Bidh Meghan Markle agus am Prionnsa Harry a’ roinn traidisean saor-làithean ‘draoidheil’ leis a ’chloinn aca | Rìoghail | Naidheachdan

Bidh Meghan Markle agus am Prionnsa Harry a’ roinn traidisean saor-làithean ‘draoidheil’ leis a ’chloinn aca | Rìoghail | Naidheachdan

Prionnsa Harry agus Meghan Markle bhiodh air a thoirt a-steach Nollaig còmhla ris an dithis chloinne òg aca le bhith a’ leantainn traidisean milis.

Tha e a’ tighinn nuair a dh’ fhosgail Ban-diùc Sussex mu dheidhinn a gaol air seusan nan saor-làithean agus a’ caitheamh ùine le Prionnsa Eairdsidhcòig, agus Bana-phrionnsa Lilibet saor an asgaidhtrì.

Thuirt Meghan ris an t-seirbheis Marie Claire ann an nod air na saor-làithean bidh i a’ cur a-mach “carrots for the reindeer”.

Le bhith a’ cur seachad na saor-làithean mar theaghlach ann an California, thuirt i: “An toiseach, tha mi a’ smaoineachadh mar mhàthair le clann gu bheil e a’ còrdadh riut a bhith gan cumail ann, ach chan eil iad a’ tuigsinn a h-uile dad a tha a’ tachairt fhathast. Ach a-nis tha sinn aig an aois far nach urrainn dhomh feitheamh gus fhaicinn tron ​​lionsa aca gach bliadhna.”

Mhìnich i cuideachd cho cudromach sa tha a clann a bhith a’ faighinn eòlas air “draoidheachd” traidiseanan leithid “reasabaidhean sgoinneil a bhios iad a’ ceangal ri cuimhne chruthachail”.

Roghnaich Diùc agus Ban-diùc Sussex cairt Nollaige fhoillseachadh am-bliadhna anns an robh sia dealbhan – aon dhiubh a’ gabhail a-steach Eairdsidh agus Lilibet a’ ruith a dh’ionnsaigh am pàrantan agus iad a’ cur fàilte orra le gàirdeanan sìnte.

Bha an turas mu dheireadh a chaidh a’ chlann a shealltainn ann an 2022 a’ chàraid Netflix docuseries ‘Harry & Meghan’, a chaidh fhoillseachadh san Dùbhlachd 2022 – dà bhliadhna roimhe sin.

Ged a thathas a’ tuigsinn gu bheil a’ chairt website positioning airson cleachdadh proifeasanta, tha an teaghlach air cairt phrìobhaideach air leth a chuir gu an caraidean dlùth agus an teaghlach nach tèid a roinn gu poblach.

Bhathar den bheachd gun do chuir na Sussexes seachad an Nollaig ann an Ameireagaidh còmhla ri màthair Meghan, Doria Ragland.

Cha d’ fhuair a’ chàraid cuireadh Sandringhamfar an robh sluagh togarrach a’ coimhead air agus am monarc agus a theaghlach san fharsaingeachd a’ dèanamh air Eaglais an Naoimh Màiri Magdalene, Norfolk. Chaidh an t-seirbheis a chumail beagan uairean a thìde ron cheann-latha Chaidh teachdaireachd Nollaige an Rìgh a chraoladh nas fhaide air adhart air latha na Nollaige.

An Rìgh, a’ Bhanrigh Camilla, Prionnsa Uilleam agus Ceit, Bana-phrionnsa na Cuimrigh bha an triùir chloinne aig a’ phrionnsa agus a’ bhana-phrionnsa – am Prionnsa Seòras, a’ Bhana-phrionnsa Charlotte agus am Prionnsa Louis.

Tha seirbheis eaglais madainn na Nollaige na thachartas mòr anns a’ mhìosachan rìoghail, a’ toirt an Teaghlaich Rìoghail còmhla airson sealladh poblach, le sluagh mòr agus dealbhadairean a’ glacadh na h-ìre website positioning.

Às deidh sin chuir an teaghlach rìoghail seachad an Nollaig aig an oighreachd aca ann an Sandringham, a tha air a bhith na àite coinneachaidh ràitheil àbhaisteach don teaghlach bho 1988.

Fhad ‘s a tha Prionnsa Anndra agus cha robh a bhean a bha roimhe Sarah, Ban-diùc Iorc, an làthair aig an t-seirbheis, an nighean aca Bana-phrionnsa Beatrice – còmhla ris an duine aice, Edoardo Mapelli Mozzi, agus a mhac Christopher Woolf, rinn iad gàire nuair a nochd iad.

Prionnsa Anndrachaidh neo-làthaireachd a dhearbhadh às deidh Yang Tengbo, air ainmeachadh mar neach-brathaidh Sìneach a tha fo chasaid a bha air an casg bho bhith a’ tighinn a-steach don RA.

Thuirt an oifis aige nach deach dad mothachail a dheasbad a-riamh le Mgr Yang, agus tha an neach-gnìomhachais cuideachd air a dhol às àicheadh ​​​​a h-uile casaid a rinn Oifis na Dùthcha.

