Feumaidh Keir Starmer ‘20,000 saighdear a ghearradh’ gun àrdachadh cosgais dìon | Poilitigs | Naidheachdan

Feumaidh Keir Starmer ‘20,000 saighdear a ghearradh’ gun àrdachadh cosgais dìon | Poilitigs | Naidheachdan

Keir Starmer

Tha roghainn air leth duilich aig Keir Starmer mura h-eil e a’ dol suas ri buidseat dìon (Ìomhaigh: Getty)

Sir Keir Starmer feumaidh e taghadh eadar a bhith a’ gearradh 20,000 saighdear no a’ toirt air falbh luchd-giùlan itealain Bhreatainn mura àrdaich e cosgaisean dìon, tha e air nochdadh.

Chuir am Morair Robasdan a tha os cionn Lèirmheas Ro-innleachdail an Riaghaltais a-mach an rabhadh aig coinneamh leis a’ Phrìomhaire, a rèir stòran.

Tha Riaghaltas Sir Keir a-nis fo chuideam mòr gus caiteachas dìon a mheudachadh gu 2.5% cho luath ‘s a ghabhas, am measg rabhaidhean “Chan urrainn dha Breatainn playing leis an tèarainteachd againn fhèin”.

Thathas ag ràdh gu bheil ceannardan an airm fo eagal mu cho-dhùnaidhean tùsail a’ Mhorair Robasdan, le grunn dhiubh a’ cumail a-mach gun do ghlan iad na leabhraichean-latha aca ann an oidhirp an èiginn fhuasgladh.

Thuirt an t-seann Rùnaire Dìon Grant Shapps ris an Day by day Categorical: “Tha dìmeas nan Làbarach air dìon na thrèigsinn dleastanais a tha a’ cur tèarainteachd Bhreatainn ann an cunnart mòr.

“Tha Lèirmheas Dìon Ro-innleachdail an riaghaltais search engine optimisation air a bhith a’ coimhead mar sgàilean-smocaidh airson dàil a chuir air a’ ghealladh deatamach a thaobh caitheamh dìon ceart.

“Le bhith a’ trèigsinn mo phlana gus 2.5% de GDP a chosg air dìon, tha Starmer air roghainn làidir agus cunnartach a chruthachadh: cuir às do 20,000 saighdear no cuir às don dà chompanaidh itealain againn.

“Tha fàiligeadh nan Làbarach an gnìomh a’ fàgail na RA fosgailte do chunnartan a tha a’ sìor fhàs agus a’ lagachadh ar n-uachdranas.

“B’ fheudar eadhon am Morair Robasdan rabhadh a thoirt dha Starmer mu na buaidhean tubaisteach a thig an cois dìth gnìomh.

“Chan urrainn dha Breatainn cluich leis an tèarainteachd againn fhìn. Nuair nach dìon sinn ar n-uachdranas, tha sinn a’ toirt cuireadh dha ar nàimhdean brath a ghabhail air ar laigse.

“Tha sluagh Bhreatainn airidh air neart agus dealas soilleir airson an dùthaich a dhìon, chan e leisgeulan agus dàil.”

Thuirt grunn stòran ris an Day by day Categorical gun do choinnich am Morair Robasdan, a bha na Rùnaire Coitcheann air NATO, ris a’ Phrìomhaire às deidh do Rùnaire an Dìon, Iain Healey, a’ chiad cho-dhùnaidhean bhon Lèirmheas Dìon Ro-innleachdail a dhiùltadh.

Cha deach molaidhean oifigeil sam bith a dhèanamh.

Ach am measg an droch ro-innse tha rabhaidhean ann ma dh’fhàilligeas taic a chur ri cosgaisean dìon gu luath gum bi gearraidhean nas sgriosail air Feachdan Armaichte Bhreatainn.

Thathas ag ràdh gun deach innse don Phrìomhaire gum feum ceannardan dìon 20,000 saighdear a ghearradh bho Arm Bhreatainn, a’ Chabhlaich Rìoghail agus Feachd an Adhair gus na leabhraichean a chothromachadh.

No dh’ fhaodadh iad a bhith air an toirt air falbh bhon dà itealan aig a’ Chabhlach.

Tha dragh air mòran de luchd-dioplòmasach mu thràth nach eil saighdearan gu leòr aig Arm Bhreatainn, le ceannardan an airm comasach air dìreach 72,500 saighdear làn-thrèanadh a ghairm.

Thuirt aon sheanalair Eòrpach, nach robh airson a bhith air ainmeachadh, roimhe: “Tha dragh ann mu Arm Bhreatainn.

“Tha sinn a’ faicinn gu bheil duilgheadasan aca a thaobh an goireasan daonna agus cuideachd comasan an uidheim. Thèid an àireamh de shaighdearan a lùghdachadh anns na mìosan a tha romhainn.”

Thuirt seann cheannard Arm Bhreatainn, an Seanalair Morair Richard Dannatt, ris an Day by day Categorical: “Ma tha an roghainn san SDR eadar luchd-giùlan itealain agus 20,000 saighdear, chan urrainn ach aon cho-dhùnadh cunntachail a bhith ann – reic no cuir às don dà itealan.

“Tha ar tèarainteachd san àm ri teachd ceangailte ri tèarainteachd na Roinn Eòrpa.

“Is e a’ chiad dleastanas riaghaltais tèarainteachd na stàite.

“Le sgrùdadh onarach sam bith an aghaidh na h-àrainneachd tèarainteachd eadar-nàiseanta nàimhdeil a th’ ann an-dràsta, tha cùis shoilleir ann airson caiteachas dìon àrdachadh gu 3% no 3.5% de GDP. Chan fhaod sinn leigeil le eachdraidh deireadh nan 1930n ath-aithris fhèin.”

Thuirt Rùnaire an Dìon Dùbhlanach Seumas Cartlidge ris an Day by day Categorical: “Air sgàth roghainnean poilitigeach nan Làbarach, tha sinn an àite sin a’ coimhead sìos air a’ bharaille de nas lugha de shaighdearan, prògraman trèanaidh agus photo voltaic. An-dràsta, is e tàir an aon rud a th’ aig Starmer dha na feachdan armaichte againn.

“Cha b’ urrainn search engine optimisation a bhith a ’tighinn aig àm nas miosa.

“Tha na cunnartan a tha fa chomhair na RA a’ fàs agus a’ fàs. Cogadh san Roinn Eòrpa. A’ toirt ionnsaigh air ar luachan thall thairis. Ear-mheadhanach neo-sheasmhach. Ach tha Starmer a’ coimhead dall air deas-bhòrd na cruinne a’ lasadh dearg.”

Tha dùil gum bi neach-giùlan itealain HMS Prince of Wales a’ stiùireadh a’ bhuidheann stailcean chun Indo-Pacific an ath-bhliadhna agus nuair a nì e sin, bidh a piuthar-shoitheach, an HMS Queen Elizabeth, fo ùine cumail suas.

Ach tha fathannan air a bhith a’ cuairteachadh ann an Whitehall airson seachdainean gum faodadh concern dhiubh a bhith air a dhubhadh às.

