Bidh an Seanadh a’ dol seachad air bile fearainn Stadium RFK, a’ toirt buaidh mhòr air falbh bhon raon aig na Washington Commanders

Bidh an Seanadh a’ dol seachad air bile fearainn Stadium RFK, a’ toirt buaidh mhòr air falbh bhon raon aig na Washington Commanders

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Large Tech, tha The Impartial air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd gus bruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Impartial. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachdan càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às an aithris is mion-sgrùdadh againn le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

An t-slighe airson a ‘ NFL‘s Ceannardan Washington tha e soilleir gun until tilleadh gu prìomh-bhaile na dùthcha às deidh saga a-rithist agus a-rithist anns a’ Chòmhdhail a thàinig gu crìch tràth Disathairne le grèim air ais às deidh meadhan oidhche.

Dh’ aontaich Seanadh na SA rùn am fearann ​​a ghluasad a’ toirt a-steach seann stadium RFK bhon riaghaltas feadarail gu Sgìre Columbia. Chaidh Achd Ath-bheothachadh Àrainn Stadium Cuimhneachaidh DC Robert F. Ceanadach aontachadh le bhòt guth aig timcheall air 1:15m às deidh còrr is bliadhna de choiteachadh agus taic bhon Riochdaire Seumas Comer, R-Ky., Àrd-bhàillidh na sgìre Muriel BowserCeannardan a ‘cumail smachd air an t-sealbhadair Josh Harris agus Coimiseanair an NFL Roger Goodell.

“Tha sinn air leth taingeil gu bheil na h-oifigearan taghte againn air tighinn còmhla air stèidh dà-thaobhach gus cothrom a thoirt do Washington, DC, co-dhùnadh a dhèanamh air àm ri teachd làrach Stadium RFK,” thuirt Harris. faodar beachdachadh gu cothromach air a h-uile àite a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith ann airson dachaigh nan Washington Commanders agus cothrom a thoirt don chòrachd againn an t-eòlas as fheàrr a thoirt don luchd-leantainn againn gu lèir. ”

Bha photo voltaic fearainn Stadium RFK mar phàirt de chiad bhile cosgais geàrr-ùine na Còmhdhalach Dimàirt mus deach a chuir gu torpedoed leis a’ Cheann-suidhe taghte Dòmhnall Trump agus Elon Musk, agus mheudaich am worry mu dheireadh dhiubh fiosrachadh ceàrr mun làrach air an àrd-ùrlar meadhanan sòisealta aige X. Dà dhreach de cha do chuir bile caol an Taighe, a’ toirt a-steach am worry a chaidh seachad oidhche Haoine gus dùnadh an riaghaltais a sheachnadh, a-steach e.

Le bhith a’ toirt smachd don riaghaltas ionadail air an fhearann ​​airson an ath 99 bliadhna leigidh sin sligean an t-seann lann-cluiche a leagail agus an làrach ath-leasachadh airson grunn rudan. Is e aon de na cothroman a th’ ann lann-cluiche ball-coise agus roghainnean dibhearsain mun cuairt aig seann dachaigh a’ chòrachd.

Thuirt Bowser gur e “buannachd dha DC, don sgìre againn agus dha Ameireagaidh.”

“Is toil le a h-uile duine sgeulachd mhath tilleadh – agus sin sgeulachd DC,” thuirt i.

Chan eil ann ach ainm-sgrìobhte a’ Cheann-suidhe Joe Biden gu bhith na lagh. Chaidh Comer cho fada ri bhith ag ràdh gur e “àm eachdraidheil airson prìomh-bhaile na dùthcha againn a bh’ anns a ’bhile don t-Seanadh.”

“Mura dèanadh a’ Chòmhdhail an gnìomh an-diugh, bhiodh am fearann ​​​​lobhte search engine optimisation ann an Washington a ’cosg fortan dha luchd-pàighidh chìsean a chumail,” thuirt e. “Tha ath-bheothachadh làrach Stadium Cuimhneachaidh RFK search engine optimisation air a bhith na àrd phrìomhachas eaconamach don bhaile, agus tha mi moiteil a bhith air a bhith ann an com-pàirteachas le DC Mayor Muriel Bowser gus am bile search engine optimisation fhaighinn thairis air an loidhne crìochnachaidh agus gu deasg a’ chinn-suidhe. Tha an soirbheachas dà-thaobhach search engine optimisation na theisteanas air oidhirp neo-sheasmhach Comataidh Sgrùdaidh an Taighe gus luchd-pàighidh chìsean a dhìon agus ar làn dhealas a thaobh dèanamh cinnteach à calpa a bhios soirbheachail do luchd-còmhnaidh agus luchd-tadhail airson ginealaichean ri thighinn.”

Chan eil e cinnteach a bhith a’ cluich ann an Washington a-rithist. Tha na Ceannardan a’ beachdachadh air àiteachan san sgìre, Maryland agus Virginia airson stadium a thogail anns na bliadhnaichean ri teachd.