#Bidh #Meghan #Markle #agus #Prionnsa #Harry #roinn #traidisean #saorlàithean #draoidheil #leis #chloinn #aca #Rìoghail #Naidheachdan

Day by day Categorical :: Information Feed

#Bidh #Meghan #Markle #agus #Prionnsa #Harry #roinn #traidisean #saorlàithean #draoidheil #leis #chloinn #aca #Rìoghail #Naidheachdan

Hanisha Sethi , 2024-12-26 09:35:00

Inside UK’s solely DVD rental retailer booming 11 years after Blockbuster shut | UK | Information

Inside UK’s solely DVD rental retailer booming 11 years after Blockbuster shut | UK | Information

The proprietor of Britain’s longest surviving DVD rental retailer is stunned that enterprise is booming – 40 years after they opened.

Colin Richards, 71, opened TVL Allstar Video in Haverhill, Suffolk, in 1984 and it initially began as an organization that leased video tapes to different outlets.

He then determined to begin renting movies and the shop now has round 8,500 DVDs together with Forrest Gump – which has been borrowed a minimum of 2,000 occasions.

However whereas the rise of streaming providers like Netflix largely killed off the film rental enterprise, Colin says he has a gentle movement of loyal prospects who preserve him in revenue.

And his retailer in Haverhill, Suffolk, remains to be renting out DVDs to households for £2 every week – 11 years after Blockbuster shut down.

Colin stated: “I believed the enterprise can be a 5 12 months factor. Then I believed we’d we’d transition. However that clearly did not occur.

“When Netflix took place, I believe we had already established ourselves available in the market place as we had an enormous membership.

“Sky and Netflix actually did not fear us in any respect actually.”

The video retailer is believed to be the final video retailer within the UK however Colin believes they’ve stayed open as a result of they’ve ‘diversified into different issues.’

Alongside renting DVDs, the dad-of-two additionally sells stationary, repairs scratched DVDs discs and runs a profitable photocopying and printing service.

The shop has additionally was a hub for the area people and Colin says they’ve prospects who are available in for a chat ‘each day.’

He stated: “I’ve labored right here for over 40 years and though I’ve retired, I nonetheless are available in on daily basis.

“It is one thing to rise up for and it provides you a goal – so long as the enterprise can help itself, then I am proud of that.

“So many individuals are available in and see us on daily basis, who’ve all types of challenges.

“We’re nonetheless serving to folks out – reminiscent of aged folks with paperwork.

“It is good to be a spot the place folks can really feel like they’ll open up to you as a result of you’ll give them the assistance and help with no matter they want.

“Though we do not earn out of that, so that offers us numerous satisfaction.”

Colin says that numerous their older prospects, will carry their youngsters and grandchildren to the shop for the ‘retro expertise.’

He stated: “We have a demographic of households bringing their youngsters in.

“Clearly folks have streaming providers at house, however the distinction is once you come into the shop and decide the film, you make an effort to sit down down and watch it.

“With streaming, you’ll be able to simply be distracted and are available away from it and do one thing else.”

Prime 10 rented Christmas movies

1.The Muppet Christmas Carol (1992)

2. House Alone (1990)

3. Elf (2003)

4. Santa Claus: The Film (1985)

5. It is a Great Life (1946)

6. Nationwide Lampoon’s Christmas Trip (1989)

7. The Nightmare Earlier than Christmas (1993)

8. The Polar Specific (2004)

9. Scrooge (1970)

10. Nativity! (2009)

Prime 10 rented movies of all time

1. Forrest Gump (1994)

2. First Blood (1982)

3. Avatar (2009)

4. Soiled Dancing (1987)

5. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

6. Schindler’s Checklist (1993)

7. Titanic (1997)

8. Saving Personal Ryan (1998)

9. Pulp Fiction (1994)

10. Frozen (2013)

#UKs #DVD #rental #retailer #booming #years #Blockbuster #shut #Information

Each day Specific :: Information Feed

#UKs #DVD #rental #retailer #booming #years #Blockbuster #shut #Information

Izzy Hawksworth , 2024-12-26 09:37:00

Boireannach air a cur an grèim às deidh murt fireannach sa bhaile air Latha na Nollaige | RA | Naidheachdan

Boireannach air a cur an grèim às deidh murt fireannach sa bhaile air Latha na Nollaige | RA | Naidheachdan

Chaidh boireannach a chur an grèim an dèidh do na poilis rannsachadh muirt a chur air bhog an dèidh bàs fireannaich ann am baile beag sàmhach Siorrachd Stafford ann an Norton Canes air Latha na Nollaige.

Chaidh oifigearan a ghairm gu aithisg mu fhear anns na 30an aige a bha ann an grèim cridhe air Elm Highway, Norton Canes mu 3:25m an-dè.

A dh’aindeoin na h-oidhirpean as fheàrr aig na seirbheisean èiginn aig an làrach, bhàsaich e goirid an dèidh sin.

Chaidh fios a chuir chun neach-dàimh aige agus tha iad a-nis a’ faighinn taic bho oifigearan le trèanadh sònraichte.

Thuirt neach-labhairt bho Phoileas Siorrachd Stafford gun deach boireannach 33-bliadhna à Cannock a chur an grèim fo amharas muirt agus gu bheil i an-dràsta ann an grèim.

Thuirt iad: “Tha sealladh fhathast aig an t-seòladh fhad ‘s a tha an sgrùdadh a’ leantainn agus tha dùil gum fuirich e airson grunn làithean.

“Gus cuideachadh le bhith a’ lorg adhbhar a’ bhàis, tha dùil gun tèid sgrùdadh publish mortem a chumail air madainn Latha na Bogsaidh.

