Raon-catha Invisible Russia-Ukraine | URRAMACH

Raon-catha Invisible Russia-Ukraine | URRAMACH

Cha robh siostaman na Ruis “gu math gluasadach, gun a bhith air an sgaoileadh gu mòr,” tha Clark ag innse do WIRED. Cha robh an àireamh bheag de shiostaman mòra aca, tha Clark ag ràdh, “gu math buntainneach san t-sabaid.”

Bha ro-innleachd Moscow a’ gabhail ris gum biodh àite-cogaidh an ìre mhath seasmhach. Air an aghaidh, bhiodh iad a ‘cleachdadh an Infaunacarbad làn armachd a tha ag amas air conaltradh rèidio. Nas fhaide a-mach, timcheall air 15 mìle bho na loidhnichean aghaidh, chuireadh iad an Ionnsaich-3làraidh sia-chuibhlichean a tha comasach chan ann a-mhàin air lìonraidhean cealla a shlaodadh ach a bhith a’ toirt a-steach conaltradh agus eadhon a’ cur SMS gu fònaichean-làimhe faisg air làimh. Nas fhaide a-mach eadhon, bho raon de mu 180 mìle, bha an làraidh-teine ​​​​meudach Krasukha-4 bhiodh e a’ sgrìobadh luchd-mothachaidh adhair.

“Nuair a thig thu faisg air an aghaidh, gheibh thu aimsir dealanach,” tha Clark ag ràdh. “Chan obraich an GPS agad, chan obraich am fòn cealla agad, chan obraich an Starlink agad.”

Is e an dùthaich gun duine electromagnetic website positioning a thachras nuair a bhios tu “barrachd,” tha Clark a’ mìneachadh. Ach tha malairt-malairt mòr ann, tha e ag ràdh. Tha feum air barrachd cumhachd airson a bhith a’ suathadh thairis air an speactram, mar a tha jamming ann an sgìre nas fharsainge. Mar as motha de chumhachd a tha aig siostam, is ann as motha a dh’ fheumas e a bhith. Mar sin faodaidh tu dragh a chuir air a h-uile conaltradh ann an raon cuimsichte, no cuid de chonaltradh nas fhaide air falbh – ach chan e gu riatanach an dà chuid.

Gluais rudan Quick agus Jam

Chaidh armachd na Ruis a mhilleadh, tràth sa chogadh, le droch chonaltradh, planadh na bu mhiosa, agus leisg san fharsaingeachd ann an atharrachadh. Fiù ‘s fhathast, bha toiseach tòiseachaidh mòr aige. “Gu mì-fhortanach, tha buannachd àireamhach is tàbhachdach aig an nàmhaid,” tha riochdaire airson UP Improvements, neach-tòiseachaidh teicneòlas dìon Ucràineach, ag innse do WIRED ann an aithris sgrìobhte.

Mar sin leasaich an Úcráin dà ro-innleachd taiceil: thoir a-mach àireamh mhòr de fhuasglaidhean EW nas saoire, agus dèan iad ath-aithriseach agus sùbailte.

Tha siostam an-aghaidh drone Bukovel-AD san Úcráin, mar eisimpleir, a’ freagairt gu comhfhurtail air cùl làraidh togail. Tha an Eter siostam, meud màileid, lorg na comharran jamming bho shiostaman EW Ruiseanach – a’ leigeil leis an Úcráin cuimseachadh orra le làmhachas. Tha companaidh cogaidh dealanach Ucràineach Kvertus a-nis a’ saothrachadh 15 diofar shiostaman an-aghaidh drone – bho bhagaichean droma drone gu innealan pàipearachd a dh’ fhaodar a chuir a-steach air tùir rèidio gus UAVan a tha a’ tighinn a-steach a chumail air falbh.

Nuair a thòisich an cogadh làn-sgèile ann an 2022, bha aon toradh aig Kvertus: gunna anti-drone le gualainn, mar an EDM4S. “Ann an 2022, [we were producing] deichean de dh’ innealan, ”thuirt Yaroslav Filimonov, Ceannard Kvertus rium nuair a shuidh sinn sìos anns na h-oifisean aige ann an Kyiv sa Mhàrt website positioning chaidh. “Ann an 2023 bha e ceudan. Nise? Tha e na mìltean.”