Tha am màl aca aig Stadium an Iar-thuath ann an Landover, Maryland, a’ ruith tro 2027. Dh’ainmich Harris 2030 mar “targaid reusanta” airson stadium ùr.

Chluich an sgioba aig Stadium RFK 2 mhìle (3.22 cilemeatair) an ear air an Capitol bho 1961-96 mus do ghluais iad gu Maryland. Dh’fhàs Harris agus grunn cho-shealbhadairean, nam measg Mitch Rales agus Mark Ein, suas mar luchd-leantainn ball-coise Washington aig an àm sin, a thug a-steach làithean glòir trì farpaisean Tremendous Bowl bho 1982-91.

Bha pàirt den dòigh anns an deach an photo voltaic a-steach don bhile an toiseach a’ toirt a-steach aonta eadar an sgioba agus Maryland gus an lann-cluiche gnàthach a leagail ann an deagh àm agus an làrach ath-leasachadh le pròiseact leis an aon bhuaidh eaconamach, thuirt neach le eòlas air an t-suidheachadh ris The Related Press na bu thràithe san t-seachdain air chumha gun urra leis nach robh an aonta ga fhoillseachadh.

Às deidh don t-Seanadh gluasad fearainn stadium RFK, Maryland Sens Ben Cardin agus Chris Van Hollen, le chèile Deamocrataichgun lean iad orra a’ creidsinn gum bu chòir com-pàirteachas na stàite aca leis an sgioba cumail a’ dol fada san àm ri teachd.

“Às deidh dhuinn a bhith ag obair gus an raon cluiche ionmhais a chothromachadh, agus gealltanas fhaighinn ma ghluaiseas an sgioba gun dèan iad ath-leasachadh air an làrach a th’ ann mar-thà ann an dòigh a choinnicheas ri feumalachdan na coimhearsnachd, a-nochd thug sinn taic don reachdas gluasad fearainn a chaidh a mholadh,” thuirt Cardin agus Van Hollen . “Tha sinn an-còmhnaidh air taic a thoirt do oidhirp na Sgìre smachd a chumail air an fhearann ​​​​aige fhèin, agus tro chòmhraidhean roinneil agus co-obrachadh, chaidh dèiligeadh ris na draghan againn a thaobh a’ mholaidh search engine optimisation.”

Tha an sgioba air geamannan a chluich ann am Maryland bho 1997 agus bidh iad ag obair ann an Ashburn, Virginia, faisg air Port-adhair Eadar-nàiseanta Dulles.

Bhiodh tilleadh don sgìre na bhuannachd eile dha Bowser, a chomharraich Diardaoin toiseach ùrachadh raon $ 800 millean a tha a’ cumail Wizards an NBA agus Prìomh-litrichean NHL sa bhaile. Aig a’ cho-labhairt naidheachd sin, bha i ag amas air Musk airson fiosrachadh ceàrr a cho-roinn air X, air an robh Twitter roimhe, mu luchd-pàighidh chìsean a’ pàigheadh ​​a’ bhile airson stadium ùr.

“Chaidh a ràdh gu bheil $ 3 billean anns an (rùn leantainneach) airson stadium,” thuirt Bowser. “Tha a h-uile càil ceàrr. Chan eil dolar feadarail ann co-cheangailte ri gluasad RFK, agus gu dearbh chan eil an reachdas a ‘feumachdainn no a’ ceangal idir ri stadium. Tha sinn a ‘bruidhinn air mar as urrainn don Sgìre tasgadh a dhèanamh ann a bhith a’ toirt air falbh gaiseadh.”

Dh’ ath-roinn Musk publish mearachdach ag ràdh: “Air a thiodhlacadh anns a’ bhile omnibus 1,547-duilleag tha ullachadh gus stadium NFL $ 3 billean a dhèanamh ann an Washington, DC ”leis an teachdaireachd,“ Cha bu chòir search engine optimisation a bhith air a mhaoineachadh le do dhollairean cìse! ”

Tha am bile gu sònraichte a’ toirmeasg cleachdadh airgead feadarail airson stadium air an làrach, “a’ toirt a-steach goireasan trèanaidh, oifisean, agus structaran eile a tha riatanach gus taic a thoirt do stadium. ”



#Bidh #Seanadh #dol #seachad #air #bile #fearainn #Stadium #RFK #toirt #buaidh #mhòr #air #falbh #bhon #raon #aig #Washington #Commanders

The Impartial

#Bidh #Seanadh #dol #seachad #air #bile #fearainn #Stadium #RFK #toirt #buaidh #mhòr #air #falbh #bhon #raon #aig #Washington #Commanders

Stephen Whyno , 2024-12-21 14:43:00

Vladimir Putin faces military revolt as ‘commanders refuse to ship troops’ to storm river | World | Information

Vladimir Putin faces military revolt as ‘commanders refuse to ship troops’ to storm river | World | Information

Russian commanders are reportedly refusing to ship their troops to hitch a deliberate offensive to storm the Dnipro river.