“Chì luchd-còmhnaidh ionadail barrachd oifigearan nàbaidheachd san sgìre agus iad a’ toirt fois-inntinn agus cuideachadh gus fianais a chruinneachadh. ”

Thathas ag iarraidh air duine sam bith a chunnaic giùlan amharasach sam bith no aig a bheil eòlas sam bith mun tachartas fios a chuir gu Portal Poblach Tachartas Mòr an fhorsa. an website positioning

Air neo, airson a bhith gun urra, faodaidh iad fios a chuir gu Crimestoppers.

#Boireannach #air #cur #grèim #às #deidh #murt #fireannach #bhaile #air #Latha #Nollaige #Naidheachdan

Each day Categorical :: Information Feed

#Boireannach #air #cur #grèim #às #deidh #murt #fireannach #bhaile #air #Latha #Nollaige #Naidheachdan

Ciaran McGrath , 2024-12-26 09:41:00

The Worst Hacks of 2024

The Worst Hacks of 2024

Yearly has its personal mixture of digital safety debacles, from the absurd to the sinister, however 2024 was notably marked by hacking sprees wherein cybercriminals and state-backed espionage teams repeatedly exploited the identical weak spot or kind of goal to gas their frenzy. For attackers, the strategy is ruthlessly environment friendly, however for compromised establishments—and the people they serve—the malicious rampages had very actual penalties for folks’s privateness, security, and safety.

As political turmoil and social unrest intensify world wide, 2025 can be a sophisticated—and doubtlessly explosive—yr in our on-line world. However first, here is WIRED’s look again on this yr’s worst breaches, leaks, state-sponsored hacking campaigns, ransomware assaults, and digital extortion circumstances. Keep alert, and keep protected on the market.

Espionage operations are a truth of life, and relentless Chinese language campaigns have been a continuing in our on-line world for years now. However the China-linked espionage group Salt Hurricane carried out a very noteworthy operation this yr, infiltrating a slew of US telecoms together with Verizon and AT&T (plus others world wide) for months. And US officers instructed reporters earlier this month that many sufferer firms are nonetheless actively trying to take away the hackers from their networks.

The attackers surveilled a small group of individuals—lower than 150 by present rely—however they embody people who had been already topic to US wiretap orders in addition to state division officers and members of each the Trump and Harris presidential campaigns. Moreover, texts and calls from different individuals who interacted with the Salt Hurricane targets had been inherently additionally caught up within the espionage scheme.

All through the summer time, attackers had been on a tear, breaching outstanding firms and organizations that had been all prospects of the cloud information storage firm Snowflake. The spree barely qualifies as hacking, since cybercriminals had been merely utilizing stolen passwords to log in to Snowflake accounts that did not have two-factor authentication turned on. The tip consequence, although, was a unprecedented quantity of knowledge stolen from victims together with Ticketmaster, Santander Financial institution, and Neiman Marcus. One other outstanding sufferer, the telecom big AT&T, mentioned in July that “almost all” information referring to its prospects’ calls and texts from a seven-month stretch in 2022 had been stolen in a Snowflake-related intrusion. The safety agency Mandiant, which is owned by Google, mentioned in June that the rampage impacted roughly 165 victims.

In July, Snowflake added a characteristic so account directors may make two-factor authentication necessary for all of their customers. In November, suspect Alexander “Connor” Moucka was arrested by Canadian legislation enforcement for allegedly main the hacking spree. He was indicted by the US Division of Justice for the Snowflake tear and faces extradition to the US. John Erin Binns, who was arrested in Turkey for an indictment associated to a 2021 breach of the telecom T-Cellular, was additionally indicted on costs associated to the Snowflake buyer breaches.

On the finish of February, the medical billing and insurance coverage processing firm Change Healthcare was hit with a ransomware assault that induced disruptions at hospitals, physician’s workplaces, pharmacies, and different well being care amenities across the US. The assault is likely one of the all-time largest breaches of medical information, impacting greater than 100 million folks. The corporate, which is owned by UnitedHealth, is a dominant medical billing processor within the US. It mentioned days after the assault began that it believed ALPHV/BlackCat, a infamous Russian-speaking ransomware gang, was behind the assault.

Private information stolen within the assault included affected person telephone numbers, addresses, banking and different monetary data, and well being information together with diagnoses, prescriptions, and therapy particulars. The corporate paid a $22 million ransom to ALPHV/BlackCat at first of March in an try to comprise the scenario. The cost seemingly emboldened attackers to hit well being care targets at a good larger price than ordinary. With ongoing, rolling notifications to greater than 100 million victims—with extra nonetheless being found—lawsuits and different blowback has been mounting. This month, for instance, the state of Nebraska sued Change Healthcare, alleging that “failures to implement primary safety protections” made the assault a lot worse than it ought to have been.

Microsoft mentioned in January that it had been breached by Russia’s “Midnight Blizzard” hackers in an incident that compromised firm executives’ electronic mail accounts. The group is tied to the Kremlin’s SVR international intelligence company and is particularly linked to SVR’s APT 29, often known as Cozy Bear. After an preliminary intrusion in November 2023, the attackers focused and compromised historic Microsoft system take a look at accounts that then allowed them to entry what the corporate mentioned had been “a really small share of Microsoft company electronic mail accounts, together with members of our senior management staff and staff in our cybersecurity, authorized, and different features.” From there, the group exfiltrated “some emails and hooked up paperwork.” Microsoft mentioned that the attackers appeared to be in search of details about what the corporate knew about them—in different phrases, Midnight Blizzard doing reconnaissance on Microsoft’s analysis into the group. Hewlett-Packard Enterprise (HPE) additionally mentioned in January that it had suffered a company electronic mail breach attributed to Midnight Blizzard.

