Dithis fo chasaid co-cheangailte ri stailc drone Ioran a mharbh 3 saighdearan na SA anns an Ear Mheadhanach

Dithis fo chasaid co-cheangailte ri stailc drone Ioran a mharbh 3 saighdearan na SA anns an Ear Mheadhanach

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Massive Tech, tha The Impartial air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd gus bruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Impartial. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

Dà fhireannach, worry dùbailte nam measg Iranach Saoranach Ameireaganach, air a chur an grèim air casaidean gun do chuir iad a-mach teicneòlas mothachail gu Ioran a chaidh a chleachdadh ann an ionnsaigh drone a-steach Iòrdan a mharbh trì saighdearan Ameireaganach tràth am-bliadhna agus a leòn dusanan de bhuill seirbheis eile, an Roinn a’ Cheartais thuirt Diluain.

Chaidh a’ chàraid a chur an grèim às deidh do eòlaichean FBI a rinn mion-sgrùdadh air an drone an siostam seòlaidh a lorg gu companaidh à Ioran air a ruith le worry den luchd-dìon, a bha an urra ri teicneòlas a thàinig bho na SA leis a’ cho-cheannaiche a tha fo chasaid, thuirt oifigearan.

“Bidh sinn gu tric ag ainmeachadh cunnart beachd-bharail nuair a bhios sinn a’ bruidhinn mu na cunnartan a tha an lùib teicneòlas Ameireagaidh a dhol a-steach do làmhan cunnartach, ”thuirt neach-lagha na SA Joshua Levy, am prìomh neach-casaid feadarail ann an Massachusetts. “Gu mì-fhortanach, anns an t-suidheachadh web optimization, chan eil sinn a’ beachdachadh.”

Chaidh an luchd-dìon a chomharrachadh mar Mahdi Mohammad Sadeghi, a tha an luchd-casaid ag ràdh a tha ag obair aig companaidh leth-chraobh stèidhichte ann am Massachusetts, agus Mohammad Abedininajafabadi, a chaidh a chur an grèim Diluain san Eadailt fhad ‘s a tha Roinn a’ Cheartais a ’sireadh a leudachadh gu Massachusetts.

Tha luchd-casaid a’ cumail a-mach gu bheil ceanglaichean aig Abedininajafabadi, a bhios cuideachd a’ cleachdadh an t-sloinneadh Adedini agus a tha ag obrachadh companaidh à Ioran a bhios a’ dèanamh siostaman seòlaidh airson drones, ri Geàrd Ar-a-mach paramilitary Ioran. Tha iad ag agairt gun do rinn e co-bhanntachd le Sadeghi gus faighinn seachad air laghan smachd às-mhalairt Ameireagaidh, a’ toirt a-steach tro chompanaidh aghaidh san Eilbheis, agus teicneòlas mothachail fhaighinn a-steach do Ioran.

Tha an dithis fhireannach fo chasaid airson brisidhean smachd às-mhalairt, agus tha Abedini fa leth mu choinneimh chasaidean co-fheall gus taic stuth a thoirt do Ioran. Cha do thill neach-lagha airson Sadeghi, saoranach nàdarrach na SA a chaidh a chur an grèim Diluain ann am Massachusetts, post-d sa bhad a’ sireadh beachd.

Chuir oifigich na SA a’ choire air an ionnsaigh san Fhaoilleach air an t-Seasmhachd Ioslamach ann an Iorac, buidheann sgàile de mhailisidhean le taic Ioran a tha a’ toirt a-steach Kataib Hezbollah.

Triùir shaighdearan à Georgia – Sgt. Uilleam Jerome Aibhnichean Carrollton, Sgt. Breonna Moffett à Savannah agus Sgt. Kennedy Sanders à Waycross – a mharbhadh ann an ionnsaigh drone air 28 Faoilleach air ionad a-muigh na SA ann an ear-thuath Iòrdan ris an canar Tùr 22.

Anns an ionnsaigh, is dòcha gun deach an drone ionnsaigh aon-shligheach a mhearachdachadh airson drone na SA a bhathas an dùil a thilleadh air ais chun bhunait logistics mun aon àm agus nach deach a losgadh sìos.

An àite sin, thuit e gu àiteachan fuirich, a ‘marbhadh an triùir shaighdearan agus a’ gortachadh còrr is 40.

Chùm Tùr 22 mu 350 luchd-armachd na SA aig an àm. Tha e suidhichte gu ro-innleachdail eadar Iòrdan agus Siria, dìreach 10 cilemeatair (6 mìle) bho chrìoch Iorac, agus anns na mìosan dìreach às deidh ionnsaigh Hamas air 7 Dàmhair air Israel, agus freagairt sèididh Israel ann an Gaza, chuir mailisidhean le taic Iran ris na h-ionnsaighean aca. air ionadan armachd na SA san sgìre.

Às deidh an ionnsaigh, chuir na SA ionnsaigh mhòr air bhog an-aghaidh 85 làrach ann an Iorac agus Siria a chleachd Freiceadan Ar-a-mach Ioran agus mailisidh le taic Iran agus chuir iad taic ri dìonan Tùr 22.


Thug Tucker agus Copp aithris à Washington.

#Dithis #chasaid #cocheangailte #stailc #drone #Ioran #mharbh #saighdearan #anns #Ear #Mheadhanach

The Impartial

#Dithis #chasaid #cocheangailte #stailc #drone #Ioran #mharbh #saighdearan #anns #Ear #Mheadhanach

Steve Leblanc,Eric Tucker and Tara Copp , 2024-12-16 23:25:00

An e drone neo plèana a tha sin? Bidh eòlaichean a ‘cuideachadh le bhith a’ mìneachadh nan eadar-dhealachaidhean

An e drone neo plèana a tha sin? Bidh eòlaichean a ‘cuideachadh le bhith a’ mìneachadh nan eadar-dhealachaidhean

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Massive Tech, tha The Impartial air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd gus bruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Impartial. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

Suas anns na speuran, an e drone, itealan neo heileacoptair a tha sin?

Eòlaichean a bhios a’ sgrùdadh siostaman itealain gun luchd-obrach – ris an canar nas fheàrr drones – ag ràdh gum faod e a bhith duilich innse bho mhìltean air falbh. Ach tha sanasan ann.

Tha e furasta mì-mhìneachadh a dhèanamh air solas anns na speuran air an oidhche, a rèir John Slaughter, stiùiriche Ionad Sgrùdaidh is Obrachaidh Siostaman Itealain gun luchd-obrach aig Oilthigh Maryland.

“Chan urrainn dhut dìreach coiseachd a-muigh agus a ràdh, ‘O, chan e drone a tha sin,’ no ‘Sin worry.’ Chan urrainn dhut a ràdh gu fìrinneach ach ‘Chunnaic mi solas anns na speuran,’ ”thuirt Marbh.