Dhiùlt Rùnaire an Dìon, Iain Healey, a’ nochdadh air beulaibh Comataidh Thaghte Dìon Taigh nan Cumantan, a bhith a’ diùltadh a bhith a’ cur às do aon den dà itealan ann am Breatainn mar thoradh air an sgrùdadh dìon ro-innleachdail.

Fhad ‘s a bha e a’ nochdadh air beulaibh na comataidh le fathannan mu na thachair dha aon den dà chompanaidh itealain, dh’ fhaighnich ball den chomataidh Emma Lewell-Buck: “Am b’ urrainn dhut stad a chuir air fathannan mun luchd-giùlan againn? A bheil iad sàbhailte no a bheil aon a’ dol. a bhi air a cheusadh?”

Rinn Mgr Healey soilleir gu bheilear a’ beachdachadh air mar a thachair don dà bhuidheann-giùlain anns an sgrùdadh dìon ro-innleachdail.

Thuirt e: “Tha comasan fìor chudromach a th’ againn san fharsaingeachd. Tha an sgrùdadh dìon ro-innleachdail a’ coimhead air gach nì.”

Thuirt e: “Chan eil mi dha-rìribh ag iarraidh gun gabh thu ris gu bheil pàirt sam bith den phrògram a th’ againn an-dràsta ann an cunnart. Is e ceist sgrùdaidh a tha search engine optimisation, chan e cunnart.”

Dhaingnich Mgr Healey air a’ mhìos a chaidh seachad gun cuir an RA às do chòig longan-cogaidh, dusanan de heileacoptairean armachd agus cabhlach de dhrones gus £500m a shàbhaladh a dh’ aindeoin bagairtean a tha a’ sìor fhàs. An Ruis agus cogadh a’ fas anns an Roinn-Eorpa.

Thuirt Rùnaire an Dìon gu robh an uidheamachd a chaidh a thoirt air falbh “seann-fhasanta” agus thuirt e gu robh an co-dhùnadh “mothachail” airson an leigeil dhiubh fada fadalach.

Is iad na siostaman armachd air a’ bhloc gearraidh:

Dà shoitheach ionnsaigh muir-thìreach a’ Chabhlaich Rìoghail, HMS Albion agus HMS Bulwark. Thèid an toirt a-mach à seirbheis aig deireadh na bliadhna – timcheall air deich bliadhna tràth ann an buille do chomas nam Marines Rìoghail ionnsaighean fearainn a chuir air bhog bhon mhuir.

Cabhlach de 17 heileacoptairean Puma Feachd Rìoghail an Adhair, a bharrachd air 14 de na heileacoptairean Chinook as sine san arm

Cabhlach de 46 drones Freiceadan

Seòrsa 23 frigate HMS Northumberland

Dà shoitheach Cuideachaidh Cabhlach Rìoghail, RFA Wave Knight agus RFA Wave Ruler – soithichean a bhios a’ giùlan connadh agus photo voltaic gus leigeil le luchd-giùlan itealain a’ Chabhlaich Rìoghail obrachadh air feadh an t-saoghail.

Thuirt Mgr Healey cuideachd gun leanadh tuilleadh ghearraidhean.

Thuirt neach-labhairt bhon MOD: “Is e dìreach prothaideachadh a tha search engine optimisation. Mheudaich am Buidseat caiteachas dìon le £2.9 billean airson na h-ath bhliadhna agus gheall sinn slighe a stèidheachadh gu 2.5% de GDP air dìon as t-earrach.

“Tha an Lèirmheas Dìon Ro-innleachdail ag obair gu sgiobalta gus sùil a thoirt air na cunnartan a tha romhainn agus na comasan a dh’ fheumas sinn gus coinneachadh ri dùbhlain, bagairtean agus cothroman an 21mh linn. ”

#Feumaidh #Keir #Starmer #saighdear #ghearradh #gun #àrdachadh #cosgais #dìon #Poilitigs #Naidheachdan

Day by day Categorical :: Information Feed

#Feumaidh #Keir #Starmer #saighdear #ghearradh #gun #àrdachadh #cosgais #dìon #Poilitigs #Naidheachdan

Michael Knowles , 2024-12-16 20:23:00

Keir Starmer should increase defence spending or British safety can be in danger | Politics | Information

Keir Starmer should increase defence spending or British safety can be in danger | Politics | Information

I doubt there’s a single Every day Categorical reader who fails to grasp that Britain is dealing with essentially the most severe potential threats for generations. Additionally, you will completely perceive that this requires extra spending on Protection.

We thought Keir Starmer agreed. He made a supposed ‘forged iron’ promise to spend 2.5% of our financial output on Protection. And but, we’re nonetheless awaiting a shred of element about precisely how – and, above all, when – this spending improve will happen.

In fact, following the ‘peace’ that appeared to comply with the autumn of the Berlin Wall in 1989 many nations, together with the UK, decreased Protection spending. However in Authorities, because the menace image has deteriorated, we did the precise factor and began to reverse that pattern. In 2019, Prime Minister Boris Johnson agreed the most important Protection spending improve for the reason that chilly battle.

Most significantly, following the battle in Ukraine and battle within the Center East, we responded once more. In April, then PM Rishi Sunak introduced a funded plan to extend Protection spending to 2.5% of GDP.

This improve would have been paid for by chopping the civil service again to its pre-pandemic measurement and giving a higher share of the Authorities’s analysis and improvement finances to Protection – financial savings from throughout the entire of Whitehall to fund a very powerful obligation of any administration , protection of the realm.

Our precedence for that spending would have been restoring our ammunition shares to warfighting ranges – ie, changing these weapons rightly gifted to Ukraine, and making certain all our equipment was able to face the hottest threats from potential enemies.

And we’d have carried out that at tempo, utilizing the brand new procurement mannequin I launched as a Protection Minister, earlier this yr, enabling us to acquire new weapons tech like DragonFire laser a lot quicker than beforehand deliberate.

In the meantime, with Labour there’s nothing however continued uncertainty over when Protection spending will rise. In consequence, the Ministry of Protection can not procure the weapons we’d like on the scale and velocity obligatory to arrange us for warfighting – and but, this may be probably the greatest methods to indicate Putin and others that we imply enterprise.

In consequence, we’re staring down the barrel of empty stockpiles after we ought to be inserting orders for brand new ammunition in the present day, not ready a minute longer. Because the world races to rearm, we shouldn’t be ready and watching on the sidelines. We ought to be boosting our spending and firing up our protection industrial base.

Who is aware of when the Authorities’s Strategic Protection Evaluate will happen or report – however everyone knows that it’s going to say we have to restore our battle readiness, and shortly. So let’s get on with it.

Threats dealing with the UK are solely rising and evolving. Battle in Europe. Assaults on our values and property overseas. Instability within the Center East. The Authorities must do the precise factor and urgently set a pathway to greater protection spending.

#Keir #Starmer #increase #defence #spending #British #safety #threat #Politics #Information

Every day Categorical :: Information Feed

#Keir #Starmer #increase #defence #spending #British #safety #threat #Politics #Information

James Cartlidge – Shadow Defence Secretary , 2024-12-16 18:22:00

Dh’ainmich Keir Starmer ‘deachdaire’ agus e a’ cur dàil air taghaidhean ionadail 2025 | Poilitigs | Naidheachdan

Dh’ainmich Keir Starmer ‘deachdaire’ agus e a’ cur dàil air taghaidhean ionadail 2025 | Poilitigs | Naidheachdan

Tha Nigel Farage air a dhol dhan Phrìomhaire Keir Starmer às deidh dha nochdadh madainn an-diugh nach tèid taghaidhean ionadail deatamach a chumail a-nis an ath-bhliadhna.

