Bha deugaire a’ bagairt ‘a dhèanamh a-rithist’ às deidh dha Elianne Andam, nighean-sgoile Croydon, a mharbhadh, thuirt a’ chùirt

Bha deugaire a’ bagairt ‘a dhèanamh a-rithist’ às deidh dha Elianne Andam, nighean-sgoile Croydon, a mharbhadh, thuirt a’ chùirt

A rèir aithris bha Hassan Sentamu a’ bagairt air prìosanach eile le bhith ag ràdh “Nì mi a-rithist e. nì mi do mhàthair e’

#Bha #deugaire #bagairt #dhèanamh #arithist #às #deidh #dha #Elianne #Andam #nigheansgoile #Croydon #mharbhadh #thuirt #chùirt

The Commonplace

#Bha #deugaire #bagairt #dhèanamh #arithist #às #deidh #dha #Elianne #Andam #nigheansgoile #Croydon #mharbhadh #thuirt #chùirt

Emily Pennink , 2024-12-18 20:36:00

Bha deugaire a’ bagairt ‘a dhèanamh a-rithist’ às deidh dha Elianne Andam, nighean-sgoile Croydon, a mharbhadh, thuirt a’ chùirt

Teenager threatened to ‘do it once more’ after killing Elianne Andam, courtroom advised

Jurors have heard that Hassan Sentamu stabbed {the teenager} within the neck with a kitchen knife.

#Teenager #threatened #killing #Elianne #Andam #courtroom #advised

The Commonplace

#Teenager #threatened #killing #Elianne #Andam #courtroom #advised

Emily Pennink , 2024-12-18 13:23:00

Ghuidh Elianne Andam, 15, ri seann charaid nuair a chaidh a shàthadh às deidh sreath teadaidh, a’ chùirt a’ cluinntinn | Naidheachdan na RA

Dh’iarr Elianne Andam air iar-bràmair a caraid “stad” agus e gu marbhtach ga shàthadh ann an sreath thairis air teadaidh, tha an Previous Bailey air cluinntinn.

Thug Hassan Sentamu, a bha 17 aig an àm, ionnsaigh air Elianne, 15-bliadhna, le sgian cidsin às deidh dhi diùltadh stuth a caraid, a bha e air a sgaradh bho 10 latha roimhe, a thoirt air ais.

Ruith e agus shàth e Elianne a-rithist às deidh dhi grèim fhaighinn air poca den aodach aige ann an dlùth-dhàimh ri a caraid taobh a-muigh Ionad Bhùthan Whitgift ann am meadhan Croydon, ceann a deas Lunnainn, san t-Sultain 2023.

Dealbhan caitheamh bodhaig de Hassan Sentamu ga chur an grèim às deidh mar a chaidh Elianne Andam a shàthadh gu marbhtach. Dealbh: Poileas na Sìde
Hassan Sentamu ga chur an grèim às deidh mar a chaidh Elianne Andam a shàthadh gu marbhtach. Dealbh: Poileas na Sìde

Dhump Sentamu, a tha a-nis 18, an sgian faisg air làimh ach chaidh a chur an grèim taobh a-staigh 90 mionaid às deidh dha faighinn air a’ bhus 64 a dh’ ionnsaigh a dhachaigh ann an New Addington.

Chaidh agallamh bhidio le seann leannan Sentamu, nach gabh ainmeachadh airson adhbharan laghail, a chluich sa chùirt Dimàirt.

Thuirt i gun do thionndaidh e suas airson iomlaid stuthan dealbhaichte le miotagan agus masg, a bha “a-mach à caractar”.

Bha fios aice gu robh “cùis fearg” aig Sentamu – agus rinn i coimeas eadar a giùlan agus caractar bhon dràma eucoir Prime Boy ann an Lunnainn, chuala a’ chùirt.

“Bha mi a’ smaoineachadh gun robh e gu bhith gam bhualadh. Shaoil ​​​​mi gu robh rudeigin air oir… a’ coimhead thaisbeanaidhean agus rudan mar, mar eisimpleir, Prime Boy, nuair a bhios cuideigin gu bhith air a mharbhadh bidh iad an-còmhnaidh air miotagan dubha sònraichte.

“Chan fhaca mi a-riamh e a ‘caitheamh mhiotagan dubha, chan eil e fuar a-muigh.”

Nuair a thug i dha am poca bathair aige, thuirt i gun do dh’iarr i na rudan a bh’ aice.

“Sheall e orm … agus chuir e a shùilean beagan … agus thuirt e ‘Chan eil mi airson do ghortachadh’ … chan ann ann an dòigh tòcail … mar a tha e a ‘toirt rabhadh dhomh,” thuirt i.