Chaidh na dusanan de thursan dìomhair tron ​​​​oidhche fhaicinn an toiseach Jersey Nuadh air a’ mhìos a chaidh agus a tha ri fhaicinn a-nis air feadh na SA air draghan a thogail am measg luchd-còmhnaidh agus oifigearan. Tha pàirt den dragh a’ tighinn bho na stuthan itealaich a chaidh fhaicinn an toiseach faisg air Picatinny Arsenal, goireas sgrùdaidh agus saothrachadh armachd na SA, agus thairis air raon goilf a’ Cheann-suidhe-taghaidh Dòmhnall Trump ann an Bedminster.

An e plèana a th’ anns na solais lasrach sin?

Tha solais deàlrach aig plèanaichean agus heileacoptairean agus mar as trice co-dhiù aon solas dearg an-aghaidh bualadh, gu tric dhà. Bidh iad cuideachd a’ spòrs solais seòlaidh, a tha nan solais de dhath dearg is uaine mar an fheadhainn a lorgar air bàtaichean. Bidh solais strobe geal aig mòran cuideachd aig bàrr nan sgiathan. Agus tha solais laighe soilleir aca.

Chan fheum drones a tha ag itealaich air an oidhche ach aon solas soilleir an-aghaidh bualadh a tha ri fhaicinn 3 mìle (5 cilemeatair) air falbh. Ach faodaidh sealbhadairean drone solais eile a chuir ris, agus mar sin tha barrachd air aon aig cuid. Tha drones nas lugha, agus mar sin nuair a tha grunn sholais aca tha iad faisg air a chèile, ach air an oidhche gu tric chan eil e comasach faighinn a-mach dè cho fada air falbh a tha iad.

“Is e dìreach puing soilleir a th’ ann an solas, ”thuirt Mgr Slaughter.

Dè am fuaim a bhios drone a’ dèanamh?

Tha drones buailteach a bhith nas sàmhaiche agus a’ dèanamh fuaim nas àirde na na tha air a chruthachadh leis na h-einnseanan jet no na propellers a bhios a’ draibheadh ​​phlèanaichean agus heileacoptairean. Ach faodaidh drones nas motha a bhith nas àirde, agus is dòcha gum bi e duilich am fuaim aithneachadh bho astar.

Dh’ fhaodadh àireamh aithneachaidh a bhith aig drones nas truime na timcheall air leth-phunnd (0.2 cileagram) air an taobh a-muigh.

“Gu cinnteach chan fhaiceadh tu air an oidhche e, agus dh’ fheumadh tu a bhith faisg air fhaicinn, fhios agad, tron ​​latha,” thuirt Paul R. Snyder, stiùiriche prògram Siostam Itealain gun luchd-obrach ann an Oilthigh a Tuath Sgoil Saidheansan Aerospace Dakota.

A bheil drone a’ gluasad mar sin?

Tha plèanaichean agus eadhon heileacoptairean buailteach gluasad gu rèidh san adhar, ach faodaidh drones ioma-copter stad air dime, pivot 90 ceum agus cùrsa air ais, thuirt Slaughter.

“Faodaidh an seòrsa gluasad sin beachd a thoirt dhut gu bheil thu a’ coimhead air drone, chan e itealan, ”thuirt e.

Agus bidh a’ mhòr-chuid de dhrones ag obair fo 400 troigh (122 meatairean), a’ leantainn riaghailtean feadarail.

#drone #neo #plèana #tha #sin #Bidh #eòlaichean #cuideachadh #bhith #mìneachadh #nan #eadardhealachaidhean

The Impartial

#drone #neo #plèana #tha #sin #Bidh #eòlaichean #cuideachadh #bhith #mìneachadh #nan #eadardhealachaidhean

John Seewer and Mark Scolforo , 2024-12-16 23:26:00

Mysterious drone sightings shut down one of many largest US Air Pressure bases on the planet | US Information

Mysterious drone sightings shut down one of many largest US Air Pressure bases on the planet | US Information

Drone sightings compelled officers to shut the airspace at one of many largest US Air Pressure bases on the planet over the weekend.

Drones flying round Wright-Patterson Air Pressure Base close to Dayton, Ohio, led base officers to close down the airspace for round 4 hours late on Friday and into early Saturday morning, a base spokesperson has stated.

It’s the first time drones have been noticed on the base, Robert Purtiman stated.

No sightings have been reported since early on Saturday, he added.

Mr Purtiman stated the drones ranged in measurement and didn’t affect any base services, however wouldn’t say what number of have been flying within the space.

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What are the thriller drones flying over New Jersey?

It comes as police in Boston arrested two males accused of flying drones “dangerously shut” to the town’s Logan Airport on Saturday night time.

An officer utilizing drone monitoring know-how detected the plane and the placement of the operators, authorities stated.

A 3rd man fled police and stays at giant, they added.

The 2 males face trespassing prices and will face extra prices and fines.

Boston police urged drone operators to stick to federal security tips in a put up on social media, saying: “Even small drones pose important dangers, together with the potential for catastrophic harm to airplanes and helicopters.

“Close to-collisions could cause pilots to veer off track, placing lives and property in danger.”

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Lights in the sky near Lebanon Township, New Jersey. Pic: Trisha Bushey/AP
Lights within the sky close to Lebanon Township, New Jersey. Pic: Trisha Bushey/AP

Drone sightings throughout japanese US coast

Swarms of drones have been sighted in japanese elements of the US for the reason that center of November, fuelling theories they may have been launched from an Iranian ‘mothership’ or by China.

Dozens of witnesses have reported seeing them throughout New Jersey, together with close to the Picatinny Arsenal navy analysis and manufacturing facility and over president-elect Donald Trump’s golf course in Bedminster.

Sightings have additionally been reported in New York, with the runways at Stewart Worldwide Airport shut down for round an hour on Friday night time due to drone exercise within the airspace.

FILE - This photo provided by Brian Glenn shows what appears to be multiple drones flying over Bernardsville, N.J., on Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024 (Brian Glenn/TMX via AP, File)
A number of alleged drones over Bernardsville, New Jersey. Pic: Brian Glenn/TMX through AP

Requires higher know-how to cope with drones

Legislators have demanded US federal and state authorities determine and cease the unmanned flights.

Officers on the FBI and the Division of Homeland Safety (DHS) have stated the sightings don’t seem like indicators of international interference or a public security risk.

However as a result of they can not say with certainty who’s answerable for the swarms, or how they are often stopped, leaders of each political events are calling for higher know-how and powers to cope with the drones.

‘The federal government is aware of what is going on’ – Trump

President-elect Trump has stated the US navy ought to inform the American public what’s behind the drone sightings.