The background verify firm Nationwide Public Knowledge suffered a breach in December 2023, and information from the incident began exhibiting up on the market on cybercriminal boards in April 2024. Completely different configurations of the information cropped up repeatedly over the summer time, culminating in public affirmation of the breach by the corporate in August. The stolen information included names, Social Safety numbers, telephone numbers, addresses, and dates of start. Since Nationwide Public Knowledge did not affirm the breach till August, hypothesis concerning the scenario grew for months and included theories that the information included tens and even lots of of tens of millions of Social Safety numbers. Although the breach was important, the true variety of impacted people appears to be, mercifully, a lot decrease. The corporate reported in a submitting to officers in Maine that the breach affected 1.3 million folks. In October, Nationwide Public Knowledge’s mum or dad firm, Jerico Photos, filed for Chapter 11 chapter reorganization within the Southern District of Florida, citing state and federal investigations into the breach in addition to a lot of lawsuits that the corporate is dealing with over the incident.

Honorable Point out: North Korean Cryptocurrency Theft

Lots of people steal a number of cryptocurrency yearly, together with North Korean cybercriminals who’ve a mandate to assist fund the hermit kingdom. A report from the cryptocurrency tracing agency Chainalysis launched this month, although, underscores simply how aggressive Pyongyang-backed hackers have change into. The researchers discovered that in 2023, hackers affiliated with North Korea stole greater than $660 million throughout 20 assaults. This yr, they stole roughly $1.34 billion throughout 47 incidents. The 2024 figures symbolize 20 p.c of complete incidents Chainalysis tracked for the yr and a whopping 61 p.c of the entire funds stolen by all actors.

The sheer domination is spectacular, however the researchers emphasize the seriousness of the crimes. “US and worldwide officers have assessed that Pyongyang makes use of the crypto it steals to finance its weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles applications, endangering worldwide safety,” Chainalysis wrote.

#Worst #Hacks


#Worst #Hacks

Lily Hay Newman , 2024-12-26 10:30:00

Stailc Israel a’ marbhadh 5 luchd-naidheachd Palestine ann an Gaza, tha oifigich ag ràdh

Stailc Israel a’ marbhadh 5 luchd-naidheachd Palestine ann an Gaza, tha oifigich ag ràdh

Tha do thaic gar cuideachadh gus an sgeulachd innse

Bho chòraichean gintinn gu atharrachadh clìomaid gu Huge Tech, tha The Impartial air an talamh nuair a tha an sgeulachd a’ leasachadh. Co-dhiù a tha e a’ sgrùdadh ionmhas an pro-Trump PAC aig Elon Musk no a’ toirt a-mach am prògram aithriseach as ùire againn, ‘The A Phrase’, a tha a’ deàrrsadh air na boireannaich Ameireaganach a tha a’ strì airson còraichean gintinn, tha fios againn cho cudromach sa tha e na fìrinnean a sgrùdadh. teachdaireachdan.

Aig àm cho èiginneach ann an eachdraidh nan SA, tha feum againn air luchd-aithris air an talamh. Leigidh an tabhartas agad leinn cumail oirnn a’ cur luchd-naidheachd gus bruidhinn ri gach taobh den sgeulachd.

Tha earbsa aig Ameireaganaich thar an speactram poilitigeach gu lèir anns an Impartial. Agus eu-coltach ri mòran ionadan naidheachdan càileachd eile, tha sinn a’ roghnachadh gun a bhith a’ glasadh Ameireaganaich a-mach às an aithris is mion-sgrùdadh againn le ballachan pàighidh. Tha sinn den bheachd gum bu chòir naidheachdas càileachd a bhith ri fhaighinn leis a h-uile duine, le pàigheadh ​​​​air a shon leis an fheadhainn as urrainn a phàigheadh.

Bidh an taic agad a’ dèanamh diofar mòr.

An Israeli stailc còignear a mharbhadh Palestineach luchd-naidheachd taobh a-muigh ospadal ann an Stiall Gaza thar oidhche, thuirt Ministreachd na Slàinte tràth Diardaoin. Thuirt armachd Israel gun robh iad air cuimseachadh air buidheann de luchd-ceannairc.

Bhuail an stailc càr taobh a-muigh ospadal Al-Awda ann an campa fògarraich Nuseirat ann am meadhan na sgìre. Bha an luchd-naidheachd ag obair airson an lìonra naidheachdan Quds ionadail.

Thuirt an t-arm gun robh iad ag amas air buidheann de luchd-sabaid bho Jihad Ioslamachbuidheann mìleanta co-cheangailte ri Hamas, a chuir ionnsaigh air 7 Dàmhair, 2023 air ceann a deas Israel a’ lasadh a’ chogaidh. Sheall dealbhan Related Press slige loisgte bhan, le comharran naidheachd fhathast rim faicinn air na dorsan cùil.

Bha grunn fhireannaich òga an làthair aig an tiodhlacadh taobh a-muigh an ospadail, mòran dhiubh a’ goid. Bha na cuirp uile air am pasgadh ann an anart geal, le trusganan preas gorm air an còmhdachadh thairis orra.