Thathas a’ tuigsinn nach tèid cuid de thaghaidhean ionadail a chumail a-nis sa Chèitean 2025 mar a bhathar an dùil an toiseach, ach an àite sin thèid dàil a chuir orra gu 2026 no 2027.

Chaidh iarraidh air na 21 comhairlean siorrachd gu lèir planaichean ath-structaraidh a chuir a-steach ro mheadhan an Fhaoillich. Tha Reform UK a-nis a’ ruith grafaigeach meadhanan sòisealta a’ casaid na Làbaraich gu bheil iad ag iarraidh “do shàsachadh”.

Thuirt Mgr Farage: “Tha grèim fad-bliadhna an dà phàrtaidh air poilitigs Bhreatainn a’ briseadh agus tha an t-eagal orra.

“Tha latha a’ chunntais aca a’ teannadh dlùth.”

Thuirt e gu bheil na Làbaraich air teagasg Deamocratach na SA a thoirt a-steach a bhith ag ràdh gu bheil an luchd-dùbhlain aca nan cunnart do dheamocrasaidh.

Keir Starmer air ainmeachadh mar ‘dheachdaire fo eagal’ le Reform UK, às deidh don riaghaltas eadar-theachd a dhèanamh gus stad a chuir air taghaidhean ionadail an ath-bhliadhna.

Bha ath-leasachadh air a bhith ag ullachadh gu cruaidh airson an ath phrìomh dheuchainn taghaidh, ach tha ath-leasachaidhean riaghaltas ionadail a-nis a’ ciallachadh gur dòcha nach tachair iad gu 2027.

Thuirt Jim McMahon, a tha na àrd-mhinistear ann an Riaghaltas Ionadail, gum faodadh comhairlean a tha gan cur còmhla no a’ cur às dhaibh taghaidhean “a chumail dheth” gus am bi na h-ath-leasachaidhean deiseil.

Tha LBC air aithris gu bheil an Riaghaltas a’ coimhead ri taghaidhean a dhubhadh às ann an Essex, Siorrachd Hertford, Kent, Lancashire agus Sussex – a h-uile sgìre a bhiodh Ath-leasachadh air a bhith an dòchas buannachdan mòra a dhèanamh.

Nigel Farage spreadhadh gur e riaghaltas eu-dòchasach a th’ ann a bhith a’ cuir dheth taghaidhean “ann an cuid de sgìrean den dùthaich far a bheil Ath-leasachadh a’ faighinn spionnadh.”

“Tha an comas aca “bagairt air deamocrasaidh” a ghairm oirnn fhad ‘s a tha iad ag obair mar dheachdairean an treas saoghail.”

An-dè thuirt seanmhair nan Làbarach, Harriet Harman, gu bheil pàrtaidh Mhgr Farage “chan e a-mhàin na chunnart do phàrtaidhean fa-leth, ach na chunnart do dheamocrasaidh”.

Chuir Ceann-suidhe an Ath-leasachaidh Zia Yusuf às leth na Làbaraich “gun do dh’ fheuch iad ri stad a chuir air taghaidhean Comhairle Siorrachd Shasainn.

“An latha às deidh do Harriet Harman bruidhinn air cho dona sa bha iad ann am fo-thaghaidhean.

“Tha Starmer a’ riaghladh mar thasgadh. ”

madainn an-diugh Angela Rayner dh’ fhoillsich e pàipear geal ùr an riaghaltais air fèin-riaghladh Shasainn, a’ gealltainn cumhachdan fhighe a-steach air falbh bho Whitehall agus a’ dèanamh cinnteach gum bi e na “suidheachadh bunaiteach an riaghaltais”.

Thuirt Ms Rayner: “Bidh am Pàipear Geal againn air fèin-riaghladh Shasainn na àite tionndaidh nuair a chì sinn mu dheireadh coimhearsnachdan, daoine agus àiteachan air feadh Shasainn a’ tòiseachadh a’ gabhail smachd air ais air na rudan a tha cudromach dhaibh.”

“Nuair a gheibh na bailtean agus na bailtean-mòra pròiseil againn a-rithist na cumhachdan a dh’ fheumas iad gus fàs a bhrosnachadh agus inbhean bith-beò àrdachadh mar phàirt den Phlana airson Atharrachadh againn.

“Is e plana a th’ ann airson barrachd airgid a chuir ann am pòcaidean dhaoine, poilitigs a chuir air ais ann an seirbheis luchd-obrach agus plana airson seasmhachd, tasgadh agus ath-leasachadh, chan e caos, cruadal agus crìonadh, a lìbhrigeas deich bliadhna de dh’ ùrachadh nàiseanta.

“Cha tèid fèin-riaghladh aontachadh tuilleadh aig whims Ministear ann an Whitehall, ach freumhaichte ann an structar na dùthcha, gu bhith na shuidheachadh bunaiteach aig an riaghaltas.”

#Dhainmich #Keir #Starmer #deachdaire #agus #cur #dàil #air #taghaidhean #ionadail #Poilitigs #Naidheachdan

Every day Specific :: Information Feed

#Dhainmich #Keir #Starmer #deachdaire #agus #cur #dàil #air #taghaidhean #ionadail #Poilitigs #Naidheachdan

Christian Calgie , 2024-12-16 15:42:00

Keir Starmer a’ daingneachadh co-obrachadh na RA le Sìona am measg connspaid a’ Phrionnsa Anndra

Keir Starmer a’ daingneachadh co-obrachadh na RA le Sìona am measg connspaid a’ Phrionnsa Anndra

Keir Starmer air iarraidh gun lean an RA a’ “dol an sàs agus a’ co-obrachadh ”le Sìona a dh’ aindeoin an Prionnsa Anndra sreath spionaidh.

Thàinig e am bàrr an t-seachdain sa chaidh gun robh am prionnsa air càirdeas a chruthachadh le neach-gnìomhachais Sìneach a bha fo chasaid gun robh e ri brathadh san RA.

Tha an duine, ris an canar a-mhàin H6, a-nis air a thoirmeasg bhon dùthaich air sgàth tèarainteachd nàiseanta.

Dh’ fhaodadh an t-sreath a bhith na adhbhar nàire dha Starmer, a tha a’ feuchainn ri càirdeas eadar Breatainn agus Sìona a leasachadh, agus a thàinig gu bhith mar a’ chiad PM ann an sia bliadhna a choinnich ri ceann-suidhe Shìona Xi air a’ mhìos a chaidh.

Seansalair Rachel Reeves cuideachd gu bhith a’ tadhal air Beijing san Fhaoilleach.

A’ bruidhinn ann an Nirribhidh madainn an-diugh, dh’aidich Starmer “tha dragh oirnn mun dùbhlan a tha ann an Sìona”.

Ach dh’ iarr e nach cuireadh an t-sreath brathaidh stad air bho bhith ag obair le Sìona san àm ri teachd.