“Bha mi ag ràdh ‘Càit a bheil an teadaidh agam? Càit a bheil an teadaidh agam? Càit a bheil an teadaidh agam?’.

“Bha e a ‘coimhead orm suas is sìos dìreach ag ràdh’ seall ort, seall ort ‘… bha e caran coltach ri dòigh tàmailteach.”

Feuch an cleachd thu brabhsair Chrome airson cluicheadair bhidio nas ruigsinneach

Bhidio air fhoillseachadh bho chùis-lagha murt stad-bus Croydon

Thuirt an nighean gun robh i ann an nàrachadh agus gu robh i airson faighinn dhan sgoil agus mar sin rug Elianne air na rudan a bh’ aig Sentamu.

Thuirt i: “Ruith Elianne air a chùlaibh, rug i air a’ bhaga agus thòisich i a’ ruith agus a’ gàireachdainn mar fealla-dhà. B’ e sin an seòrsa rud a bhiodh Elianne air a dhèanamh.

“An toiseach bha mi a’ gàireachdainn beagan oir b ’e fealla-dhà a bh’ ann agus an uairsin bha an t-eagal orm oir bha Hassan às an ciall.

Thuirt i ris na poileis: “Thog e an uairsin a chochall gu sgiobalta, tharraing e a-mach rudeigin agus chunnaic mi sgian mhòr.

“Thionndaidh mi mun cuairt airson diog agus chunnaic mi i air an làr mar a bhith a’ feuchainn ri ‘stad’ a ràdh, gu bunaiteach le a làmh a-mach. Bha e ann mar sin thairis oirre, a’ lùbadh.

“Chunnaic mi Elianne air an làr, mar, a’ dol air ais air an làr, le a làmh a-mach, gu bunaiteach ag ràdh ‘stad, stad, stad’ agus tha mi gu math cinnteach gum faca mi e a’ lùbadh agus, mar, feuch ri rudeigin eile a dhèanamh. , mar shàth i a-rithist.”

Chuir Elianne Andam bhidio Snapchat suas beagan mhionaidean mus deach a shàthadh le Hassan Sentamu. Choinnich na poileis
Elianne Andam ann am bhidio Snapchat air a phostadh beagan mhionaidean mus deach a marbhadh. Dealbh: Poileas na Sìde

Nuair a thionndaidh i an dàrna turas, bha Sentamu air falbh agus thòisich luchd-siubhail aig stad bus faisg air làimh “ag èigheach agus a’ sgreuchail, ”thuirt i.

Mus do chuir i air dòigh a’ choinneamh, thuirt an nighean gun robh Sentamu air fàs feargach agus mhionnaich i oirre aig àm argamaid air a’ fòn.

Tuilleadh bho Sky Information:
Flasher amharasach air a shàthadh PC le siosar 23 tursan
Chaidh eucoirich feise a rinn ana-cainnt air 46 leanabh sa phrìosan
Mar a dh’ fhàilnich an neach-cùraim aige duine so-leònte

Thuirt i: “Dh’ innis mi dha nach bruidhinn mi a-riamh mar sin rium a-rithist oir thuirt mi ‘Cha deach bruidhinn rium a-riamh mar sin nam bheatha’.

“Thuirt mi nach bu chòir do dhuine sam bith bruidhinn ri nighean mar sin agus thuirt e‘ o uill, tha a’ chiad uair ann airson a h-uile rud’.

“Agus thuirt mi gur ann mar sin a tha thu airson a bhith air do riochdachadh mar chuideigin a tha airson a bhith a’ bruidhinn ri boireannaich mar sin, gu bunaiteach.

Na bu thràithe Dimàirt, thuirt oifigearan poileis ris a’ chùirt gun robh “sealladh de chaos” taobh a-muigh an ionad bhùthan agus thug iad cunntas air mar a dh’ ainmich iad Elianne.

Thuirt PC Ben Carter ris an luchd-diùraidh: “Ri taobh Elianne bha baga-sgoile. Taobh a-staigh bha dealbhaiche sgoile air an robh a h-ainm air agus sin mar a b’ urrainn dhuinn a h-aithneachadh.”

A dh’aindeoin an dà chuid na h-oifigearan agus am poball a’ lìbhrigeadh ciad chobhair, chaidh innse gun robh Elianne marbh aig an làrach aig 9.21m.

Chuala a’ chùirt cuideachd gun tug Sentamu ainm ceàrr air na poilis nuair a chaidh a chur an grèim, agus gun robh fuil air òrdag.

