mortality, nostalgia, societal pressures, boastful exes and her band (“I killed myself to be one of many boys,” she sings in a single music.)
“The lyrics I like least that I’ve written are ones that I do know didn’t really feel very genuine to me,” she says. “I believe you’ll be able to hear in someone’s bodily voice after they’re singing, whether or not they imply one thing or not. So my solely temporary is like, ‘Does it really feel pretend?’”
No matter how the album does with critics or charts, Mayberry is proud it is on the market, proof of her musicianship and affirmation that she does not want anybody to make good songs.
“It doesn’t matter what occurs with this report, I really feel prefer it was extra about proving to myself than to anyone else. As a result of for those who by no means attempt it, then you definately’re by no means going to know.”
The album ends with the somber piano-led “Are You Awake?” as Mayberry takes a tough take a look at her life decisions. Her buddies have settled down — “Been counting their infants and their diamond marriage ceremony rings” — and her profession expectations are heavy: “Hometown hero is a poisoned chalice alternative,” she sings.
“The top of that music opens up in a technique to a query mark. And I believe that’s type of how I really feel about what’s going to occur after the remainder of this,” she says.
Mayberry is not certain what’s subsequent for Chvrches. The three members have been engaged on their very own initiatives and the door appears open for a reunion regardless of Mayberry spreading her wings.
“It’s onerous when you’ve felt the wind in your hair to not take pleasure in that as an expertise,” she says. “However my hope is that the 2 issues can coexist. I do assume that everyone getting experiences outdoors of the band will imply that we’ve got various things to supply one another after we come to write down once more.”