Thuirt e: “Is e ar dòigh-obrach ceangal a dhèanamh, co-obrachadh far am feum sinn co-obrachadh, gu sònraichte air cùisean leithid atharrachadh clìomaid, gus dùbhlan a thoirt far am feum sinn agus far am bu chòir dhuinn, gu sònraichte air cùisean leithid còraichean daonna agus a bhith a’ farpais nuair a thig e gu malairt.

“Sin an dòigh-obrach ro-innleachdail a tha sinn air a mhìneachadh mar riaghaltas na RA.”

Ach thuirt seann cheannard nan Tòraidhean, Iain Donnchadh Mac a’ Ghobhainn, a tha na phrìomh neach-breithneachaidh air Sìona, nach robh ann an cùis H6 ach “barr na beinne-deighe” agus gum bu chòir don riaghaltas dèiligeadh ris an dùthaich mar “bagairt” don RA.

Thuirt e ri prògram Right this moment air Radio 4: “Is e an fhìrinn gu bheil mòran, mòran a bharrachd an sàs anns an dearbh sheòrsa brathaidh search engine optimization a tha a’ gabhail àite.

“Tha an fhìrinn dhuinne gu math sìmplidh – tha Sìona na chunnart gu math soilleir.”

#Keir #Starmer #daingneachadh #coobrachadh #Sìona #measg #connspaid #Phrionnsa #Anndra

HuffPost UK – Athena2 – All Entries (Public)

#Keir #Starmer #daingneachadh #coobrachadh #Sìona #measg #connspaid #Phrionnsa #Anndra

Kevin Schofield , 2024-12-16 13:24:00

Sir Keir Starmer gu bhith ag ainmeachadh cùmhnant lùth uaine ùr gus dìon bho ‘whims de deachdairean mar Putin’ | Naidheachdan Poilitigs

Sir Keir Starmer gu bhith ag ainmeachadh cùmhnant lùth uaine ùr gus dìon bho ‘whims de deachdairean mar Putin’ | Naidheachdan Poilitigs

Bidh am Prìomhaire a’ tadhal air Nirribhidh gus cùmhnant cumhachd uaine ùr a chuir air bhog mus tèid e gu àrd-choinneamh dìon ann an Estonia.

Siubhail Sir Keir Starmer gu làrach glacaidh is stòraidh gualain agus coinnichidh e ri a cho-obraiche à Nirribhidh Jonas Gahr Retailer gus beachdachadh air a’ Chom-pàirteachas Uaine Gnìomhachais ùr.

Thuirt Àireamh 10 gu bheil an dà stiùiriche an dùil ainm a chuir ris a’ chùmhnant as t-earrach 2025.

Leugh tuilleadh: Dh’fhaodadh ath-nuadhachadh mòr air siostam cumhachd na RA ‘bilean a lùghdachadh airson math’

Thuirt Sir Keir gun cuidicheadh ​​an com-pàirteachas lùtha le Nirribhidh, aig a bheil crìoch leis an Ruis, fàs a bhrosnachadh agus dìon an aghaidh spìcean ann am prìsean lùtha eadar-nàiseanta mar an fheadhainn a chunnacas nuair a thug an Ceann-suidhe Vladimir Putin ionnsaigh air an Ugràin.

“Nì e feum de chomas sònraichte na RA a bhith air thoiseach air feadh an t-saoghail ann an glacadh gualain – bhon Chuan a Tuath gu oirthir a deas – a’ riaghladh sgìrean gnìomhachais agus a’ lìbhrigeadh ar plana airson atharrachadh,” thuirt e.

“Nì ar com-pàirteachas le Nirribhidh an RA nas tèarainte a thaobh lùtha, a’ dèanamh cinnteach nach bi sinn a-rithist fosgailte do spìcean prìsean lùtha eadar-nàiseanta agus whims deachdairean mar Putin.”

Tha an naidheachd a’ tighinn làithean às deidh dha na Làbaraich ainm a chuir ris a’ chiad chùmhnantan cleachdaidh is stòraidh gualain (CCUS) san RA.

Leugh tuilleadh: Tha na Làbaraich air co-dhùnadh gur fhiach am plana mòr neoni lom an cunnart

Tha cuid a’ faicinn glacadh gualain mar dhòigh air dèiligeadh ri atharrachadh clìomaid, le bhith a’ toirt air falbh gualain bhon àile agus ga stòradh air falbh.

Tha an luchd-càineadh, ge-tà, ag argamaid gu bheil e a’ leigeil le luchd-truaillidh mòra cumail orra a’ truailleadh agus gu bheil e tòrr nas èifeachdaiche dìreach sgaoilidhean a lughdachadh sa chiad àite.

Dh’ainmich a’ chiad leasachadh mòr malairteach gaoithe air bhog san Roinn Eòrpa, stèidhichte far costa ear-thuath na h-Alba, cùmhnantan ùra cuideachd gus am pròiseact a thoirt air adhart.

Thathas den bheachd gun toir an lus, a tha na cho-iomairt eadar Norwegian Vargronn agus a’ chompanaidh Flotation Power san RA, cumhachd gu timcheall air millean dachaigh nuair a thòisicheas e ag obair ann an 2028.

Leugh tuilleadh bho Sky Information:
Ciamar a mì-ghnàthachadhrs spy air com-pàirtichean le aplacaidean ‘smachd phàrantan’
A’ chiad bhuannaiche dall aig Strictly Come Dancing
Bidh cùisean amharasach norovirus a dhà uiread na cuibheasachd còig bliadhna

Thuirt Mgr Gahr Retailer: “Tha feum againn air co-obrachadh, eòlas agus ùr-ghnàthachadh gus ar uidheamachadh nas fheàrr airson aghaidh a thoirt air an àm ri teachd.

“Bidh an com-pàirteachas leis an RA cudromach gus barrachd obraichean uaine a dhèanamh an dà chuid ann an Nirribhidh agus san RA, agus airson an gluasad uaine a thoirt air adhart.”

Air turas fìdeag a’ phrìomhaire tro Nirribhidh agus Eastoinia bidh e a’ tighinn còmhla ri stiùirichean às an Òlaind, Latbhia, an t-Suain, an Danmhairg, Innis Tìle, Fionnlainn agus Liotuàinia ann an Tallinn gus beachdachadh air tèarainteachd.

Aig an aon àm, air ais san RA, coinnichidh Rùnaire nan Dùthchannan Cèin Dàibhidh Lammy agus Rùnaire an Dìon John Healey ri an co-aoisean ann an Astràilia ann an Lunnainn gus beachdachadh air dùbhlain tèarainteachd co-roinnte.

Bruidhnidh iad mu cho-obrachadh air cùisean a’ toirt a-steach an Úcráin, an Ear Mheadhanach agus an Indo-Pacific.