Tha a’ Chomataidh airson Luchd-naidheachd a Dhìon ag ràdh gun deach còrr air 130 neach-aithris Palestine a mharbhadh bho thòisich a’ chogadh. Chan eil Israel air leigeil le luchd-aithris cèin a dhol a-steach gu Gaza ach a-mhàin air bunaitean armachd.

Tha Israel air casg a chuir air lìonra pan-Arabach Al Jazeera agus iad a’ cur às leth sianar de luchd-aithris Gaza gun robh iad nan luchd-ceannairc. Tha an craoladair a tha stèidhichte ann an Qatar a’ dol às àicheadh ​​nan casaidean agus a’ casaid Israel mu bhith a’ feuchainn ri craoladh cogaidh a chumail sàmhach, a tha air fòcas mòr a chuir air leòintich shìobhalta bho obair armachd Israel.

A bharrachd air an sin, thuirt an armachd gun deach saighdear tèarmann 35-bliadhna a mharbhadh aig àm sabaid ann am meadhan Gàsa tràth Diardaoin. Chaidh 389 saighdear a mharbhadh ann an Gàsa bho thòisich an iomairt talmhainn còrr is bliadhna air ais.

Thòisich an cogadh nuair a thàinig luchd-ceannairc fo stiùir Hamas thairis air a’ chrìch ann an ionnsaigh gun fhiosta air ionadan armachd agus coimhearsnachdan tuathanachais faisg air làimh. Mharbh iad mu 1,200 neach, a’ mhòr-chuid sìobhaltaich, agus chaidh am fuadach timcheall air 250. Tha mu 100 neach-aoigheachd fhathast taobh a-staigh Gàsa, agus thathar a’ creidsinn gu bheil trian dhiubh marbh.

Tha ionnsaigh adhair is talmhainn Israel air còrr air 45,000 Palestineach a mharbhadh, a rèir Ministreachd na Slàinte. Tha e ag ràdh gur e boireannaich is clann còrr air leth nam bàsan ach chan eil sin ag ràdh cia mheud de na mairbh a bha nan luchd-sabaid. Tha Israel ag ràdh gu bheil iad air còrr air 17,000 mìleanta a mharbhadh, gun a bhith a’ toirt seachad fianais.

Tha an oilbheum air sgrios farsaing adhbhrachadh agus air timcheall air 90% den t-sluagh de 2.3 millean a ghluasad bho na dachaighean aca. Tha na ceudan mhìltean air am pacadh a-steach do champaichean teanta squalid air an oirthir, gun mòran dìon bhon gheamhradh fhuar, fhliuch.


Lean craoladh cogaidh AP aig

#Stailc #Israel #marbhadh #luchdnaidheachd #Palestine #ann #Gaza #tha #oifigich #ràdh

The Impartial

#Stailc #Israel #marbhadh #luchdnaidheachd #Palestine #ann #Gaza #tha #oifigich #ràdh

Wafaa Shurafa , 2024-12-26 10:21:00

Full record of Lloyds, Halifax, Financial institution of Scotland and TSB financial institution department closures in 2025 | UK | Information

Full record of Lloyds, Halifax, Financial institution of Scotland and TSB financial institution department closures in 2025 | UK | Information

Communities reliant on their native financial institution branches will endure a serious blow subsequent 12 months as over 100 are set to shut their doorways.

Hubs from Lloyds, Halifax, Financial institution of Scotland and TSB will disappear from excessive streets subsequent 12 months leaving prospects with no tangible level of contact.

A whopping 6,000 financial institution and constructing society branches have closed since 2015, a price of 54 per 30 days. Belfast, Leeds, Southampton and Warwick are among the many areas seeing doorways closed indefinitely.

Banks are closing websites to assist with value chopping, coupled with the push for on-line banking. Nevertheless, almost 40% of individuals over the age of 65 don’t use the digital service which leaves them at excessive danger of monetary exclusion amid the closures.

#Full #record #Lloyds #Halifax #Financial institution #Scotland #TSB #financial institution #department #closures #Information

Day by day Specific :: Information Feed

#Full #record #Lloyds #Halifax #Financial institution #Scotland #TSB #financial institution #department #closures #Information

Lotti OBrien , 2024-12-26 09:46:00

Bidh luchd-leantainn Rìoghail uile ag ràdh an aon rud ri Rìgh Teàrlach a’ foillseachadh bhidio ùr | Rìoghail | Naidheachdan

Bidh luchd-leantainn Rìoghail uile ag ràdh an aon rud ri Rìgh Teàrlach a’ foillseachadh bhidio ùr | Rìoghail | Naidheachdan

Bhidio ainneamh a’ sealltainn dealbhan ùra air cùl na seallaidhean de Òraid Latha na Nollaige aig Rìgh Teàrlach 2024 air a roinn air na meadhanan sòisealta.

Tha luchd-leantainn air a bhith toilichte leis an “oidhirp sgioba” a tha air cùl a’ chraolaidh chudromach gach bliadhna.

Air adhart Xsgrìobh an Teaghlach Rìoghail: “Air cùlaibh an lens. Sealladh sònraichte air an tàlant iongantach, cruthachalachd agus obair-sgioba a bheir beò Craoladh Nollaige an Rìgh. Coimhead air teachdaireachd A Mhòrachd air Sianal an Teaghlaich Rìoghail air an t-sianal YouTube a-nis.