“The federal government is aware of what is going on,” Mr Trump stated. “For some cause, they do not wish to remark. And I believe they’d be higher off saying what it’s our navy is aware of and our president is aware of.”

Talking at a press convention in Palm Seashore, Florida, Mr Trump stated he “cannot think about it is the enemy” however didn’t go into additional element. He refused to reply when requested if he had obtained an intelligence briefing on the matter.

The White Home has stated a evaluation of the reported sightings reveals lots of them have been truly manned plane being flown legally.

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Senator spots ‘unidentified drones’

New Jersey senator shares movies of mysterious ‘drones’

It comes after New Jersey Senator Andy Kim shared movies of what he described as a number of unidentified drones flying over the state.

Mr Kim posted 4 movies on his X account of lights shifting throughout the sky, saying typically the lights have been “strong white” whereas others “flashed of crimson and inexperienced”.

Mr Kim additionally stated among the unidentified objects gave the impression to be shifting in “small clusters of 2-4” however he and officers typically noticed “5-7 lights” at a time.

#Mysterious #drone #sightings #shut #largest #Air #Pressure #bases #world #Information

The Newest Information from the UK and Across the World | Sky Information

#Mysterious #drone #sightings #shut #largest #Air #Pressure #bases #world #Information

, 2024-12-16 17:02:00

Air a mhapadh: A h-uile àite far an deach drone mòr fhaicinn san t-seachdain a chaidh

Air a mhapadh: A h-uile àite far an deach drone mòr fhaicinn san t-seachdain a chaidh

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Large Tech, tha The Impartial air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd gus bruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Impartial. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

Luchd-còmhnaidh de Jersey Nuadh bha iad troimh-a-chèile agus iomagain nuair a bha buidheann de dhìomhaireachd drones thòisich e ri fhaicinn ag itealaich anns na speuran os cionn na stàite a’ tòiseachadh aig deireadh na mìos a chaidh. A-nis luchd-còmhnaidh a-staigh Eabhraig Nuadh, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Floridatha California agus stàitean eile a’ faighinn eòlas air an aon rud.

Thairis air na beagan sheachdainean a dh’ fhalbh, tha oifigearan èigneachaidh lagha ionadail, stàite agus feadarail ann an sreath de stàitean air a bhith a’ tional agus a’ sgrùdadh aithisgean neo-mhìnichte. drone seallaidhean

Tha cruinneachadh de dhrones, a rèir coltais ìre malairteach, air nochdadh gu cunbhalach thairis air coimhearsnachdan agus eadhon cuid de raointean-adhair cuibhrichte às deidh dol fodha na grèine – an toiseach ann an ceann a tuath New Jersey agus a-nis air feadh na dùthcha.

A dh’ aindeoin an làthaireachd a tha iad a’ sìor fhàs, gu ruige web optimization chan eil mòran fhreagairtean aig oifigearan ach a bhith cinnteach don phoball iad chan eil iad nan cunnart tèarainteachd nàiseanta.

“Chan eil fianais sam bith againn aig an àm web optimization gu bheil na seallaidhean drone a chaidh aithris nan cunnart tèarainteachd nàiseanta no sàbhailteachd poblach no gu bheil ceangal cèin aca,” thuirt an FBI agus Roinn Tèarainteachd Dùthcha (DHS). thuirt ann an aithris.

Chan eil fios cò às a thàinig iad agus tha luchd-sgrùdaidh feadarail mu choinneimh cuideam poblach gus faighinn a-mach.

Search engine marketing àite eile a chaidh am faicinn.

Jersey Nuadh

Tha e coltach gu bheil an làthaireachd as motha de dhrones ann am pàirtean de New Jersey, far an do thòisich aithisgean.

Thòisich na seallaidhean air 18 Samhain faisg air agus ann an Siorrachd Morris agus chan eil iad air sgur bhon uairsin. Thog luchd-còmhnaidh draghan mu adhbhar nan drones agus mheudaich na draghan sin nuair nach b’ urrainn dha oifigearan am mìneachadh.

Bha e eagallach do chuid air sgàth cho faisg ‘s a bha an drone air membership goilf Dhòmhnaill Trump ann am Bedminster.

Eabhraig Nuadh

Air 13 Dùbhlachd, Poileas Stàite New York air ainmeachadh bha iad air “iomadh aithris” fhaighinn mu bhith a’ faicinn drone.

Latha às deidh sin, dh’ainmich an Riaghladair Kathy Hochul gun deach raon-adhair ann an New Windsor a dhùnadh sìos airson ùine air sgàth gnìomhachd drone.

“Tha web optimization air a dhol ro fhada,” thuirt Hochul, ag iarraidh air rianachd Biden oifigearan èigneachaidh lagha a chuir gu New York gus cuideachadh le bhith a’ dìon luchd-còmhnaidh agus bun-structair.


Thug luchd-còmhnaidh ann am Fairfield, Enfiled, Stamford agus East Windsor cunntas air gnìomhachd drone anns na sgìrean aca. Thuirt poileis na stàite gu robh iad a’ cleachdadh siostam lorg drone gus cuideachadh leis an rannsachadh.


Às deidh dha luchd-còmhnaidh aithris air sealladh drone, thuirt an Riaghladair Josh Shapiro gu robh e ag iarraidh air poileis na stàite sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air na seallaidhean agus heileacoptairean itealaich gus feuchainn ri faighinn a-mach cò às a tha na drones a ’tighinn.


Dh ’innis grunn luchd-còmhnaidh a bha a’ fuireach air Cape Code gun deach drone fhaicinn thairis air an t-seachdain a chaidh air thoiseach air an Riaghladair Maura Healey ainmeachadh gu robh na poileis ag obair còmhla ri oifigearan feadarail gus tùs agus adhbhar drones a thuigsinn.

Ràinig an aithris aice dìreach mar a chaidh dithis fhireannach a chur an grèim airson a bhith ag ràdh gun robh iad ag itealaich drone ro fhaisg air Port-adhair Eadar-nàiseanta Logan.


Chaidh drones fhaicinn timcheall sgìre Baltimore – cuid eadhon air fhaicinn leis an t-seann riaghladair Larry Hogan.


Thuirt an FBI ann am Baltimore gu robh iad mothachail air seallaidhean drone de dhrones a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith ann an Delaware.


grunnan ionadan naidheachd ionadail air aithris gu bheil luchd-còmhnaidh Jacksonville a’ faicinn drones dìomhair ag itealaich thairis air an sgìre.

Chan eil oifigearan air na h-aithisgean sin a dhearbhadh fhathast.