#Sir #Keir #Starmer #bhith #ainmeachadh #cùmhnant #lùth #uaine #ùr #gus #dìon #bho #whims #deachdairean #mar #Putin #Naidheachdan #Poilitigs

UK Information – The most recent headlines from the UK | Sky Information

#Sir #Keir #Starmer #bhith #ainmeachadh #cùmhnant #lùth #uaine #ùr #gus #dìon #bho #whims #deachdairean #mar #Putin #Naidheachdan #Poilitigs

, 2024-12-15 23:20:00

Breithneachadh Keir Starmer air a cheasnachadh às deidh dha coinneachadh ri Xi Jinping à Sìona ro loidhne brathaidh | Poilitigs | Naidheachdan

Breithneachadh Keir Starmer air a cheasnachadh às deidh dha coinneachadh ri Xi Jinping à Sìona ro loidhne brathaidh | Poilitigs | Naidheachdan

B’ fheudar do Rùnaire an Taobh a-staigh, Yvette Cooper, dìon Keir Starmer a bhith a’ fuireach còmhla ri Ceann-suidhe Shìona Xi Jinping a dh’ aindeoin sreath brathaidh an deireadh-sheachdain ag ath-aithris bagairt tèarainteachd Beijing.

Dh’iarr Ms Cooper gun dèan an Riaghaltas gnìomh “làidir” an-aghaidh dùbhlan tèarainteachd nàiseanta sam bith à Sìona, ach chuir i dìon air an fheum air ceanglaichean eaconamach dlùth a chruthachadh.

Nuair a chaidh faighneachd dhi dè an teachdaireachd a th ’aice do stàit Shìona às deidh a’ chràdh dioplòmasach, thuirt Ms Cooper ris an BBC: “Leanaidh sinn oirnn a’ cleachdadh dòigh-obrach gu math làidir a thaobh ar tèarainteachd nàiseanta, a tha a’ toirt a-steach dùbhlan sam bith a thaobh ar tèarainteachd nàiseanta a’ toirt a-steach ar tèarainteachd eaconamach à Sìona, bho dhùthchannan eile air feadh an t-saoghail, is e sin an dòigh-obrach a bhios sinn an-còmhnaidh a’ cleachdadh. .

“Gu dearbh, le Sìona feumaidh sinn cuideachd dèanamh cinnteach gu bheil an eadar-obrachadh eaconamach sin, co-obrachadh eaconamach na àite cuideachd. Mar sin is e rèiteachadh iom-fhillte a th’ ann. ”

Tha cunnart ann gun tog an t-sreath ceistean mu bhreith a’ Phrìomhaire, a’ tighinn dìreach mìos às deidh Sir Keir Starmer B’ e a’ chiad cheannard a choinnich ris a’ Cheann-suidhe Xi Jinping bho 2018, ann an leaghadh mòr de dhàimhean Cino-Breatannach.

Thug Rùnaire nan Dùthchannan Cèin Priti Patel rabhadh don Riaghaltas gum feum iad a bhith “gun teagamh sam bith gu bheil Sìona na chunnart do thèarainteachd nàiseanta ar dùthcha”.

“Mar a sheall a’ chùis search engine optimisation den neach-brathaidh aig cridhe Whitehall, tha fianais làidir ann gu bheil Sìona ag obair gus a bhith a’ lagachadh ar n-ionadan agus na dearbh luachan a tha mar bhunait don dùthaich againn,” thuirt i.

“Tha e gu leas a’ phobaill eòlas fhaighinn air na fìrinnean iomlan air cùl an neach-brathaidh, am brosnachadh agus an stàit.

“Chan urrainn dhuinn sùil dall a thionndadh gu ionnsaighean nàimhdeil ann an Sìona a tha air a bhith a’ leantainn airson còrr air deich bliadhna agus a tha fhathast a ’briseadh earbsa eadar an dà dhùthaich againn.”

Dh’innis seabhag Shìona agus seann cheannard nan Tòraidhean Sir Iain Donnchadh Mac a’ Ghobhainn dhan Categorical gu bheil coinneamh Sir Keir leis a’ Cheann-suidhe Xi a’ togail dhraghan mu bhreith a’ Phrìomhaire.

Thuirt e gu bheil e “cuideachd a’ sealltainn Sìona cho lag ‘s a tha e”, ag ràdh: “Tha an ath-innleachd aige air poileasaidh Sìona ‘àm òir’ Osborne air ainmeachadh nas fheàrr mar phròiseact Kow Tow. ”

Thuirt Sir Iain gu bheil Sìona a’ faicinn Breatainn mar an “fo-bhall lavatory” den bhuidheann tèarainteachd còig sùilean a tha air a dhèanamh suas de na SA, Canada, Astràilia, Sealan Nuadh agus an RA.

Thathas an dùil gun sgèith Rachel Reeves gu Beijing san Fhaoilleach gus Còmhradh Eaconamach is Ionmhais na RA-Sìona ath-thòiseachadh às deidh briseadh sia bliadhna, dìreach làithean roimhe sin. Dòmhnall Trump‘na choisrigeadh.

Nigel Farage a-nis air bagairt ainm ‘H6’ fhoillseachadh ann an Taigh nan Cumantan an t-seachdain search engine optimisation, a’ cleachdadh Sochair na Pàrlamaid gus dèanamh cinnteach nach eil “còmhdach bun-stèidh” ann.

Bha Mgr Farage ag argamaid: “Bu chòir an duine ainmeachadh sa bhad, air neo bidh an rud gu lèir a’ smocadh còmhdach stèidheachd.

“Mura tèid a rèiteach anns na cùirtean, bu chòir dha a bhith air ainmeachadh anns na Cumantan. Tha e soilleir gu bheil e gu leas nàiseanta.”

Ged a tha còir laghail aig BP sochairean pàrlamaideach a chleachdadh gus òrduighean laghail no builean a sheachnadh, tha an Labhraiche air rabhadh a thoirt roimhe gun a bhith ga chleachdadh, gu sònraichte a thaobh cùisean tèarainteachd nàiseanta.

San t-Sultain an-uiridh, thug Sir Lindsay Hoyle seachad rabhadh cruaidh gun a bhith ag ainmeachadh duine aig cridhe sgainneal brathaidh Sìneach eile.

Thuirt e gum faodadh ainmeachadh an neach fa-leth cron a dhèanamh air casaidean san àm ri teachd.

Dhiùlt e an aon rabhadh ath-aithris an-dè nuair a thàinig an Categorical thuige.

#Breithneachadh #Keir #Starmer #air #cheasnachadh #às #deidh #dha #coinneachadh #Jinping #Sìona #loidhne #brathaidh #Poilitigs #Naidheachdan

Each day Categorical :: Information Feed

#Breithneachadh #Keir #Starmer #air #cheasnachadh #às #deidh #dha #coinneachadh #Jinping #Sìona #loidhne #brathaidh #Poilitigs #Naidheachdan

Christian Calgie , 2024-12-15 18:25:00

Keir Starmer proved the crystal ball flawed this 12 months – what has 2025 in retailer?

Keir Starmer proved the crystal ball flawed this 12 months – what has 2025 in retailer?

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Keir Starmer is the second prime minister to take a detailed curiosity within the proceedings of a mysterious and secretive cabal, the annual Peter Mandelson Memorial Dim Sum Supper.

This can be a group that has nothing to do with Lord Mandelson himself: it’s a group of my mates who had been eating in Chinatown on the day of his resignation from Tony Blair’s cupboard in 1998. By coincidence, we had been eating once more on the day of Mandelson’s second resignation two years later.

Each resignations occurred round Christmas, so we made an annual occasion of it, and used the gathering as an opportunity to make predictions in regards to the 12 months in politics forward. I’ve written an end-of-year column about our deliberations for a few years now, though I make no nice claims in regards to the high quality of our forecasts. Berkshire Hathaway we’re not.