Tha e a’ sealltainn A Mhòrachd a’ ruith leis an inneal fèin-ghluasadach far a bheil an òraid aige air a luchdachadh agus cuideachd a’ dol tro dhà fhaclan air pìos pàipear mus tèid am prìomh fhilm a ghlacadh airson a chraoladh.

Tha am bhidio cuideachd a’ sealltainn drone itealaich a’ glacadh seallaidhean seallaidh, agus cùl-raon Nollaige ga chruthachadh le solais Nollaige air an cur air craobh.

A’ bruidhinn bho Chaibeal Fitzrovia, a bha na chaibeal ospadail ann an Lunnainn, thug an Rìgh moladh dha na dotairean agus na banaltraman “neo-eisimeileach” a thug taic dha agus do Bhana-phrionnsa na Cuimrigh rè an làimhseachadh aillse am-bliadhna.

Chleachd e an seòladh bliadhnail aige a “taing dhùrachdach” a thoirt dha na sgiobaidhean meidigeach a thug seachad “neart, cùram agus comhfhurtachd” rè “mì-chinnt an tinneis”.

Mhol e cuideachd iomadachd agus an dòigh anns an do chuir coimhearsnachdan san RA an aghaidh aimhreitean samhraidh às deidh murt uamhasach triùir chloinne ann an Southport agus chomharraich e ìobairtean luchd-frithealaidh agus boireannaich.

Bha an Rìgh agus a’ Bhanrigh air tadhal air Waltham Forest roimhe search engine optimisation talla baile ann an ear-thuath Lunnainn an t-seachdain sa chaidh gus co-leanailteachd coimhearsnachd a nochdadh le luchd-còmhnaidh Walthamstow, a chuir air dòigh aon de na gearanan sìtheil as motha.

Bidh cuspairean beachdachaidh an Rìgh airson òraid na Nollaige a’ tighinn nuair a thilleas Bana-phrionnsa na Cuimrigh imply air mhean gu gnìomhan poblach às deidh dhi cùrsa chemotherapy a chrìochnachadh. Thuirt Ceit san t-Sultain gun robh i a’ dèanamh nas urrainn dhi gus “fuireach saor bho aillse”.

Tha dùil gun lean làimhseachadh aillse Theàrlaich ann an 2025cha mhòr bliadhna às deidh dha ainmeachadh gu robh e a’ faighinn làimhseachadh airson a’ ghalair. Ach cha deach tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mu staid Cheit agus an Rìgh fhoillseachadh.

Anns an òraid aige thug an Rìgh iomradh cuideachd air “buaidh sgriosail còmhstri anns an Ear Mheadhanach, ann am meadhan na Roinn Eòrpa, ann an Afraga agus ann an àiteachan eile”, agus mhol e “buidhnean daonnachd ag obair gu cruaidh gus faochadh deatamach a thoirt”.

Thàinig an craoladh, a chaidh a thoirt a-mach am-bliadhna le Sky Information, gu crìch cuideachd leis a’ chòisir òigridh a tha stèidhichte ann an Lunnainn Inside Voices a’ seinn an carol As soon as in Royal David’s Metropolis.

Anns na dealbhan air cùl na seallaidhean, chithear Teàrlach cuideachd a’ coimhead air ais air an òraid aige agus e a’ sgrùdadh a’ chraolaidh agus a’ dol tro fhilmichean le stiùiriche.

Chomharraich Rìgh Teàrlach Latha na Nollaige aig Sandringham far an robh dùil gum biodh timcheall air 45 ball den teaghlach rìoghail a’ cruinneachadh aig oighreachd Norfolk.

#Bidh #luchdleantainn #Rìoghail #uile #ràdh #aon #rud #Rìgh #Teàrlach #foillseachadh #bhidio #ùr #Rìoghail #Naidheachdan

Day by day Categorical :: Information Feed

#Bidh #luchdleantainn #Rìoghail #uile #ràdh #aon #rud #Rìgh #Teàrlach #foillseachadh #bhidio #ùr #Rìoghail #Naidheachdan

Hanisha Sethi , 2024-12-26 09:53:00

UK climate maps present snow bomb and -8C temperatures on New Yr’s Day | Climate | Information

UK climate maps present snow bomb and -8C temperatures on New Yr’s Day | Climate | Information

An enormous stretch of the UK spanning from northern Scotland right down to Exeter within the south west will probably be hit with a snowstorm on January 1, in response to new climate maps.

Forecasts from WXCharts present a torrent of snow falling throughout Scotland from round 12pm on New Yr’s Day, with depths of as much as 29cm accumulating in northern areas round Inverness and the Highlands.

The wintry blitz may also cowl components of England in white, with a barrage of snow extending by means of the Midlands all the best way right down to Manchester, earlier than shifting alongside the Welsh coast.

Components of Wales together with Cardiff are additionally prone to see snow on January 1, with between 1cm and 2cm anticipated to fall as far south as Exeter in Devon.

And southern areas round London may also be coated in a short-lived snowstorm at round 6pm on January 1, in response to WXCharts, with depths reaching 2cm by midnight earlier than being washed away in rain the next morning.

A final minute winter wonderland is also on the playing cards for Eire, with WXCharts forecasting a snowy New Yr’s Day for areas round Cork and alongside the south coast.

Partygoers planning to ring in 2025 in fashion would possibly have to wrap up heat when heading out on December 31 – because the snowstorm is ready to be accompanied by a dramatic drop within the mercury.