Chaidh drones fhaicinn thairis air Siorrachd Taobh na h-Aibhne, a rèir NBC Los Angeles

#Air #mhapadh #huile #àite #deach #drone #mòr #fhaicinn #san #tseachdain #chaidh

The Impartial

#Air #mhapadh #huile #àite #deach #drone #mòr #fhaicinn #san #tseachdain #chaidh

Ariana Baio , 2024-12-16 18:00:00

Drone sightings result in airspace shutdown at Ohio navy base, arrests close to Boston airport

Drone sightings result in airspace shutdown at Ohio navy base, arrests close to Boston airport

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Extra suspected drone sightings within the japanese U.S. led to a brief airspace shutdown at an Air Drive base in Ohio and arrests close to Boston‘s Logan Worldwide Airport, as elected officers elevated their push for motion to establish and cease the mysterious unmanned flights.

Drones flying round Wright-Patterson Air Drive Base close to Dayton, Ohio, compelled base officers to shut the airspace for about 4 hours late Friday into early Saturday, stated Robert Purtiman, a base spokesperson.

It’s the first time drones have been noticed on the base, one of many largest on this planet, and no sightings have been reported since early Saturday, Purtiman stated Monday. He wouldn’t say what number of drones have been flying within the space, including that they ranged in dimension and that they didn’t influence any base services.

In Boston, metropolis police arrested two males accused of working a drone “dangerously shut” to Logan Airport on Saturday night time. Authorities stated an officer utilizing drone monitoring expertise detected the plane and the situation of the operators. A 3rd man who fled police stays at giant. Authorities stated the 2 males face trespassing fees, and will face extra fees and fines.

Boston police urged drone operators to stick to federal security pointers.

“Even small drones pose important dangers, together with the potential for catastrophic harm to airplanes and helicopters. Close to-collisions could cause pilots to veer astray, placing lives and property in danger,” police stated in social media posts.

Nationwide safety officers have stated the drones not too long ago noticed within the japanese a part of the nation don’t seem like indicators of overseas interference or a public security menace. However as a result of they will’t say with certainty who’s chargeable for the sudden swarms of drones — or how they are often stopped — leaders of each political events are demanding higher expertise and powers to take care of the drones.

“There’s quite a lot of us who’re fairly pissed off proper now,” Rep. Jim Himes of Connecticut, the highest Democrat on the Home Intelligence Committee, stated on “Fox Information Sunday,” as drone sightings have been being reported in his state. “‘We don’t know’ just isn’t a ok reply.”

Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer on Sunday referred to as for the U.S. Division of Homeland Safety to deploy higher drone-tracking expertise to New York and New Jersey to establish the drones and their operators. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul stated federal officers had agreed to ship a drone detection system to the state.

“New Yorkers have great questions on it,” Schumer, the Senate majority chief, instructed reporters of the drone sightings. “We’re going to get the solutions for them.”

The federal authorities did little to reply these questions in its personal media briefings over the weekend. “There’s no query that persons are seeing drones,” U.S. Homeland Safety Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas instructed ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on Sunday. “However I wish to guarantee the American public that we’re on it. We’re working in shut coordination with state and native authorities.”

A few of the drones reported above components of New York and New Jersey have turned out to be “manned plane which are generally mistaken for drones,” Mayorkas stated. “We all know of no overseas involvement with respect to the sightings within the Northeast. And we’re vigilant in investigating this matter.”

New Jersey Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy posted on X Sunday night time that he had been out searching for drones with state police in West Trenton, New Jersey. “The general public deserves clear solutions — we are going to hold pushing the federal authorities for extra data and sources,” he stated, including that the FBI had briefed him in regards to the sightings in Colts Neck, New Jersey.

Federal aviation authorities have required sure drones to broadcast their distant identification since final 12 months, together with the situation of their operators. It’s not clear whether or not that data has been used to find out who’s behind the drones plaguing places over New York and New Jersey. Mayorkas’ workplace didn’t reply to questions on whether or not they’ve been capable of establish drones utilizing this functionality.

Dozens of mysterious nighttime flights began final month over components of New Jersey, elevating considerations amongst residents and officers. A part of the fear stems from the flying objects initially being noticed close to the Picatinny Arsenal, a U.S. navy analysis and manufacturing facility, and over President-elect Donald Trump’s golf course in Bedminster.

“It did not concern me at first,” stated Trisha Bushey, of Clinton Township, New Jersey, about 30 miles (50 kilometers) south of the Picatinny Arsenal. “I simply didn’t assume something of it till it began changing into like each night time, the identical time, identical locations.”

Bushey stated she thought it was navy drills at first, however then officers stated the navy wasn’t concerned.

“After which as soon as they got here out and stated that they’re not and so they don’t know what they’re and so they’re not overseas, however they’re not ours and so they don’t pose a menace, that’s when it turns into regarding,” she instructed The Related Press.

Drones at the moment are being reported all alongside the northeastern U.S.

Some U.S. political leaders, together with Trump, have referred to as for a lot stronger motion towards the drones, together with taking pictures them down.

Sure businesses throughout the Division of Homeland Safety have the facility to “incapacitate” drones, Mayorkas stated Sunday. “However we want these authorities expanded,” he stated.


Collins reported from Hartford, Connecticut. Related Press writers John Seewer in Toledo, Ohio, Mike Catalini in Trenton, New Jersey, and Joseph B. Frederick in New York Metropolis contributed to this report.

#Drone #sightings #lead #airspace #shutdown #Ohio #navy #base #arrests #Boston #airport

The Impartial

#Drone #sightings #lead #airspace #shutdown #Ohio #navy #base #arrests #Boston #airport

Dave Collins and Bianca Vzquez Toness , 2024-12-16 16:28:00

Drone sightings result in airspace shutdown at Ohio navy base, arrests close to Boston airport

Federal officers don’t have solutions for thriller drone sightings: ‘We merely don’t know’

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Federal officers sought to ease tensions however had no concrete solutions for reporters about mysterious sightings of drone plane in New Jersey which have led to alleged sightings throughout the japanese seaboard.

Officers with a number of companies defined that critiques of hundreds of studies to tip traces, 911 facilities and different sources revealed the overwhelming majority of sightings in New Jersey and elsewhere to be instances of individuals mistaking low-flying business plane conducting holding patterns round regional airports.

However they did acknowledge, nevertheless, {that a} handful of studies appeared to substantiate rumors of drone plane flying throughout the evening sky in New Jersey. For these sightings, officers had no solutions — past assurances that there was no proof to assist claims of international involvement.

A person’s photo of what they believe to be a drone hovering after dark in Lebanon Township, New Jersey

An individual’s photograph of what they consider to be a drone hovering after darkish in Lebanon Township, New Jersey (AP)

“Up to now, now we have no intelligence or observations that may point out that they have been aligned with a international actor or that that they had malicious intent,” a Division of Protection official mentioned Saturday.

“However I simply bought to easily let you know, we do not know.”

An official with the Federal Aviation Administration famous that non-public drone flights are authorized (inside sure parameters) in the US.