Nonetheless, it seems that two prime ministers have been among the many subset of the inhabitants who observed our prognostications.

After I spoke to Keir Starmer at his election rely in July, earlier than he was declared duly elected the member of parliament for Holborn and St Pancras, he mentioned he had learn my “dim sum predictions” and requested: “Weren’t you saying it could be a hung parliament?”

I needed to admit that this was the bulk view of the dim sum diners this time final 12 months, and that these predicting a Labour majority had been within the (albeit fairly vocal) minority. I felt Starmer was entitled, at that second – poised on the brink of an enormous landslide victory, to take some satisfaction in confounding the doubters.

In spite of everything, the opposite prime minister who jogged my memory a few dim sum forecast was David Cameron, within the run-up to the 2015 election. On the finish of 2014 we had additionally predicted a hung parliament – we thought that the coalition authorities of 2010 would proceed – and I believe he was already assured that he would win sufficient Liberal Democrat seats to realize a majority. “We have to win loads of seats off them,” he informed me. He, too, produced an surprising election win.

Thankfully, this 12 months’s dim sum dinner, held at an undisclosed location final week, didn’t really feel underneath an excessive amount of strain to foretell the result of the following basic election. There will probably be loads of time to make many alternative predictions earlier than then.

For the second, although, we thought the election could be in the summertime of 2028, though there was additionally one vote for the autumn, and that Labour would win with a majority of round 50. The consensus view was that, though the federal government had obtained off to a foul begin, the Conservatives had so forfeited the belief of the voters, particularly on immigration, that it could take longer than a parliament to get well – and that Nigel Farage would proceed to divide the anti-Labour vote with out Reform truly breaking by to switch the Tories as the primary opposition.

Turning to extra rapid elections over prawn toast and pak choi, the overall view was that the 2025 native elections would give Starmer a respiratory area, as a result of these are seats that had been final contested on the peak of Boris Johnson’s vaccine-boosted reputation in 2021. Labour MPs in marginal seats would possibly postpone their inevitable panicking for an additional 12 months. We thought that the Scottish parliament in 2026 would revert to its unique design, which was supposed to supply hung parliaments through which Labour would govern in partnership with the Lib Dems.

Because the Peking duck arrived, we tried to foretell the destiny of particular person politicians over the following three-and-a-half years. Once more, a few of our predictions had been unanimous. We thought that Rachel Reeves would survive as chancellor, however that David Lammy and Ed Miliband wouldn’t final the parliament. And we agreed that Boris Johnson wouldn’t return to the Commons – my view prevailed that Tory occasion members have labored out who was answerable for internet immigration of almost 1 million in 2022.

We predicted that Starmer would lead Labour into the election, however there was one late waverer, who argued that, although it’s onerous to eject a Labour chief (and Starmer’s rule adjustments in 2021 made it more durable), the “males in blue fits” would possibly prevail upon him. In the long run, although, all of us agreed that he would survive.

After that, the consensus broke down. The bulk thought that Kemi Badenoch would lead the Tories on the election, towards the view of the minority who thought that her service within the final authorities would drag her down. The minority famous that Labour was already placing out social media adverts of her on the despatch field welcoming a leisure of visa guidelines.

We didn’t have a lot time to commit to worldwide politics. We thought Emmanuel Macron would serve out his time period till 2027: a majority thought that this could be Marine Le Pen’s final probability, and that she would lose. We didn’t suppose that Donald Trump would attempt to change the US structure to face once more, and we thought that JD Vance could be the Republican nominee in 2028.

However at this level the serviette on which I used to be making notes is smudged with inexperienced tea stains, so you’ll have to wait till subsequent 12 months’s dim sum supper for a fuller prediction.

One projection I believe is a reasonably protected one is that in 2028 or 2029, I shall be again in Camden city corridor for Starmer’s election rely, and he’ll ask, deadpan: “Weren’t you saying it could be a majority of fifty?”

#Keir #Starmer #proved #crystal #ball #flawed #12 months #retailer

The Impartial

#Keir #Starmer #proved #crystal #ball #flawed #12 months #retailer

John Rentoul , 2024-12-14 14:03:00

Keir Starmer is about to commit his most brazen act of Brexit betrayal | Politics | Information

For many individuals, 31 January 2020 is etched into their reminiscence, the historic day when Britain lastly left the EU after 47 years membership.

However so far as memorable dates go, 3 February 2025 doesn’t instantly leap out as being exceptional.

So what’s the significance of this specific mid-winter Monday, some 5 years after Brexit Day?

It simply so occurs to be when Keir Starmer turns into the primary Prime Minister this decade to attend a gathering of EU leaders.

Sir Keir regards it as a pure continuation of his efforts to “reset” relations with the bloc.

However many see this as his most brazen act of Brexit betrayal but.

Since he entered Downing Road final July the Labour chief has systematically labored his approach by an ever rising record of how to hitch Britain to the European bandwagon as soon as once more.

Sky News marks Brexit day by projecting a farewell message on the white cliffs of Dover

Brexit Day (Picture: Getty)

His invitation to Brussels follows months of fawning diplomacy throughout which the Authorities has overtly courted buying and selling and safety partnerships with the EU.

Senior ministers have made a number of visits to conferences of their European counterparts, with Rachel Reeves changing into the primary Chancellor since Brexit to attend a gathering of EU finance ministers this week whereas David Lammy met with international ministers earlier within the yr.

February’s journey to the Belgian capital was introduced after Sir Keir met European Council president Antonio Costa for a comfy tête-à-tête in No 10 on Thursday.

Downing Road mentioned the pair additionally regarded forward to the EU-UK summit in early 2025, saying it could “present an vital alternative to make additional progress on key areas to ship tangible advantages for the folks of the UK and the EU”.

This got here after Sir Keir and European Fee president Ursula von der Leyen agreed to carry a collection of annual summits between Britain and the EU once they met in October.

In a really public present of his want for nearer ties with Brussels, the Prime Minister boldly declared he was “placing our relationship with Europe on a extra stable, secure place. That’s what the British folks need.”

Then and now, Sir Keir’s want record is a protracted one.

He needs nearer co-operation on defence and safety, together with power safety, in addition to on local weather change, unlawful migration, and on delivering financial development.

Sir Keir claims he needs Brexit to work within the UK’s curiosity. However the indicators are that he’s making an attempt to unpick as a lot of it as he can, sew by sew.

Late one Friday evening round three weeks in the past the federal government snuck out a job advert to rent a brand new negotiator to assist ship a “reset” of relations with Europe.

They are going to be paid as much as £200,000 – greater than the Prime Minister himself – with a staggering gold plated pension contribution of £44,324 to schmooze eurocrats.

The catchily titled Second Everlasting Secretary for European Union and Worldwide Financial Affairs shall be required to supervise and lead coverage growth on commerce, together with the Windsor Framework, the Commerce and Cooperation Settlement, the Entry and Exit Scheme – a brand new upcoming digital EU border scheme – and different border coverage questions.

Sir Keir has beforehand mentioned he would search a greater cope with the EU on commerce than the one negotiated by Boris Johnson in late 2020.