Whereas northern areas in Scotland will bear the preliminary brunt of the freezing temperatures – with lows of bone-chilling -8C at round 6am on January 1 – the remainder of the nation will make amends for New Yr’s Day, with components of the Midlands together with Newcastle anticipated to report temperatures of round -5C.

The coolness will attain its peak at round midnight on January 2, the place Scotland’s northwest coast is forecast to drop to -10C, with many of the remainder of the nation hovering round 0C.

Northeastern areas might see lows of -4C at across the similar time, whereas southern areas together with London and Southampton are anticipated to remain across the freezing level.

The Met Workplace’s long-range forecast for the beginning of subsequent yr acknowledges the chance of “sleet and snow”, particularly in northern areas. It additionally warns of low-pressure fronts shifting eastwards throughout the nation and bringing “an elevated risk of heavy rain and powerful winds”.

Right now:

A wet Boxing Day for central and southern Scotland, with principally dry however cloudy skies above southern areas. Vibrant and chilly spells in northern Scotland.


Cloudy throughout the UK with outbreaks of rain in Scotland and clearer spells within the north. Temperatures milder than seasonal common.


Cloudy day with delicate temperatures and patchy rain in Scotland and Northern Eire. Cooler within the far northwest with brilliant sunny spells.

Outlook for Saturday to Monday:

Rain anticipated in northwestern areas, clearing in direction of the southeast on Saturday. Some hill snow within the north on Sunday and Monday, with colder temperatures throughout the UK and blustery showers.

#climate #maps #present #snow #bomb #temperatures #Years #Day #Climate #Information

Every day Categorical :: Information Feed

#climate #maps #present #snow #bomb #temperatures #Years #Day #Climate #Information

Eleanor Burleigh , 2024-12-26 10:17:00

Dòmhnall Trump: Ceann-suidhe taghte ag amas air Canada, a’ Ghraonlainn agus Canàl Panama ann an teachdaireachd na Nollaige | Naidheachdan an t-Saoghail

Dòmhnall Trump: Ceann-suidhe taghte ag amas air Canada, a’ Ghraonlainn agus Canàl Panama ann an teachdaireachd na Nollaige | Naidheachdan an t-Saoghail

Tha Dòmhnall Trump air moladh gum faodadh na SA smachd a ghabhail air Canada, a’ Ghraonlainn agus Canàl Panama ann an sreath de phuist meadhanan sòisealta Latha na Nollaige.

Tha an ceann-suidhe-taghaidh Nollaig Chridheil dha na h-uile air an àrd-ùrlar Reality Social aige, “a’ toirt a-steach saighdearan mìorbhaileach Shìona, a tha gu gràdhach, ach gu mì-laghail, ag obair air Canàl Panama ”.

Anns na puist fhada, thug Mgr Trump iomradh air na beatha Ameireaganach a chaidh a chall aig àm togail a’ chanàil agus thuirt e gu bheil na SA “a’ cur a-steach billeanan dolar ann an airgead ‘càradh’, ach nach bi dad aca ri ràdh mu “rud sam bith”.

Feuch an cleachd thu brabhsair Chrome airson cluicheadair bhidio nas ruigsinneach


Canàl Panama, fuaimean neònach agus Elon Musk

Rinn e magadh air Prìomhaire Chanada cuideachd Justin Trudeau mar “riaghladair” agus mhol e a-rithist gum faodadh an dùthaich a bhith air a thionndadh gu bhith na stàit na SA – às deidh beachdan coltach ris a chaidh a dhèanamh o chionn beagan sheachdainean.

“Nam biodh Canada gu bhith mar an 51mh stàite againn, bhiodh na cìsean aca air an gearradh nas motha na 60%, bhiodh na gnìomhachasan aca a’ dùblachadh meud sa bhad, agus bhiodh iad air an dìon gu armailteach mar dùthaich sam bith eile san t-saoghal,” sgrìobh e.

FILE - Bidh bàta bathair a’ dol thairis air glasan Agua Clara air Canàl Panama ann an Colon, Panama, Sultain 2, 2024. (Dealbh AP / Matias Delacroix, File)
Tha bàta-bathair a’ dol tarsainn air Canàl Panama ann an Colon, Panama. Dealbh: AP

Ann an dreuchd eile, thuirt Mgr Trump, 78, gu robh e air brosnachadh a thoirt dha seann rionnag hocaidh deigh Wayne Gretzky ruith airson a’ phrìomhaire ach nach robh “ùidh sam bith aige”.

Bhruidhinn e cuideachd ri “muinntir Ghraonlainn, a tha a dhìth air na Stàitean Aonaichte airson adhbharan tèarainteachd nàiseanta agus, a tha ag iarraidh gum bi na SA ann, agus nì sinn!”

Tha e a’ tighinn às deidh do Mhgr Trump a’ ghairm a rinn e ùrachadh anns a’ chiad teirm aige san dreuchd airson an Na SA a cheannach Ghraonlainn às an Danmhairg.

Leugh tuilleadh bho Sky Information:
Tha carraighean-cuimhne a’ comharrachadh 20 bliadhna bho tsunami Latha Boxing
Tha eagal air sabotage às deidh fàilligeadh càball cumhachd fon mhuir Baltic

Tha an t-eilean as motha san t-saoghal, a tha na shuidhe eadar cuantan an Atlantaig agus an Artaig, 80% còmhdaichte le duilleag deighe agus tha e na dhachaigh do ionad armachd mòr na SA. Fhuair a’ Ghraonlainn fèin-riaghladh bhon Danmhairg ann an 1979.