#Raoncatha #Invisible #RussiaUkraine #URRAMACH


#Raoncatha #Invisible #RussiaUkraine #URRAMACH

Justin Ling , 2024-12-23 10:00:00


Drivers utilizing ‘easy’ methods to make vehicles invisible to hurry cameras | UK | Information

Motorists are rendering velocity cameras ineffective by becoming ‘invisible’ licence plates to their autos, authorities have warned. The rogue drivers are dodging fines with so-called ‘ghost plates’ which elude detection from each velocity and bus lane cameras.

These illicit plates, additionally known as 3D or 4D, are actually being focused by police armed with pioneering tech designed to identify the lawbreakers. Beforehand, a high official answerable for the UK’s Automated Quantity Plate Recognition system highlighted that round one in 15 motorists have been outwitting the know-how, a difficulty described as ‘staggeringly easy’ by former Biometrics and Surveillance Digicam Commissioner Professor Fraser Sampson.

He flagged his issues in a resignation letter to Mark Harper, the Tory authorities’s Transport Secretary, lamenting the dearth of motion in opposition to this widespread manipulation. Councils, stepping up their sport, are acquiring refined cameras able to ‘seeing’ these troublesome plates.

Wolverhampton has taken the lead, with council enforcers geared up with superior cameras to spearhead the initiative. Offenders discovered with these nefarious plates might face a stiff £100 penalty.

Councillor Craig Collingswood, Wolverhampton Metropolis Council’s cupboard member for surroundings and local weather change, spoke to BirminghamLive, asserting: “Wolverhampton is main the best way as the primary council investing on this state-of-the-art know-how to discourage and detect offenders.”

In an pressing attraction to Mark Harper, Prof Sampson has laid naked the crafty strategies utilized by motorists dodging fines. His letter reveals how rogue drivers clone quantity plates, use reflective tape, and buy ‘stealth plates’ to slide away from dashing penalties and low-emission zone costs.

Nonetheless, there is a obvious challenge within the plate recognition system, with a 97 p.c accuracy charge leading to a stunning 2.4 million misinterpret plates every day, which might imply unwarranted fines for law-abiding residents. Rolling stats point out that on any typical day, about 15,400 visitors cameras keenly observe UK roads, producing between 75 and 80 million reads – generally exceeding 80 million.

Prof Sampson warns this might escalate to 100 million reads per day by the tip of 2024, as he highlighted the need of bus lanes and velocity cameras for public security, stating: “Bus lanes are important for the general public transport community to function effectively and velocity cameras assist to maintain the general public secure from dashing autos and cut back the probability of a crash. All motorists can count on to pay a positive if discovered to be utilizing these unlawful strategies to keep away from cameras and taxi drivers licensed by Wolverhampton could have their licence suspended or revoked.”

Prof Sampson warned: “For all its technological development and operational indispensability, the ANPR system nonetheless depends finally on a bit of plastic affixed to both finish of a automobile. Served by an entirely unregulated market, what my predecessor termed the common-or-garden quantity plate represents a single and readily assailable level of failure with the ANPR community being simply defeated by the manufacture and sale of stealth plates, cloned registration marks and different rudimentary obscurant techniques.”

He added: “The result’s that the power to frustrate the ANPR system stays staggeringly easy at a time when correct reliance on it for key public companies resembling policing, legislation enforcement and visitors administration is growing every day. Emission zones and different strategic visitors enforcement schemes put motorists in conditions the place they must make vital monetary selections and it’s no less than debatable that the incentives for some to ‘sport’ the ANPR programs have by no means been higher.”

He additional defined: “Merely by making use of reflective tape to distort a part of a registration plate or buying stealth plates from on-line distributors, motorists can confuse and confound present quantity plate recognition know-how and each of those are simply obtainable. One current estimate steered that one in fifteen drivers could already be utilizing anti-ANPR know-how; it’s cheap to count on this conduct to extend because the reliance on ANPR for brand spanking new visitors administration schemes continues.”

#Drivers #easy #methods #vehicles #invisible #velocity #cameras #Information

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#Drivers #easy #methods #vehicles #invisible #velocity #cameras #Information

Ben Hurst , 2024-12-08 09:20:00