By gritted tooth he has additionally been at pains to say that resetting doesn’t imply reversing Brexit.

Notre-Dame Cathedral Reopens After 2019 Devastating Fire

Donald Trump (Picture: Getty)

However Sir Keir has a giant downside. A giant Donald Trump-sized downside.

The President-elect’s senior financial advisor Stephen Moore has mentioned the UK has to decide on between the European financial mannequin of “extra socialism” and the US mannequin which is extra based mostly on a free enterprise system.

He mentioned the UK is “caught within the center”, however believed “Britain can be higher off shifting in direction of extra of the American mannequin of financial freedom and if that had been the case, I feel it could spur the Trump administration’s willingness to do the free commerce settlement with the UK”.

Consultants say Labour’s zeal to strip away what it calls “pointless commerce boundaries” can be deeply regarding.

Brussels says these boundaries are a results of the UK’s personal selections: leaving the only market and customs union.

The federal government needs to ease the motion of meals and drinks exports. It needs simpler entry for UK artists, together with musicians to the EU.

Some EU member states need enhanced fishing rights in UK waters.

As former EU negotiator Lord Frost warned: “If the EU offers you one thing, it needs one thing again.”

Trump will dominate world politics and economics for the remainder of this decade and our particular relationship with the US shall be essential to how Britain fares.

Sir Keir’s plans for nearer hyperlinks to Europe on safety and defence are additionally problematic.

Relations have steadily improved since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The 2 sides labored quickly and intently to impose sanctions on Moscow and increase Kiev’s defences. The UK main the way in which on the latter.

However Sir Keir’s push for nearer ties with the EU places Nato in danger, in line with Nigel Farage.

In the summertime, simply days after changing into Prime Minister, Sir Keir opened the door to a brand new safety treaty with Brussels as he hosted 46 European leaders at Blenheim Palace for the European Political Group summit.

The Reform UK boss has warned that Trump might stroll away from Nato if the Europeans undermined it with an EU rival.

“Something that takes us nearer to a European Defence Union is a large strategic mistake,” he mentioned on the time.

Nigel Farage Addresses CPAC 2024 Convention

Nigel Farage (Picture: Getty)

On migration, there’s clear cross-Channel settlement that people-smuggling gangs have to be stopped and unlawful migration tackled.

However the way it will get handled is the issue.

The Labour chief has scrapped the Rwanda deterrent, now being thought-about by Germany, which has triggered a surge in small boat crossings.

However with the stroke of a pen he sidled as much as Europe in November, signing three new agreements to crack down on smuggling gangs.

Saying a “main improve” on worldwide co-operation is required, the prime minister introduced plans to signal three new agreements with Serbia, North Macedonia and Kosovo.

The offers will improve intelligence sharing, experience and co-operation so as to intercept felony smuggling gangs, the federal government mentioned.

In the meantime, it all the time pays to learn the small print.

In Labour’s election manifesto this yr, Keir Starmer sought to reassure Brexiteers ruling out a return to the EU single market.

However he did insert a small-print proviso.

The Labour chief mentioned that he didn’t rule out doing a lot the identical factor by realigning Britain piecemeal with EU requirements.

This course of he has now began.

Lord Frost has identified that the federal government’s unremarkable-sounding Product Regulation and Metrology Invoice is one thing of a Computer virus.

Whereas it usually covers product security and weights and measures, a sneakily-inserted Clause 1(2) additionally expressly permits the federal government to import wholesale EU rules on merchandise’ environmental affect.

This clause is just not restricted to merchandise for export to the EU. It explicitly applies to all items placed on the UK market. This can be a huge change.

Though items for export are for apparent causes topic to EU necessities, an vital advantage of Brexit has been to return to producers and importers dealing purely with the home market their freedom to disregard the EU. This freedom is now in danger.

In the end, Sir Keir is taking part in a protracted sport. What Labour strategists are hoping for is a gradual however discreet improve in de facto EU management.

This give up would go away Britain increasingly more within the place of an EU rule-taker like Norway or Switzerland.

Brexit Day In London

Brexit Day (Picture: Getty)

However Sir Keir’s hopes to re-enter the EU’s orbit received’t go down with the 17.4 million individuals who voted for Brexit within the first place.

With Reform UK respiratory down the necks of each the Tories and Labour, the Prime Minister’s masterplan for nearer ties with Europe is doomed to failure if immigration numbers, each authorized and unlawful, don’t fall quickly over the following few years and the financial system suffers.

When Sir Keir arrives in Brussels for the February reunion the Union Jack will little question seem subsequent to the European flag.

Will probably be a stark reminder of what he craves however what so many individuals rejected on one other historic and memorable date, 23 June 2016, when Britain determined to give up the EU.

#Keir #Starmer #commit #brazen #act #Brexit #betrayal #Politics #Information

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#Keir #Starmer #commit #brazen #act #Brexit #betrayal #Politics #Information

Martyn Brown , 2024-12-14 08:00:00

UK ‘woefully unprepared’ for main warfare as warning despatched to Keir Starmer | Politics | Information

The Prime Minister is main a rustic “completely unprepared” for warfare with a “woefully small and poorly outfitted” navy, a former intelligence officer has claimed.

Colonel Philip Ingram stated Sir Keir Starmer’s Labour Authorities had its head “buried deep” and that the politicians working the nation had been “naive” to the worldwide threats posed by the likes of Vladimir Putin‘s Russia.

The colonel’s phrases come as Sir Keir visited British forces at bases in Cyprus simply because it has been introduced there will probably be defence spending cuts of greater than £500 million, with frigates, helicopters and amphibious assault vessels attributable to be scrapped.

Col Ingram, a counter-terror skilled who was probably the most senior intelligence officers within the British Military, informed GB Information: “I’m involved by the shortage of nationwide preparedness.

“How would central and native Authorities perform in a time of warfare with heavy infrastructure injury? Our Military is woefully small and poorly outfitted for warfighting.

“However what issues me above all is the naivety of our legislators. The Authorities has its head buried deep and doesn’t need to hearken to the truth of what’s taking place throughout the globe.

“Ministers should step up and begin to put together for warfare now.”

Col Ingram stated UK involvement in conflicts comparable to Ukraine, the place British Storm Shadow missiles are reportedly being fired into Russia, put the nation within the sights of warmongering dictators like Putin.

He added: “The defence industrial base will not be at present able to constructing the gear and ammunition wanted for warfare, within the fast time frames it could be wanted. We depend on our Nato allies too closely, however a lot of them are unprepared additionally.”

Shadow Minister for Defence Mark Francois informed GB Information: “Historical past tells us, repeatedly, that appeasing dictators doesn’t work.

“If we need to deter a wider battle with Putin, we have to enhance defence spending, to spend a bit extra now somewhat than an unlimited quantity extra, in each blood and treasure, later.

“That’s why Labour’s repeated refusal to place a date on after we will enhance our defence spending to 2.5 per cent of GDP is so harmful.”

Defence Secretary John Healey stated the Authorities is urgent forward with cuts to the armed forces regardless of growing world instability.

In an announcement to MPs, Mr Healey warned that additional cuts could possibly be required however insisted he had the assist of armed forces chiefs for the choices he had made.

