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% Request from % This is the Ukrainian Whois query server #W. % The Whois is subject to Terms of use % See % % IN THE PROCESS OF DELEGATION OF A DOMAIN NAME, % THE REGISTRANT IS AN ENTITY WHO USES AND MANAGES A CERTAIN DOMAIN NAME, % AND THE REGISTRAR IS A BUSINESS ENTITY THAT PROVIDES THE REGISTRANT % WITH THE SERVICES NECESSARY FOR THE TECHNICAL MAINTENANCE OF THE REGISTRATION AND OPERATION OF THE DOMAIN NAME. % FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE REGISTRANT OF THE DOMAIN NAME, YOU SHOULD CONTACT THE REGISTRAR. domain: dom-public: NO mnt-by: ua.imena nserver: nserver: nserver: nserver: nserver: nserver: nserver: nserver: nserver: nserver: nserver: nserver: status: ok created: 2001-02-01 00:00:00+02 modified: 2024-12-09 19:57:29+02 expires: 2026-10-25 00:00:00+03 source: UAEPP % Registrar: % % The following disclaimer was provided by the domain name registrar % ========== % Надана інформація є неповною і може містити помилки, пов'язані з особливостями механізмів кешування інформації, несинхронного оновлення реєстрів тощо, тому не є достовірною та надається виключно для ознайомлення. % У зв'язку із зазначеним вище, дана інформація не може бути використана з метою вирішення спорів, конфліктів, визначення майнових та немайнових прав тощо. % Єдиним джерелом первинних даних про доменне ім'я є реєстратор (registrar) доменного імені, який може надати необхідну інформацію на запит у встановленому законом порядку. % % The provided information is incomplete and may contain errors related to the specificity % of information caching mechanisms, asynchronous updating of registries, etc., % therefore it is not reliable and is provided for informational purposes only. % In connection with the above, this information can not be used to resolve disputes, % conflicts, determine property and non-property rights, etc. % The only source of primary data about the domain name is the registrar of the domain name, % which can provide the required information upon request, in accordance with the procedure established by law. % ========== registrar: ua.imena organization: Internet Invest Ltd organization-loc: ТОВ "Інтернет Інвест" url: city: Kyiv country: UA abuse-email: abuse-phone: +380.442010102 abuse-postal: 50-B Simi Prakhovykh St., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine abuse-postal-loc: вул. Сім'ї Прахових 50-Б, Київ, 01033, Україна source: UAEPP % Registrant: % =========== person: n/a person-loc: Крилач Юрий organization-loc: Киевский международній институт социологии e-mail: address: n/a address-loc: Волошская, 8/5 address-loc: Киев postal-code-loc: 04070 country-loc: UA phone: +380.503555800 fax: +380.445373376 mnt-by: ua.imena status: ok status: linked created: 2013-09-03 14:10:35+03 source: UAEPP % Administrative Contacts: % ======================= person: n/a person-loc: Крилач Юрий organization-loc: Киевский международній институт социологии e-mail: address: n/a address-loc: Волошская, 8/5 address-loc: Киев postal-code-loc: 04070 country-loc: UA phone: +380.503555800 fax: +380.445373376 mnt-by: ua.imena status: ok status: linked created: 2013-09-03 14:10:36+03 source: UAEPP % Technical Contacts: % =================== person: n/a person-loc: Александр Ищенко organization-loc: Киевский международній институт социологии e-mail: address: n/a address-loc: Волошская, 8/5 address-loc: Киев postal-code-loc: 04070 country-loc: UA phone: +380.503555800 fax: +380.445373376 mnt-by: ua.imena status: ok status: linked created: 2013-09-03 14:10:37+03 modified: 2014-09-19 14:57:14+03 source: UAEPP % Query time: 4 msec
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Find Domain Owner Information

Components of Whois Information

Let’s break down the key components of a Whois record to understand how it works:

1. Registrant (Domain Owner) Information

This is perhaps the most critical section of a Whois record. It lists the following details:

  • Registrant Name: The legal or business name of the domain owner.
  • Organization: If the domain is owned by a company, the organization name will appear here.
  • Contact Information: Includes phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses.

The registrant details are important for identifying who controls the domain and ensuring contactability in case of disputes or issues.

2. Registrar Information

The registrar is the entity responsible for managing domain registrations. This section of the Whois record includes:

  • Registrar Name: The company through which the domain was registered (e.g., GoDaddy, Namecheap, etc.).
  • Registrar IANA ID: A unique identifier assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
  • Registrar Contact Details: Address, phone number, and email contact for the registrar.