A senior official with President Joe Biden’s administration added that companies had no indication that the sightings in New Jersey concerned felony acts.

“At this level, now we have not recognized any foundation for believing that,” the Biden official mentioned. “There’s any felony exercise concerned, that there is any nationwide safety menace, that there is any explicit public security menace, or that there is a malicious international actor concerned in these drones.”

One FBI official didn’t rule out People’ response could also be a “slight overreaction” to what’s truly occurring within the skies.

An image taken from video appears to show drones flying over Randolph, New Jersey, on December 4

A picture taken from video seems to point out drones flying over Randolph, New Jersey, on December 4 (AP)

Lawmakers in Congress are more likely to have some solutions for the general public later this week after the Home Intelligence Committee receives a labeled briefing on the matter.

Up to now, federal companies have repeatedly issued assurances that the drone sightings, alleged or in any other case, aren’t the results of international exercise however haven’t defined what they really are.

And as a few of those self same officers have appropriately identified, the void of silence from federal authorities relating to the true clarification for the phenomenon has opened a vacuum for disinformation and conspiracy theories.

Far-right congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed, with none proof, that the drones have been truly federally operated.

She gave no cause for why that may be or their supposed goal, solely giving her social media followers a imprecise sense of unease with the declaration: “It truly is that unhealthy.”

Democratic congressman Jim Himes, the highest Democrat on the Home Intelligence committee, fired again that Greene’s assertion was incorrect.

“That is completely not true. And actually irresponsible to say,” he wrote in response.

Himes informed Fox Information Sundaythat “there’s a variety of us who’re fairly pissed off proper now,” and “the reply ‘we don’t know’ just isn’t a ok reply.”

Homeland Safety secretary Alejandro Mayorkas additionally sought to deal with the rising panic together with his Sunday morning look on ABC’s This Week. However the secretary, like different oficials, had little to supply past guarantees to behave and complaints of his personal restricted authority to research unidientified unmanned plane.

“A few of these drone sightings are, in actual fact, drones. Some are manned plane which can be generally mistaken for drones,” Mayorkas mentioned. “However there’s no query that drones are being sighted.”

The FBI and Division of Homeland Safety mentioned final Thursday that federal authorities had no proof of a “international nexus” for the drones allegedly noticed by residents of New Jersey.

“We take severely the menace that may be posed by unmanned plane methods (UAS), which is why legislation enforcement and different companies proceed to assist New Jersey and examine the studies,” the companies mentioned in a press release.

“To be clear, they have uncovered no such malicious exercise or intent at this stage,” they added. “Whereas there isn’t any identified malicious exercise occurring in New Jersey, the reported sightings there do, nevertheless, spotlight the insufficiency of present authorities.”

Jim Himes, top Democrat on the House intelligence committee, is expected to receive a briefing from federal agencies on reports of drones across the East Coast

Jim Himes, high Democrat on the Home intelligence committee, is predicted to obtain a briefing from federal companies on studies of drones throughout the East Coast (AP)

However the criticism leveled on the companies, together with by Democrats, is of a failure to offer clear solutions to the American public to mitigate a burgeoning panic.

Quite a few state and native leaders have now written the Biden administration asking officers to tackle a higher sense of urgency within the investigation into the drones, together with New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy and New York Governor Kathy Hochul.

Senate Majority Chief Chuck Schumer is calling for not too long ago declassified radar expertise to be deployed throughout New York and New Jersey that would assist decide whether or not the objects are drones or birds, after which observe the objects again to the place they got here from.

Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal even recommended assist for the federal government to attempt to “take them out” if it may possibly’t clarify the place they’re coming from.

“We must be performing some very pressing intelligence evaluation and take them out of the skies, particularly in the event that they’re flying over airports or navy bases,” he mentioned this week.

#Federal #officers #dont #solutions #thriller #drone #sightings #merely #dont

The Impartial

#Federal #officers #dont #solutions #thriller #drone #sightings #merely #dont

John Bowden , 2024-12-15 23:43:00

Donald Trump wades into drone thriller as sightings throughout the US spark rising issues | World | Information

Donald Trump wades into drone thriller as sightings throughout the US spark rising issues | World | Information

Donald Trump has demanded solutions as mysterious drone sightings throughout the US proceed to go away officers scratching their heads.

Writing on Reality Social on Friday, Trump mentioned: “Thriller sightings all around the nation. Can this actually be occurring with out our authorities’s data? I do not suppose so! Let the general public know, and now. In any other case, shoot them down!!!”

The uncommon drone exercise began final month, with most reviews coming from New Jersey.

Residents there have noticed dozens of drones flying at night time close to delicate places, together with the Picatinny Arsenal – a US navy analysis facility – and Trump’s golf course in Bedminster.

Some witnesses claimed the drones have been bigger than these used for leisure functions, with reviews suggesting some have been even the dimensions of an SUV.

The sightings have sparked a combined response. Whereas Governor Phil Murphy has assured the general public that the drones pose no menace to security, others aren’t so satisfied.

Congressman Andy Kim, as an illustration, shared a video of drones close to Spherical Valley Reservoir on X, writing: “This has gone on for weeks. It’s onerous to grasp how, with the expertise now we have, we aren’t in a position to observe these units to find out origin.”

Homeland Safety officers held discussions with native leaders earlier this week to handle the rising issues.

However Homeland Safety Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has downplayed the state of affairs, suggesting many sightings are circumstances of mistaken id.

Chatting with CNN, he mentioned: “Now we have not seen any uncommon exercise. We all know of no menace. We all know of no nefarious exercise. Expertise has not confirmed any drone sightings.”

Mayorkas added that some reviews turned out to be small plane somewhat than drones.

Nevertheless, with sightings rising throughout the nation – from Washington DC to California – scepticism stays excessive.

The FBI is now investigating the incidents and has inspired residents to submit images, movies, or every other proof.

In the meantime, the Pentagon insists there’s no menace to nationwide safety however has been unable to clarify the place the drones are coming from or who is working them.

As officers seek for solutions, some conspiracy theories are additionally filling the knowledge void.

Some conspiracy theorists have linked the sightings to “Mission Blue Beam,” a decades-old principle claiming governments plan to stage celestial occasions, and even alien invasions, to govern the general public.

Whereas far-fetched, such concepts have gained traction on-line, fuelled by frustration over the shortage of official explanations.

#Donald #Trump #wades #drone #thriller #sightings #spark #rising #issues #World #Information

Each day Categorical :: Information Feed

#Donald #Trump #wades #drone #thriller #sightings #spark #rising #issues #World #Information

Kris Boratyn , 2024-12-15 11:56:00

Second fireball erupts in Russian metropolis after drone assault | World | Information

Second fireball erupts in Russian metropolis after drone assault | World | Information

Footage on social media seems to point out a drone focusing on a navy within the Russian metropolis of Grozny in Chechnya.