Chuala luchd-diùraidh roimhe search engine optimization gun tug Sentamu ionnsaigh air Elianne às deidh dha a bhith feargach leis an “eas-urram” a thathas a’ faicinn.

Tha Sentamu, a bha ag ionnsachadh saidheans spòrs aig Colaiste Croydon, air aideachadh gun deach a mharbhadh ach tha e a’ dol às àicheadh ​​murt Elianne air sgàth “name smachd” leis gu bheil autism air.

Tha e cuideachd a’ dol às àicheadh ​​casaid gun robh lann aige, ‘s e ag ràdh gu robh “adhbhar laghail” aige airson a ghiùlan.

Tha an deuchainn a’ leantainn.

#Ghuidh #Elianne #Andam #seann #charaid #nuair #chaidh #shàthadh #às #deidh #sreath #teadaidh #chùirt #cluinntinn #Naidheachdan

The Newest Information from the UK and Across the World | Sky Information

#Ghuidh #Elianne #Andam #seann #charaid #nuair #chaidh #shàthadh #às #deidh #sreath #teadaidh #chùirt #cluinntinn #Naidheachdan

, 2024-12-10 12:35:00

Elianne Andam killer acted like ‘Prime Boy’ TV present character, court docket instructed

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#Elianne #Andam #killer #acted #Prime #Boy #present #character #court docket #instructed

The Commonplace

#Elianne #Andam #killer #acted #Prime #Boy #present #character #court docket #instructed

Emily Pennink , 2024-12-10 15:39:00

Chùm Elianne Andam làmh gus stad a chuir air ionnsaigh marbhtach, thuirt a’ chùirt

Chuir Hassan Sentamu a-mach an duine 15-bliadhna le sgian cidsin.

#Chùm #Elianne #Andam #làmh #gus #stad #chuir #air #ionnsaigh #marbhtach #thuirt #chùirt

The Commonplace

#Chùm #Elianne #Andam #làmh #gus #stad #chuir #air #ionnsaigh #marbhtach #thuirt #chùirt

Emily Pennink , 2024-12-10 14:00:00

Teenager ‘caught with blood on thumb minutes after stabbing Elianne Andam to demise’

An adolescent was caught with blood on his thumb lower than an hour-and-a-half after he stabbed 15-year-old Elianne Andam to demise in a row over a teddy bear, a courtroom has heard.

Hassan Sentamu, 18, had lashed out with a kitchen knife after refusing handy again belongings of Elianne’s buddy, whom he had break up up with 10 days earlier than, the Outdated Bailey beforehand heard.

The 18-year-old repeatedly stabbed Elianne exterior the Whitgift Centre in central Croydon, south London, then fled the scene on the morning of final 27 September, jurors have been advised.

Sentamu dumped the blade with Elianne’s DNA on it in close by Cedar Highway and took the quantity 64 bus in direction of his residence in New Addington, the courtroom heard on Tuesday.

Laptop Peter Nolan mentioned he was on the police station when he heard a younger girl had been stabbed and a colleague relayed particulars of the suspect.

The moment Hassan Sentamu was arrested over the murder of Elianne Andam

The second Hassan Sentamu was arrested over the homicide of Elianne Andam (PA Media)

Sentamu, then aged 17, was described as sporting a “distinctive” multi-coloured “Trapstar” hooded high and was believed on the time to be the boyfriend or ex-boyfriend of the sufferer, Laptop Nolan mentioned.

Giving proof on Tuesday, Laptop Nolan jurors: “Whereas driving alongside King Henry’s Drive I noticed a 64 bus from Croydon so I made a decision to cease the bus and see if anybody matched the outline on the bus.”

Laptop Nolan’s physique worn video captured the change as he detained Sentamu.

Requested his identify, the defendant mentioned he was referred to as “John” earlier than he handed over his Oyster card along with his actual identification on it.

The defendant requested why, when the officer advised him to place his fingers behind his again.

CCTV of Elianne Andam, 15, before she was fatally stabbed outside the Whitgift Centre in Croydon

CCTV of Elianne Andam, 15, earlier than she was fatally stabbed exterior the Whitgift Centre in Croydon (PA Media)

The officer then referred to as for “pressing help”, informing the defendant: “You’re beneath arrest on suspicion of GBH, stabbing your girlfriend. The place’s the knife? The place’s the knife?”

Laptop Nolan advised jurors: “All I knew is {that a} younger woman had been stabbed and the officers have been doing what they may to maintain her alive.

“One of many officers that turned up mentioned to me the feminine had sadly handed away and it was now homicide.”

Prosecutor Alex Chalk KC requested the witness if he seen something in regards to the teenager he had detained.