3. Domain Status

The domain status indicates the current state of the domain registration. Some common domain statuses include:

  • Active: The domain is live and functional.
  • Pending: The domain registration is being processed.
  • Expired: The domain registration has expired, and it’s up for renewal or deletion.
  • Transferred: The domain has been transferred to another registrar.
  • Suspended: The domain has been temporarily suspended due to issues like payment problems or legal disputes.

4. Name Servers

Name servers are responsible for directing internet traffic to the correct destination when someone types in a domain name in their browser. This section of the Whois record lists the IP addresses and names of the authoritative name servers for the domain.

5. Important Dates

The Whois record also contains a timeline of crucial events in the life of the domain, such as:

  • Creation Date: The date when the domain was first registered.
  • Expiration Date: The date when the domain registration will expire unless renewed.
  • Last Updated Date: When the domain’s information was last modified.

Why is Whois Information Important?

1. Transparency

Whois information promotes transparency in the online ecosystem. By providing public access to a domain's registrant details, it ensures that users can trace domain ownership and identify who is responsible for a website. This can be especially useful for verifying the legitimacy of online businesses and avoiding fraud.

2. Cybersecurity

Whois data helps cybersecurity professionals and law enforcement identify the owners of potentially malicious websites. In case of cyberattacks, the first step in investigating the source of the attack may involve analyzing the Whois data to track down the domain owner or registrar. It can also assist in uncovering potential phishing sites, counterfeit domains, or fraudulent activities online.

3. Domain Dispute Resolution

Whois information is often crucial in domain disputes. If two parties claim ownership of the same domain, the Whois record serves as one of the key pieces of evidence in determining the rightful owner. The Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy (UDRP) is often invoked to resolve such disputes, and Whois data is referenced during the process.

4. Marketing and Lead Generation

For businesses, Whois information can be a valuable resource for lead generation. Companies can identify the owners of expired or underperforming domains and reach out with potential offers or partnership proposals. Similarly, competitors might analyze Whois records to gather insights into domain portfolios, branding strategies, and online presence.

How to Access Whois Information

Accessing Whois information is straightforward. There are several ways to look up domain ownership details:

1. Using Whois Lookup Tools

There are many online Whois lookup services that allow you to check the Whois records of any domain. Some popular tools include:

Simply enter the domain name in question, and the service will pull up the Whois details.

2. Command Line Whois Lookup

If you're comfortable with the command line, you can use the whois command in Linux or macOS, or install a Whois client on Windows. For example, running whois will return the Whois record for ""

3. Using Registrar Websites

Most domain registrars also offer Whois lookup functionality. For example, GoDaddy and Namecheap allow you to search for Whois details directly through their platforms.

Whois Privacy: Protecting Your Information

While Whois information is publicly available, some domain owners choose to protect their personal information through Whois privacy protection services. These services typically replace the owner’s contact details with those of a proxy service, thus keeping their information confidential.

Pros of Whois Privacy:

  • Protection from Spam: By hiding your email address and phone number, you can reduce the amount of spam and marketing calls you receive.
  • Security: Masking your personal information can protect you from potential identity theft, harassment, or cyberstalking.

Cons of Whois Privacy:

  • Loss of Transparency: Whois privacy can obscure the identity of the domain owner, which can sometimes be seen as a red flag for customers, business partners, or law enforcement.
  • Issues with Recovery: If you lose access to your domain or have a dispute, privacy protection can complicate the process of recovering ownership.

The Future of Whois Information

As the internet continues to evolve, so too will the regulations surrounding Whois information. In 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was implemented in the European Union, which significantly impacted the availability of certain personal details in Whois records for EU citizens. While this regulation aimed to protect user privacy, it also led to some confusion regarding the scope and transparency of Whois data.

The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has been working to balance privacy with the need for transparency in domain registrations. As new privacy laws continue to emerge globally, the future of Whois information may involve more nuanced regulations, especially concerning data access and privacy protection.


Whois information plays a pivotal role in domain registration, ownership transparency, cybersecurity, and legal matters. While it provides a window into the identity of domain owners, it also raises important questions about privacy and security.

For website owners, it’s essential to understand the components of Whois information, how to access it, and how it can impact your online presence. For consumers, Whois can be a valuable tool for verifying the legitimacy of websites and ensuring a secure online experience.

Whether you're managing your own domains or investigating the ownership of a website, Whois data is a key piece of the puzzle in the vast and interconnected world of the internet.

SEO Keywords:

  • Whois Information
  • Domain Whois Lookup
  • Whois Privacy Protection
  • Whois Database
  • Domain Registration Information
  • Cybersecurity and Whois
  • Whois Lookup Tools

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