Russian Telegram channels have blamed Ukraine for the assault in what could be a formidable show of their drone preventing capabilities if true.

The Chechnyan capital is round 1,500km from Ukrainian territory, highlighting the huge distances that may now be lined by the cheap however lethal weapon.

The footage circulating on Telegram and X exhibits a small Unmanned Aerial Automobile (UAV) gliding over buildings because it descends on an city space earlier than crashing and unleashing an enormous fireball.

Numerous Telegram channels, citing experiences from locals, declare that the strikes have hit a base housing the Particular Goal Cellular Unit (OMON) riot police and the 2nd Regiment of Particular Forces Police.

Different experiences declare {that a} navy facility used as a staging publish earlier than sending troops to Ukraine has additionally been hit.

Chechen chief Ramzan Kadyrov stated a drone was “shot down” over a police constructing with 4 guards receiving minor accidents.

In a publish on Telegram, he stated: “The drone exploded within the air, broken the roof and broke the home windows. The fragments brought on a small fireplace which was rapidly extinguished.”

Drone warfare has turn into an essential weapon in Ukraine’s arsenal for the reason that battle started, with the cheap equipment proving to be extraordinarily efficient on the battlefield.

Kadyrov is a long-term supporter of Putin and has despatched 1000’s of troops to help him in his efforts in Ukraine.

The Russian defence ministry stated it shot down 16 Ukrainian drones in a single day, together with one over Chechnya, three within the neighbouring area of North Ossetia and eight over the annexed Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea.

Ukraine not often claims accountability for assaults launched outdoors its internationally-recognised borders.

#Second #fireball #erupts #Russian #metropolis #drone #assault #World #Information

Each day Specific :: Information Feed

#Second #fireball #erupts #Russian #metropolis #drone #assault #World #Information

Conor Wilson , 2024-12-15 10:38:00

Bidh seallaidhean dìomhair drone a’ dol air adhart ann an New Jersey. Search engine optimisation na tha fios againn (agus chan eil fios againn)

Bidh seallaidhean dìomhair drone a’ dol air adhart ann an New Jersey. Search engine optimisation na tha fios againn (agus chan eil fios againn)

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Large Tech, tha The Unbiased air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd gus bruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Unbiased. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachd càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às ar n-aithris agus mion-sgrùdadh le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

Chaidh aithris gu bheil àireamh mhòr de dhrones dìomhair ag itealaich thairis air pàirtean de Jersey Nuadh agus an costa an ear o chionn beagan sheachdainean, a’ togail prothaideachadh agus dragh mu cò a chuir iad agus carson.

Gov. Phil Murphy sgrìobh chun Cheann-suidhe Joe Biden ag iarraidh freagairtean. Seanadair ùr New Jersey, Anndra Kimair oidhche Dhiardaoin a’ sealg drone ann an ceann a tuath New Jersey, agus air a phostadh mu dheidhinn air X.

Tha Murphy agus oifigearan èigneachaidh lagha air a dhaingneachadh nach eil coltas gu bheil na drones nan cunnart do shàbhailteachd a’ phobaill, ach tha mòran de luchd-lagh stàite is baile air iarraidh a dh’ aindeoin sin riaghailtean nas cruaidhe a thaobh cò as urrainn na h-itealain gun luchd-obrach a sgèith.

Tha an FBI am measg grunn bhuidhnean a tha a’ sgrùdadh agus tha iad air iarraidh air luchd-còmhnaidh bhideothan, dealbhan agus fiosrachadh eile a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith aca mu na drones a cho-roinn.

Dè an gnothach a th’ aig na drones ann an New Jersey?

Tha dusanan de luchd-fianais air aithris gum faca iad drones ann an New Jersey a’ tòiseachadh san t-Samhain.

An toiseach, chaidh na drones fhaicinn ag itealaich ri taobh abhainn bhrèagha Raritan, slighe-uisge a bhios a’ biathadh Stòr-tasgaidh Spherical Valley, an uisge-uisge as motha san stàit, mu 50 mìle (80 cilemeatair) an iar air Cathair New York.

Ach a dh’ aithghearr chaidh aithris air seallaidhean air feadh na dùthcha, a’ toirt a-steach faisg air an Picatinny Arsenal, goireas sgrùdaidh is saothrachaidh armachd na SA, agus thairis air raon goilf Ceann-suidhe-taghaidh Dòmhnall Trump ann am Bedminster.

Chaidh an itealan fhaicinn o chionn ghoirid cuideachd ann an sgìrean cladaich.

Thuirt Riochdaire na SA Chris Mac a’ Ghobhainn gun do dh’ innis oifigear-stiùiridh Maor-cladaich dha gu robh dusan drones a’ leantainn bàta-teasairginn Maor-cladaich faisg air Barnegat Gentle agus Pàirc Stàite Island Seashore ann an Ocean County thairis air an deireadh-sheachdain.

Chaidh drones fhaicinn thairis air Cathair New York

Thathas a-nis air aithris air seallaidhean drone ann am Baile New York, far a bheil feum air cead, agus tha am Maer Eric Adams ag ràdh gu bheil am baile-mòr a’ sgrùdadh agus a ’co-obrachadh le New Jersey agus oifigearan feadarail.

Chaidh na raointean-laighe aig Port-adhair Eadar-nàiseanta Stiùbhart – timcheall air 60 mìle (96 cilemeatair) tuath air Baile New York – a dhùnadh sìos airson timcheall air uair a thìde oidhche Haoine air sgàth gnìomhachd drone san raon-adhair, thuirt Gov. New York Kathy Hochul.

“Tha search engine optimization air a dhol ro fhada,” thuirt i ann an aithris.

Ghairm an riaghladair air a ’Chòmhdhail reachdas a chuir an gnìomh gus smachd an FAA air drones a neartachadh agus barrachd ùghdarras a thoirt do bhuidhnean èigneachaidh lagha stàite is ionadail sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air a’ ghnìomhachd.

“Tha e deatamach na cumhachdan sin a leudachadh gu Stàit New York agus ar co-aoisean,” thuirt i. “Gus an tèid na cumhachdan sin a thoirt do dh’ oifigearan stàite agus ionadail, feumaidh rianachd Biden ceum a ghabhail le bhith a’ stiùireadh èigneachadh lagha feadarail a bharrachd gu New York agus an sgìre mun cuairt gus dèanamh cinnteach à sàbhailteachd ar bun-structair èiginneach agus ar daoine.”

A bheil na drones search engine optimization cunnartach?

Tha an Taigh Geal air a ràdh gu bheil ath-sgrùdadh de na seallaidhean a chaidh aithris a’ sealltainn gu bheil mòran dhiubh dha-rìribh nan itealan le sgioba air an itealaich gu laghail, a’ freagairt air beachd oifigearan agus eòlaichean drone.