The officer replied: “I believed what I noticed was a smear of blood on his thumb.”

He advised jurors he referred to as for proof luggage to place over the handcuffed suspect’s fingers earlier than he was put in a van and brought into custody.

Police at the scene in Croydon, south London, where 15-year-old Elianne Andam was killed

Police on the scene in Croydon, south London, the place 15-year-old Elianne Andam was killed (PA Archive)

In a video interview performed in courtroom, Sentamu’s ex-girlfriend advised police she realised one thing was mistaken when he turned up for an change of their belongings sporting gloves and a masks.

Describing the confrontation, she advised officers: “I mentioned ‘the place are you going. Effectively, the place’s my issues?’ And he was like ‘look I don’t need to damage you’.”

The woman, who can’t be recognized for authorized causes, mentioned she was aggravated and wished to get to highschool so her buddy Elianne had grabbed his issues.

“He then lifted up his hoodie fast, pulled out one thing and I noticed an enormous knife.

“And I rotated for one second then I noticed her on the ground like attempting to say cease principally together with her hand out. He was there like over her bending.”

Despite the efforts of members of the public and the officers, Elianne was pronounced dead at the scene at 9.21am

Regardless of the efforts of members of the general public and the officers, Elianne was pronounced lifeless on the scene at 9.21am (PA Archive)

When she rotated once more, Sentamu was gone and she or he ran as passengers at a close-by bus cease started “shouting and screaming”, she mentioned.

Earlier, Laptop Alex Smith described the “scene of chaos” when he arrived exterior the Whitgift buying centre on Wellesley Highway.

He advised jurors: “There have been folks screaming, shouting, folks operating away. I knew a critical incident had occurred.”

He grabbed a primary assist package and took over chest compressions on Elianne, who was not respiration.

Laptop Ben Carter arrived quickly after and used a bandage to use strain to Elianne’s neck wound.

He advised jurors: “Subsequent to Elianne there was a college bag. Inside was a college planner that had her identify on it and that was how we have been in a position to determine her.”

Elianne Andam, 15, recorded a short video on Snapchat moments before she was stabbed

Elianne Andam, 15, recorded a brief video on Snapchat moments earlier than she was stabbed (PA Media)

Regardless of the efforts of members of the general public and the officers, Elianne was pronounced lifeless on the scene at 9.21am.

Jurors watched CCTV footage of the incident through which Elianne was fatally stabbed and pictures of the defendant operating away.

Moments earlier than, Elianne gave the impression to be caught up within the drama when she recorded a brief video clip on Snapchat.

Sentamu, who was learning sports activities science at Croydon Faculty, has admitted manslaughter however denied Elianne’s homicide on the premise of “lack of management” as a result of he has autism.

He denies a cost of getting a blade, claiming he had a “lawful cause” for carrying it.

The Outdated Bailey trial earlier than Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb continues.

#Teenager #caught #blood #thumb #minutes #stabbing #Elianne #Andam #demise

The Unbiased

#Teenager #caught #blood #thumb #minutes #stabbing #Elianne #Andam #demise

Tara Cobham , 2024-12-10 13:56:00

Buddy of Elianne Andam tearfully describes deadly stabbing after teddy bear row

Schoolgirl was stabbed after grabbing a Tesco plastic bag ‘as a joke’, the Previous Bailey has heard

#Buddy #Elianne #Andam #tearfully #describes #deadly #stabbing #teddy #bear #row

The Customary

#Buddy #Elianne #Andam #tearfully #describes #deadly #stabbing #teddy #bear #row

Tristan Kirk , 2024-12-10 13:13:00

Stabbed Croydon schoolgirl Elianne Andam smiled on Snapchat moments earlier than assault

Elianne Andam filmed herself on Snapchat within the moments earlier than she was stabbed exterior a Croydon purchasing centre

#Stabbed #Croydon #schoolgirl #Elianne #Andam #smiled #Snapchat #moments #assault

The Customary

#Stabbed #Croydon #schoolgirl #Elianne #Andam #smiled #Snapchat #moments #assault

Tristan Kirk , 2024-12-10 06:13:00

Boy murdered Elianne Andam in ‘white scorching anger’ after teddy bear row, court docket instructed

A teenage boy stabbed 15-year-old Elianne Andam to dying in a match of “white-hot anger” at perceived “disrespect in public by women” after failing handy over her good friend’s teddy bear, a court docket has heard.

Hassan Sentamu, 18, lashed out at Elianne with a kitchen knife throughout a prearranged assembly in Croydon city centre along with his ex-girlfriend and her group, the Outdated Bailey was instructed the trial over her homicide trial opened on Monday.