Putin’s military is increase its forces on the left financial institution of the Dnipro river, because it prepares to drive a crossing.

Intelligence studies recommend 2,000 assault troops have been assembled within the Kherson area, together with some 300 speedboats.

Nonetheless, many senior officers consider the deliberate assault to be a suicidal mission and are reluctant to commit their troops and gear to the struggle, in keeping with the ATESH partisan group.

In a publish to their Telegram channel, they wrote: “Russian navy commanders refuse to ship their subordinates to assaults within the Kherson area.

“ATESH brokers report rising stress in Russian items situated within the occupied territory of the Kherson area.

“The scenario is changing into more and more alarming: navy personnel observe intensified preparations for the offensive.

“Commanders are always known as to pressing conferences, after which they return late at night time – pale and clearly alarmed.

“This will increase nervousness in items the place nobody actually understands what is going on.

“In the meantime, the command continues to set suicidal targets, additional undermining the morale of the personnel.”

The partisans famous that Russian items in Crimea had been destroying their boats in a determined bid to not be despatched to Kherson to hitch the assault.

ATESH is a navy partisan motion working within the occupied territories of Ukraine, in addition to in Russia.

It was created by Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars in September 2022 on account of the Russian navy invasion.

The partisans mentioned that the speed of suicides in Russian items primarily based in Kherson was additionally growing, previous to the deliberate assault.

In a single day on December 20, Russian forces launched heavy artillery strikes on Kherson and its outskirts, concentrating on residential areas and significant infrastructure,

In accordance with a number of monitoring Telegram channels, the strikes had been supposed to cowl advancing assault teams trying to achieve the Antonivsky Bridge.

“Kherson is below heavy artillery hearth. They’re putting indiscriminately, with out correction,” wrote the Telegram channel Mykolaivskyi Vanek.

“There are preliminary studies of fires in residential buildings. All of this shelling is related to the occupiers’ try to seize the world across the Antonivsky Bridge.

“Two assault teams didn’t make it—they by no means even reached the river. The battle ended earlier than it actually started. The scenario stays secure for now.”

#Vladimir #Putin #faces #military #revolt #commanders #refuse #ship #troops #storm #river #World #Information

Each day Categorical :: Information Feed

#Vladimir #Putin #faces #military #revolt #commanders #refuse #ship #troops #storm #river #World #Information

John Varga , 2024-12-21 12:47:00

RFK Stadium web site provision included in federal spending invoice, a win for the Commanders and NFL

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The Washington Commanders are one other step nearer to the potential for returning to the franchise’s previous residence within the nation’s capital.

A provision to switch the land that’s the web site of the previous RFK Stadium from the federal authorities to the District of Columbia is included in Congress’ short-term spending invoice, which lawmakers are racing to go.

It’s a big victory for the group and the NFL after controlling proprietor Josh Harris and Commissioner Roger Goodell lobbied lawmakers on Capitol Hill on the D.C. Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium Campus Revitalization Act earlier this month.

Mayor Muriel Bowser known as it a “big step ahead” to unlocking the positioning’s potential.

“As a metropolis, now we have labored for years to get management of the RFK campus,” Bowser mentioned. “We’re celebrating this second, and we’re seeking to the way forward for a area of potentialities on the banks of the Anacostia.”

One chance is clearly a soccer stadium.

The Commanders are contemplating locations within the district, Maryland and Virginia to construct a stadium within the coming years. Their lease at Northwest Stadium in Landover, Maryland, runs by 2027, and Harris known as 2030 a “affordable goal” for a brand new one.

The workforce performed at RFK Stadium 2 miles (3.22 kilometers) east of the Capitol from 1961-96 earlier than transferring to Maryland. Harris and several other co-owners, together with Mitch Rales and Mark Ein, grew up as Washington soccer followers throughout that period, which included the glory days of three Tremendous Bowl championships from 1982-91.

Home Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., praised the transfer as proof Congress is doing its job to supervise the town.

“This landmark laws will unlock the district’s full potential, generate significant new jobs, and add tens of millions in further metropolis income for the nation’s capital,” Comer mentioned in a press release. “With out Congressional motion, this land would stay vacant, leaving ongoing upkeep prices and liabilities to burden the American taxpayer. Now’s the time to get the federal authorities out of the best way and empower native officers to wash up the RFK web site, make investments and create new financial alternatives.“



#RFK #Stadium #web site #provision #included #federal #spending #invoice #win #Commanders #NFL

The Impartial

#RFK #Stadium #web site #provision #included #federal #spending #invoice #win #Commanders #NFL

Stephen Whyno , 2024-12-18 00:05:00