Tha Prìomhaire an eilein, Mute Egede, air a ràdh nach eil a’ Ghraonlainn ri reic.

Tha Mgr Trump cuideachd air bagairt a dhèanamh roimhe website positioning smachd fhaighinn air ais air Canàl Panama, a’ casaid Panama bho bhith a’ togail cus ìrean gus an trannsa malairt deatamach a chleachdadh agus rabhadh mu bhuaidh Shìonach a dh’fhaodadh a bhith ann.

Thuirt Ceann-suidhe Panama, Jose Raul Mulino, roimhe website positioning nach robh neo-eisimeileachd na dùthcha neo-rèiteach agus sin Sìona cha robh buaidh sam bith aige air rianachd a’ chanàil.

Tha an canàl na slighe-uisge riatanach airson malairt an t-saoghail, a’ ceangal cuantan a’ Chuain Siar agus a’ Chuain Shèimh agus a’ leigeil le soithichean tursan fada agus cunnartach a sheachnadh timcheall ceann a deas Ameireaga a-Deas le bhith a’ gearradh tro mheadhan Ameireagaidh.

Às deidh don phròiseact àrd-amasach fhosgladh ann an 1914, bha smachd aig na SA air a’ chanàl agus an sgìre mun cuairt gus an do dh’ ullaich aonta le Panama ann an 1977 an t-slighe air ais gu làn smachd Panamanian ann an 1999.

Chan eil smachd aig Sìona air a’ chanàl ach tha fo-bhuidheann de CK Hutchison Holdings, a tha stèidhichte ann an Hong Kong, air dà phort a riaghladh o chionn fhada aig slighean a-steach a’ Charibbean agus a’ Chuain Shèimh.

#Dòmhnall #Trump #Ceannsuidhe #taghte #amas #air #Canada #Ghraonlainn #agus #Canàl #Panama #ann #teachdaireachd #Nollaige #Naidheachdan #tSaoghail

The Newest Information from the UK and Across the World | Sky Information

#Dòmhnall #Trump #Ceannsuidhe #taghte #amas #air #Canada #Ghraonlainn #agus #Canàl #Panama #ann #teachdaireachd #Nollaige #Naidheachdan #tSaoghail

, 2024-12-26 07:53:00

Arsenal boss Mikel Arteta prepared for the problem of coping with out Bukayo Saka

Arsenal boss Mikel Arteta prepared for the problem of coping with out Bukayo Saka

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Arsenal boss Mikel Arteta believes Bukayo Saka’s absence will rework him into a greater supervisor.

The Gunners will start a interval of matches – which is more likely to lengthen into double figures – with out Saka after they host Ipswich on the Emirates on Friday.

Arteta confirmed forward of the go to of the Tractor Boys that the England winger, who has 9 targets and 13 assists this season, faces “many weeks” on the sidelines after he tore his hamstring in Arsenal’s 5-1 dismantling of Crystal Palace final weekend.

Saka’s harm comes a month after captain Martin Odegaard returned to following 12 matches out with an ankle drawback.

Saka’s pure substitute, Raheem Sterling, may even be absent for a time period after he suffered a knee harm in coaching.

However when requested if his newest managerial take a look at will flip him into a greater coach, Arteta mentioned: “I believe so, sure. We began the season with one of many thinnest squads within the Premier League, and we knew that.

“If we’ve the thinnest squad, what do we want? We actually dug into that to make it possible for we utilise each participant in the very best potential, and all people has to really feel a part of it.

“You’ll want to rediscover gamers in numerous positions, and completely different relationships. It’s a very good train and the boys are prepared to do something we demand them to do, in order that’s a very good factor, too.”

Arteta is ready to supervise a pivotal time in Arsenal’s marketing campaign with 9 fixtures in January – together with a north London derby towards Tottenham within the Premier League, an FA Cup third-round conflict towards Manchester United, and the opening leg of their Carabao Cup semi-final towards Newcastle – following their closing sport of 2024 towards Ipswich.

Soccer’s increasing calendar is underneath the microscope greater than ever earlier than, with Manchester Metropolis’s Rodri suggesting earlier this season that gamers can be pressured to strike over the growing variety of fixtures.

Rodri then ruptured his anterior cruciate ligament in September which dominated him out for the rest of the season.

“It (the fixture record) is unsustainable except we will discover methods to bodily flip the gamers into monsters who can address something,” added Arteta.

“The truth that you practice and get better, that’s not an excellent sample as a result of the physique wants to coach, the muscle wants to coach. When you simply play and get better you begin to lose a number of components in your physique which might be key to bodily efficiency.

“Not simply to play to not get injured, however to turn out to be a greater athlete, which could be very completely different, and to maintain evolving as an athlete.

“I hope the gamers are being listened to however whoever is in cost, can they really do one thing proper now with the commitments which might be already in place over the subsequent three or 4 seasons? It is vitally difficult and really troublesome.”

#Arsenal #boss #Mikel #Arteta #prepared #problem #coping #Bukayo #Saka

The Impartial

#Arsenal #boss #Mikel #Arteta #prepared #problem #coping #Bukayo #Saka

Philip Duncan , 2024-12-26 10:10:00