He stated: “For too lengthy our troopers, sailors, aviators have been caught with outdated, outdated gear as a result of ministers would not make the tough decommissioning selections.

“As know-how advances at tempo, we should transfer quicker in the direction of the long run. So at the moment, with full backing from our service chiefs, I can verify that six outdated navy capabilities will probably be taken out of providers.

“These selections are set to avoid wasting the MoD £150 million over the subsequent two years and as much as £500 million over 5 years, financial savings that will probably be retained in full in defence.”

#woefully #unprepared #main #warfare #warning #Keir #Starmer #Politics #Information

Every day Categorical :: Information Feed

#woefully #unprepared #main #warfare #warning #Keir #Starmer #Politics #Information

Richard Ashmore , 2024-12-13 18:04:00

Keir Starmer mu choinneimh trom-laighe ùr agus Ath-leasachadh gu bhith a’ buannachadh dhaingneach nan Làbarach aig an ath thaghadh | Poilitigs | Naidheachdan

Tha coltas ann gun coisinn Reform UK daingneach dha na Làbaraich ann an Lunnainn aig an ath thaghadh choitcheann ann an rud a bhiodh na bhuille mhòr dha Sir Keir Starmertaisbeanaidhean bhòtaidh.

Modail air a chruthachadh le taisbeanaidhean Nowcast Nigel Farage‘s Reform UK a’ dèanamh a’ chùis air na Làbaraich ann an Dagenham agus Rainham, far a bheil pàrtaidh Sir Keir air a bhith air a thaghadh airson bhliadhnaichean.

Tha am modail a’ cur Ath-Leasachadh air mòr-chuid de 3.1% le 34.4% den bhòt an taca ri 31.3% dha na Làbaraich agus na Tòraidhean air atharrachadh gu ruige search engine optimization +18.1%.

Tha toraidhean Nowcast cuideachd a’ sealltainn an roinn-phàrlamaid faisg air làimh, Hornchurch agus Upminster, a’ lùbadh a dh’ ionnsaigh Reform UK, le mòr-chuid de 1.8% agus 36.2% den bhòt.

Tha am pàrtaidh poblachd aig Mgr Farage ag amas air dragh a chuir air poilitigs Bhreatainn, le Ladbrokes an t-seachdain search engine optimization ga chuir aig 5/2 as fheàrr leotha airson a dhol an àite Sir Keir aig Àir. 10, air thoiseach air ceannard nan Tòraidhean, Kemi Badenoch.

O chionn ghoirid tha Reform UK air cuid de phrìomh lochdan Tòraidheach fhaicinn, le stèidheadair Tòraidheach House Tim Montgomerie agus tycoon seilbh billean, Nick Sweet, ag atharrachadh taic.

Tha cunntasan-bheachd iomlan a’ sealltainn gun dèanadh Reform UK a’ chùis air Tòraidhean san dàrna àite le 34.5% den bhòt agus chuir iad a-mach am Ball-Pàrlamaid airson Hornchurch agus Upminster, Julia Lopez.

Bha Nick Palmer na thagraiche airson Reform UK aig an taghadh coitcheann san Iuchar nuair a choisinn e 13,317 bhòt an taca ris an 15,260 aig Ms Lopez. Thuirt e Specific.co.uk: “Tha Tòraidhean air ceangal a chall ri cnàimh-droma Bhreatainn. Tha iad air a bhith a’ caitheamh nan 14 bliadhna a dh’ fhalbh a’ gluasad barrachd is barrachd chun na làimh chlì, a’ taghadh phoileasaidhean a tha nas freagarraiche airson a bhith nan Lib Deamaich.

“Tha na daoine dìcheallach ann an Hornchurch agus Upminster sgìth de nach deach èisteachd riutha agus gun a bhith a’ faighinn aonta chothromach.

Chunnaic Ms Lopez an roinn aice den tubaist bhòtaidh bho 65.8% aig taghadh coitcheann 2019, gu 32.5% ann an 2024, le figearan a’ moladh gun tug Reform UK pìos mòr den bhòt bhon bhòt. Tòraidhean.

Chùm na Làbaraich grèim air Dagenham agus Rainham san Iuchar, le 42.6% den bhòt an taca ri Reform UK a fhuair 24.2% agus a rinn a’ chùis air Tòraidhean air an treas àite le 17.8%.

Air aithneachadh mar dhachaigh ionad chàraichean Ford’s Dagenham, bha am baile cuideachd na àite airson fuamhaire pharma Frangach, Sanofi-Aventis, agus neach-dèanaidh bataraidh Ever Prepared. Tha mòran de dh’ Oighreachd Becontree, a bha uair na phròiseact taigheadais poblach as motha san Roinn Eòrpa, na laighe ann an Dagenham.

Fhad ‘s a tha Dagenham agus Rainham air a bhith aig na Làbaraich bho chaidh an suidheachan a chruthachadh ann an 2010, chunnaic pàrtaidh Sir Keir a’ mhòr-chuid as ìsle a-riamh ann an Dagenham ann an 2019 nuair a chaidh an tagraiche Tòraidheach Damian White a bhualadh beagan le Jon Cruddas aig taghadh air a stiùireadh leis an t-seann Phrìomhaire. Boris Johnson agus fo smachd Brexit.

Tha Dagenham na phàirt de Bhuirg Barking agus Dagenham ann an Lunnainn, a bhòt 62.4% airson Brexit ann an 2016. Tha Upminster agus Hornchurch fo Bhuirg Havering ann an Lunnainn far an do bhòt 69.7% airson Breatainn falbh Aonadh Eòrpach.

Thathas ag ràdh gu bheil luchd-dìon Reform UK a’ dèanamh gàirdeachas gu sàmhach le ro-aithris Nowcast, le aon ag innse Naidheachdan GB tha e a’ toirt cothrom “fìor mhòr” gus a’ mheadhan-cheart ath-thaobhadh ann am poilitigs Bhreatainn.

Tha an aon ro-aithris a’ sealltainn Ath-leasachadh a’ faighinn grunn sheataichean eile, nam measg Folkestone and Hythe, Chatham agus Aylesford, Sittingbourne agus Sheppey, Iar-dheas Norfolk agus Birmingham Hodge Hill agus Solihull North.

Gu h-iomlan, tha coltas gu bheil a’ bhuidheann rebel deiseil airson timcheall air 30 suidheachan a bhuannachadh, a’ toirt a-steach na còig a thuirt iad san Iuchar.

Tha bhòtadh nàiseanta a’ cur na Làbaraich agus na Tòraidhean aig mu 26% gach worry le Ath-leasachadh aig mu 14% thig an ath thaghadh. Nam biodh Mgr Farage gu bhith na ath phrìomhaire, tha luchd-anailis ag ràdh gur dòcha gur e toradh pàrlamaid crochte a bhiodh ann.

#Keir #Starmer #choinneimh #tromlaighe #ùr #agus #Athleasachadh #bhith #buannachadh #dhaingneach #nan #Làbarach #aig #ath #thaghadh #Poilitigs #Naidheachdan

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#Keir #Starmer #choinneimh #tromlaighe #ùr #agus #Athleasachadh #bhith #buannachadh #dhaingneach #nan #Làbarach #aig #ath #thaghadh #Poilitigs #Naidheachdan

Jon King , 2024-12-13 17:28:00