Thuirt Roinn Tèarainteachd Dùthcha feadarail agus FBI cuideachd ann an co-aithris nach eil fianais sam bith aca gu bheil na seallaidhean nan “bagairt tèarainteachd nàiseanta no sàbhailteachd poblach no gu bheil ceangal cèin aca.”

Thuirt an Seanadh Daybreak Fantasia, a fhuair fiosrachadh bho Roinn Tèarainteachd Dùthcha, gu bheil na drones a chaidh aithris suas ri 6 troighean (1.8 meatairean) ann an trast-thomhas agus uaireannan a’ siubhal leis na solais aca air an tionndadh dheth. Tha search engine optimization tòrr nas motha na an fheadhainn a bhios mar as trice air an sgèith le luchd-cur-seachad drone agus thuirt i gu bheil coltas ann gu bheil iad a’ seachnadh lorg tro dhòighean traidiseanta leithid heileacoptair agus rèidio.

Cò a chuir na drones?

Tha ùghdarrasan ag ràdh nach eil fios aca cò a tha air cùl nan drones.

Tha an FBI, Homeland Safety agus poileis na stàite a’ sgrùdadh na chaidh fhaicinn. Tha ùghdarrasan ag ràdh nach eil fios aca an e aon drone a chaidh fhaicinn iomadh uair no a bheil grunn itealain gan sgèith ann an oidhirp cho-òrdanaichte.

Tha prothaideachadh air a dhol suas air-loidhne, le cuid a’ nochdadh draghan gum faodadh an drone no na drones a bhith mar phàirt de chuilbheart borb le riochdairean cèin. Tha oifigearan a’ daingneachadh nach do lorg sgrùdaidhean stàite agus feadarail leantainneach fianais sam bith gus taic a thoirt do na h-eagallan sin.

Tha dithis de luchd-còmhdhail Poblachdach Jersey Shore, Smith agus Riochdaire na SA Jeff Van Drew, air iarraidh air an arm losgadh sìos air na drones, ag ainmeachadh draghan sàbhailteachd.

Tha am Pentagon a’ cumail a-mach nach eil na drones a’ riochdachadh bagairt bho thall thairis.

Thuirt neach-labhairt a’ Phentagon, Maj Seanalair Pat Ryder, Diardaoin gu bheil measadh tùsail an airm às deidh co-chomhairle le Roinn Tèarainteachd Dùthcha agus a’ Chomhairle Tèarainteachd Nàiseanta – nach eil na drones bho thùs cèin – fhathast gun atharrachadh.

Thuirt neach-labhairt a’ Phentagon Sabrina Singh Diciadain nach e drones armachd na SA a th’ anns an itealan.

Dè tha oifigearan air a ràdh mu na seallaidhean dìomhair drone?

Ceann-suidhe-taghaidh Dòmhnall Trump air postadh gu bheil e den bheachd gu bheil barrachd fios aig an riaghaltas na tha e ag ràdh. “Thoir fios don phoball, agus a-nis. Rud eile, tog sìos iad !!! ” chuir e suas air an làrach meadhanan sòisealta aige.

Thuirt Seanadair na SA Richard Blumenthal à Connecticut Diardaoin gum bu chòir na bàthadh a bhith “air an losgadh sìos, ma tha sin riatanach,” eadhon leis nach eil e soilleir cò leis a tha an itealan gun luchd-obrach.

“Bu chòir dhuinn a bhith a’ dèanamh beagan mion-sgrùdadh fiosrachaidh èiginneach agus gan toirt a-mach às na speuran, gu sònraichte ma tha iad ag itealaich thairis air puirt-adhair no ionadan armachd, ”thuirt Blumenthal.

Tha eòlaichean, ge-tà, a ‘toirt rabhadh gun a bhith a’ losgadh air rud sam bith anns na speuran.

Tha Trisha Bushey, 48, à Baile Lebanon, New Jersey, a’ fuireach faisg air Stòr-tasgaidh Spherical Valley far an deach mòran fhaicinn agus thuirt i nach robh i a’ creidsinn an aithris nach eil na drones nan cunnart do shàbhailteachd a’ phobaill.

“Ciamar as urrainn dhut a ràdh nach eil e na chunnart mura h-eil fios agad dè a th’ ann? ” thuirt i. “Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gur e sin as coireach gu bheil uimhir de dhaoine mì-chofhurtail. ”

A bheil drones ceadaichte ann an New Jersey?

Tha itealaich drones airson cleachdadh cur-seachad agus malairteach laghail ann an New Jersey, ach tha e fo smachd riaghailtean Rianachd Itealaich ionadail agus Feadarail agus cuingealachaidhean itealaich.

Ann am Baile New York, tha feum air cead gus itealan gun luchd-obrach a thoirt air falbh no a thoirt air tìr.

Feumaidh luchd-obrachaidh a bhith air an dearbhadh le FAA.

An deach drones fhaicinn an àite sam bith eile?

Chaidh aithris cuideachd air seallaidhean ann an Virginia agus an àiteachan eile.

Thuirt dithis gum faca iad itealan oidhche Dhiardaoin faisg air Tràigh Virginia a bha eu-coltach ri gin eile a chunnaic iad.

Bha an rud itealaich os cionn a’ chuain agus choimhead iad fhad ‘s a bha e a’ gluasad gu slaodach thairis air goireas Geàrd Nàiseanta Arm Virginia, thuirt John Knight ris an Virginian-Pilot.

“Bha e gu cinnteach eadar-dhealaichte,” thuirt Knight, a ghabh bhideothan de na tha e a’ smaoineachadh a bha na drone de mheud làraidh beag.

“Bha e ag itealaich mar heileacoptair ach cha do rinn e fuaim sam bith,” thuirt e.

Cha robh itealan aig Geàrd Nàiseanta Virginia ag obair ann an sgìre a’ ghoireis oidhche Dhiardaoin, a rèir neach-labhairt AA “Cotton” Puryear. Tha an luchd-stiùiridh mothachail air na thachair agus thathar ga sgrùdadh, thuirt Puryear.

Is e ionad armachd eile san sgìre Stèisean Adhair a’ Chabhlaich Oceana Dam Neck Annex. Tha NAS Oceana, prìomh ionad jet an Oirthir an Ear ann an Virginia Seashore, mothachail air aithrisean o chionn ghoirid mu bhith a’ faicinn drone san sgìre agus tha i a’ co-òrdanachadh le buidhnean feadarail is stàite gus dèanamh cinnteach à sàbhailteachd an luchd-obrach agus an gnìomhachd, thuirt Katie Hewett, oifigear cùisean poblach. ann am post-d Dihaoine.

Chuir Knight na bhideothan a-steach oidhche Dhiardaoin gu loidhne-iùil an FBI.