Reasonably than returning a teddy bear as a part of a belongings swap, the 18-year-old plunged his blade into Elianne’s neck, having misplaced his mood at what he noticed as “disrespect”, jurors heard.

The defendant, who was learning sports activities science at Croydon School, has admitted manslaughter however denied Elianne’s homicide on the idea of “lack of management” as a result of he has autism.

Prosecutor Alex Chalk KC instructed jurors: “Having heard the proof chances are you’ll really feel that the catalyst for this dreadful assault was relatively extra easy: anger. White-hot anger at having been disrespected in public by women, each by Elianne on the day of the killing and beforehand.”

Police at the scene in Croydon, south London, where 15-year-old Elianne Andam was killed

Police on the scene in Croydon, south London, the place 15-year-old Elianne Andam was killed (PA Archive)

The defendant, then aged 17, was already armed with the kitchen knife when he took the bus from his residence in New Addington, south London, to the Whitgift Centre on the morning of final 27 September, jurors heard.

He was on his technique to a gathering along with his ex-girlfriend, who he had break up up with about 10 days earlier than, and her group of pals, which included Elianne.

Mr Chalk instructed jurors: “The aim of the assembly was to change belongings. [The ex-girlfriend] particularly was anxious to get well her teddy bear.”

In the course of the assembly in a parking lot on the Whitgift procuring centre, Sentamu’s ex-girlfriend, who can’t be recognized for authorized causes, caught together with her aspect of the discount. She handed over a plastic bag containing his belongings – however the defendant arrived empty-handed, jurors had been instructed.

Mr Chalk stated: “Elianne was aggrieved on her good friend’s behalf. So, at round 8.30am whereas Hassan was strolling outdoors the Whitgift Centre, Elianne took the plastic bag again. It was a gesture of solidarity with [her friend] that price Elianne her life.

The mother of Elianne Andam arriving with other family members and friends at a vigil for her daughter last year

The mom of Elianne Andam arriving with different members of the family and pals at a vigil for her daughter final yr (Getty Photos)

“The defendant chased after her, cornered her and used the kitchen knife to stab her repeatedly. He drove the knife 12cm into her neck, severing the carotid artery and inflicting accidents that had been unsurvivable.

“Regardless of the fast arrival of the emergency providers and intensive efforts over the course of almost an hour, Elianne died on the scene.”

CCTV footage captured the assault, Sentamu working from the scene and disposing of the knife.

He solely obtained so far as the bus cease close to his residence earlier than being arrested lower than 90 minutes later, the court docket was instructed.

Mr Chalk stated the defendant didn’t deny wielding the knife and inflicting Elianne’s dying within the face of “overwhelming” proof in opposition to him.

Thousands are reported to have attended a vigil held for in Elianne Andam in Croydon in October 2023

Hundreds are reported to have attended a vigil held for in Elianne Andam in Croydon in October 2023 (Yui Mok/PA Wire)

He stated that Sentamu had pleaded not responsible to homicide on the idea that his accountability was diminished having been recognized with autism in 2020.

He additionally denies having a blade claiming he had a “lawful purpose” for carrying it.

The prosecution acknowledged “with compassion” the challenges posed by autism and the affect “antagonistic” childhood experiences can have.

However Mr Chalk asserted that neither amounted to an “excuse, justification or defence” for Elianne’s homicide.

Sentamu had a “brief fuse” and on the day of the killing, he got here to the tip of it, jurors heard.

The prosecutor stated: “His calculated determination to carry a knife to the scene meant that the results of that outburst for Elianne and her household had been totally devastating.”

Mr Chalk stated the sufferer was a preferred schoolgirl and in accordance with one among her pals: “All people cherished Elianne.”

Members of Elianne’s household sat within the effectively of the court docket as Mr Chalk outlined the case in opposition to Sentamu.

The Outdated Bailey trial earlier than Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb continues.

#Boy #murdered #Elianne #Andam #white #scorching #anger #teddy #bear #row #court docket #instructed

The Impartial

#Boy #murdered #Elianne #Andam #white #scorching #anger #teddy #bear #row #court docket #instructed

Tara Cobham , 2024-12-09 14:11:00

Schoolgirl Elianne Andam 'murdered in white-hot anger by teenager who felt disrespected by women'

Elianne Andam was stabbed exterior a Croydon purchasing centre throughout a row over a teddy bear

#Schoolgirl #Elianne #Andam #039murdered #whitehot #anger #teenager #felt #disrespected #girls039

The Commonplace

#Schoolgirl #Elianne #Andam #039murdered #whitehot #anger #teenager #felt #disrespected #girls039

Tristan Kirk , 2024-12-09 12:42:00