Chaidh drones fhaicinn cuideachd air a’ mhìos a chaidh san RA Thuirt Feachd Adhair na SA gun deach grunn itealain beaga gun luchd-obrach a lorg faisg air ceithir ionadan armachd ann an Sasainn a bhios feachdan Ameireagaidh a’ cleachdadh.


Thug Miller aithris à Oklahoma Metropolis. Chuidich Bruce Schreiner bho Shelbyville, Kentucky.

#Bidh #seallaidhean #dìomhair #drone #dol #air #adhart #ann #Jersey #Search engine optimisation #tha #fios #againn #agus #chan #eil #fios #againn

The Unbiased

#Bidh #seallaidhean #dìomhair #drone #dol #air #adhart #ann #Jersey #Search engine optimisation #tha #fios #againn #agus #chan #eil #fios #againn

Bruce Shipkowski and Ken Miller , 2024-12-14 18:20:00

‘Drone’ sightings: Every part we all know in regards to the thriller weird lights noticed in skies over New Jersey

‘Drone’ sightings: Every part we all know in regards to the thriller weird lights noticed in skies over New Jersey

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Drones of indeterminate origin have been buzzing New Jersey during the last month, prompting a combined bag of responses from lawmakers. The state’s governor has insisted the drones are protected, whereas a Congressman believes they’re the vanguard of an Iranian “mothership.”

Homeland safety officers and regional lawmakers met on Wednesday to debate the sightings additional.

Dozens of mysterious nighttime flights began final month and have raised rising concern amongst residents and officers. A part of the fear stems from the flying objects initially being noticed close to the Picatinny Arsenal, a U.S. army analysis and manufacturing facility, and over president-elect Donald Trump’s golf course in Bedminster. Drones are authorized in New Jersey for leisure and business use, however they’re topic to native and Federal Aviation Administration rules and flight restrictions. Operators should even be FAA licensed.

President-elect Donald Trump weighed in on Friday, calling on the airborn objects to be shot down.

“Thriller Drone sightings everywhere in the Nation,” he wrote on Fact Social. “Can this actually be occurring with out our authorities’s information. I don’t suppose so! Let the general public know, and now. In any other case, shoot them down!!!”

Most, however not all, of the aerial objects noticed in New Jersey had been bigger than drones sometimes utilized by hobbyists, with stories claiming some are the scale of an SUV,

The variety of sightings has elevated in latest days, although officers say most of the objects seen could have been planes somewhat than drones. It’s additionally doable {that a} single drone has been reported greater than as soon as.

A drone of unknown origin was spotted flying over Donald Trump’s Bedminster golf club in New Jersey
A drone of unknown origin was noticed flying over Donald Trump’s Bedminster golf membership in New Jersey (TMX)

Homeland Safety Secretary Alejando Mayorkas informed CNN on Friday most of the sightings had been “a case of mistaken identification,” and that Homeland Safety is in common contact with New Jersey officers and has deployed specialists and monitoring tools to the state. “We now have not seen any uncommon exercise. We all know of no risk. We all know of no nefarious exercise,” he stated, including “expertise has not confirmed any drone sighting.”

“As well as, it has confirmed that some drone sightings are in truth small plane.”

Gov. Phil Murphy and native regulation enforcement officers have pressured that the drones don’t seem to threaten public security. The FBI has been investigating and has requested residents to share any movies, photographs or different data they could have.

U.S. Senator Andy Kim of New Jersey shared a video on X on Friday of a bunch of drones close to the Spherical Valley Reservoir.

“This has gone on for weeks,” he wrote together with the movies. “It’s onerous to know how with the expertise we’ve got we aren’t capable of monitor these units to find out origin and this makes me rather more involved about our capabilities extra broadly in relation to drone detection and counter measures.”

Many municipal lawmakers have known as for extra restrictions on who’s entitled to fly the unmanned units. At the least one state lawmaker proposed a short lived ban on drone flights.

“That is one thing we’re taking lethal critically. I don’t blame individuals for being annoyed,” New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy stated earlier this week.

New Jersey Congressman Jeff Van Drew echoed Murphy’s sentiments.

“We now have a significant issue with our aerospace,” he stated on Wednesday earlier than the Home Transportation and Infrastructure Committee. “The latest sightings of unidentified drones within the state of New Jersey, my residence state, is justifiably inflicting large public concern.”

Not like Murphy, nevertheless, Van Drew blamed the drones on an “Iranian mothership.”

“I’ve discovered, for actual, that there’s circumstantial proof that there is an Iranian mothership off the East Coast of the USA, and that is launching these drone incursions,” he stated.

Pentagon deputy press secretary Sabrina Singh shot that principle down, assuring ABC Information that there “isn’t any fact to that — there is no such thing as a Iranian ship off the coast of the USA, and there is no so known as mothership launching drones in the direction of the USA.”

“We’re going to proceed to watch what is occurring,” Singh stated. “At no level had been our installations threatened when this exercise was occurring.”

Van Drew didn’t purchase the Pentagon’s response, insisting throughout an ABC Information interview that there’s a “actual chance that it’s a overseas entity.”

“[The Pentagon says] to us there’s nothing to concern, however we don’t know who it’s, the place it comes from, what it is about, and what it may well do,” he stated.

Particulars about Wednesday’s assembly weren’t instantly disclosed, and Murphy didn’t attend.

Republican Assemblyman Erik Peterson, whose district consists of components of the state the place the drones have been reported, stated he and different legislators met with Homeland Safety and state police officers for about 90 minutes at a state police facility in West Trenton.

Peterson stated DHS officers had been beneficiant with their time, however appeared dismissive of some issues, saying not all of the sightings reported have been confirmed to contain drones.

“So who or what’s behind the flying objects? The place are they coming from? What are they doing? “My understanding is that they haven’t any clue,” Peterson stated.

A message in search of touch upon Peterson’s remarks was left with the Division of Homeland Safety.

Many of the drones have been noticed alongside coastal areas and a few had been lately reported flying over a big reservoir in Clinton. Sightings even have been reported in neighboring states, together with the New York Metropolis space, and over Pennsylvania’s Delaware County and Philadelphia.

James Edwards, of Succasunna, New Jersey, stated he has seen a number of drones flying over his neighborhood since final month.

“It raises concern primarily as a result of there’s a lot that is unknown,” Edwards stated Wednesday. “There are many individuals spouting off about numerous conspiracies that they imagine are in play right here, however that solely provides gas to the hearth unnecessarily. We have to wait and see what is admittedly occurring right here, not let concern of the unknown overtake us.”

Further reporting by Related Press

#Drone #sightings #thriller #weird #lights #noticed #skies #Jersey

The Impartial

#Drone #sightings #thriller #weird #lights #noticed #skies #Jersey

Graig Graziosi , 2024-12-14 16:48:00